Tomorrow (Mon. Dec. 22) is the day we have consult w/ the surgeon for Hop's colon cancer surgery.....
Here goes w/ the questions..............
Are doctors now days using more laproscopy than the invasive surgery??
Before they can schedule surgery, what kinds of tests to they run???
Since Hop had a double by-pass about 12 years ago, is a stress test in order before surgery?
Is there such a thing as a "FAst Growing Cancer" with Colon Cancer???
Can they tell if this cancer has matastisized before surgery....w/ x-rays, etc???
I know these are a lot of questions -- and I've written things down in my notebook, but I guess being the night before meeting w/ the surgeon Hop and I are both a little anxious ---LITTLE????...........HECK NO....WE'RE FEELING LIKE WE'RE SITTING ON A TIME BOMB. AND SCaRED TO PIECES ! ! !
Thank you for any responses you may have........Just sort of needing to talk tonight.
Some info
Hi Marygale,
I can only answer to what I have experienced and what questions I have asked over my journey. I do know that the position of the tumor can very much determine if the Dr wil be able to do the surgery laproscopy. With me he tried to do the laproscopy way but was not able to and had to open me up.
When I went to see my Colon Dr, he did all the test right in his office. He did an exam to see where the tumor was and to mark it for surgery. It was not fun, but I survived it. I dont remember if I had to have blood work done, all I know that I was in his office and the next thing I knew I was having surgery. I am sure that his health condition will be taken into consideration. I have not heard of doing a stress test before surgery, but with his age it could be something they might want to do. I am sorry I dont have better answers.
I cant say for sure if there is a certain type of cancer that is considered Fast Growing, but since I have been dealing with this beast, it has often been referred to as an Aggressive Cancer! I was NED in Jun of 08, by Oct 08 I had an inch tumor in my right lung, so I would say it can be very fast growing especially in my case.
Yes they can tell if the cancer has matastisized by doing a Pet scan for sure and probably a CAT scan. Not sure about the Xray. I did have an Xray before I found out for sure that the lump in my lung was cancer, and it did show up on the Xray. The thing I do want to point out in saying this, is that the scans can show things in other parts of the body, but I believe further testing has to be done in order for them to say for certain that it is cancer. Once they found my lump, the PET scan said it was cancer, and then I had to do a Biopsy to determine if it was CC or another type of cancer. I hope I am not giving you bad info, and hopefully I am explaining things right.
The waiting is the worst, and I feel so bad for you guys, you are in my prayers and I pray that the surgeron will be able to answer all your questions and put your minds as ease.
God Bless
Beth0 -
Your doctor is your best resource....
All of us are here to support, but the best thing you can do is take these questions with you tomorrow and be sure to write the answers down(!).
Good girl!!!! You are writing things down!!!
I know you are nervous...more than a bit...but as you get answers to your questions, it will get easier. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make all of this go away for everyone, but, well, it's a process that takes awhile, and will try the patience of both of you...
My experiences are 4 years old. So much has changed, some things haven't. I am amazed at all the new treatment options...YEA!!!! I can offer suggestions on things I know, but will refrain when I don't.
Hugs, Kathi0 -
SOME INFOdorookie said:Some info
Hi Marygale,
I can only answer to what I have experienced and what questions I have asked over my journey. I do know that the position of the tumor can very much determine if the Dr wil be able to do the surgery laproscopy. With me he tried to do the laproscopy way but was not able to and had to open me up.
When I went to see my Colon Dr, he did all the test right in his office. He did an exam to see where the tumor was and to mark it for surgery. It was not fun, but I survived it. I dont remember if I had to have blood work done, all I know that I was in his office and the next thing I knew I was having surgery. I am sure that his health condition will be taken into consideration. I have not heard of doing a stress test before surgery, but with his age it could be something they might want to do. I am sorry I dont have better answers.
I cant say for sure if there is a certain type of cancer that is considered Fast Growing, but since I have been dealing with this beast, it has often been referred to as an Aggressive Cancer! I was NED in Jun of 08, by Oct 08 I had an inch tumor in my right lung, so I would say it can be very fast growing especially in my case.
Yes they can tell if the cancer has matastisized by doing a Pet scan for sure and probably a CAT scan. Not sure about the Xray. I did have an Xray before I found out for sure that the lump in my lung was cancer, and it did show up on the Xray. The thing I do want to point out in saying this, is that the scans can show things in other parts of the body, but I believe further testing has to be done in order for them to say for certain that it is cancer. Once they found my lump, the PET scan said it was cancer, and then I had to do a Biopsy to determine if it was CC or another type of cancer. I hope I am not giving you bad info, and hopefully I am explaining things right.
The waiting is the worst, and I feel so bad for you guys, you are in my prayers and I pray that the surgeron will be able to answer all your questions and put your minds as ease.
God Bless
Thank you, Beth. That puts some of my concerns into propective. I'm hoping tomorrow the surgeon will do some of the tests so he can tell us more. Hop doesn't want to talk about it and I'm trying to encourage him to do so. I just pray to God that tomorrow will bring better news than what we're expecting.
Thanks again for your time in answering some of my questions. It is so muchly appreciated.
Marygale0 -
YOUR DOCTOR IS YOUR BEST......KathiM said:Your doctor is your best resource....
All of us are here to support, but the best thing you can do is take these questions with you tomorrow and be sure to write the answers down(!).
Good girl!!!! You are writing things down!!!
I know you are nervous...more than a bit...but as you get answers to your questions, it will get easier. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make all of this go away for everyone, but, well, it's a process that takes awhile, and will try the patience of both of you...
My experiences are 4 years old. So much has changed, some things haven't. I am amazed at all the new treatment options...YEA!!!! I can offer suggestions on things I know, but will refrain when I don't.
Hugs, Kathi
Thanks, Kathi...
I fully understand. I, too, wish I could wave a magic wand for everyone who is going thru this.
And yes, we are nervous and the anxiety is tremendous. We're down to hours now before we see the surgeon....I HATE this waiting game, as I know all of you understand.
I'm go glad we joined this group. You guys are absolutely wonderful, truthful, honest and I appreciAte the way you speak openly. That helps.
While I'm on here, I would like to wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and MAY GOD BLESS YOU WITH A WONDERFUL, HEALTHY, HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Marygale0 -
Hang in there, Marygale!
You are at that very nervous time... just before the ball gets rolling! Try and take some deep breaths and don't worry if you don't have a whole heap of questions just yet... those will come the more information you get from your doctor(s). Just as they tell you a bunch of stuff, you'll find a whole new round of questions will pop up... so just keep your notebook handy.
Of the questions you did ask in your post... most of those, only Hop's doctor can answer. Since we are all individuals, what works for one of us will not necessarily work for the other. But if two of us are on the same treatments for the same period of time, then that's where we can compare notes/side affects/moods, etc.
Is there such a thing as a "Fast Growing Cancer" with Colon Cancer? Again... it all depends on the individual and his/her system and cancer. For instance, Beth said when her cancer reocurred in her lung, it was already 1 inch big when they found it (considering we are all watched like hawks with followup scans, etc). I, on the other hand, found out my cc had spread to my right adrenal gland and lungs. We found this in March 2008 so had the surgery for the removal of the adrenal gland first.. then another PET scan in August. That showed the tumour in the lung had only grown 1mm from March to August. Since Aug, it has grown another 1mm, so it is now the equivalent of between 1/2 - 3/4 inch. On Dec 29th, I am going to have a procedure called an RFA (Radio Frequency Ablation) where they are going to cook it with radio frequency waves (similar to microwaving, but not with radiation). I have 5 other tiny spots in my lungs, 2 of them may be scar tissue, the other 3 they are keeping a close eye on... but they are all under 6mm (1/4 inch) and if they are growing, are growing "agonizingly slow".
So, there's no black and white answer as to whether cancer is fast growing or not. I think the term you will here more often is it is an "aggressive" cancer. It is very resilient... but that is why you will also hear that it will be treated "aggressively". As my GP explained it to me... the Cancer Agency team will bombard me with every possible form of treatment they can... to fight this beast. They don't take it lightly, no matter how well I may be feeling.
So you hang in there... both of you will feel 100% better once you know what treatment plan Hop's team will have in store for him. I find it interesting that, I go crazy if I don't know what the plan is or if I have to wait to find out what the next steps are going to be. As long as I have a plan, it doesn't matter to me if it's a tough plan or not... I just need to know what the plan is, when will it start, it's expected time to finish... and then once I know that, I just take it a day at a time, knowing I'm on schedule.
So, after your meeting tomorrow, you come back and report in to us. Whether the news is overwhelming or finally answers your questions, you both are going to need time to absorb it all... and that's ok... not to mention totally normal!
Cheryl0 -
CHERYLCherylHutch said:Hang in there, Marygale!
You are at that very nervous time... just before the ball gets rolling! Try and take some deep breaths and don't worry if you don't have a whole heap of questions just yet... those will come the more information you get from your doctor(s). Just as they tell you a bunch of stuff, you'll find a whole new round of questions will pop up... so just keep your notebook handy.
Of the questions you did ask in your post... most of those, only Hop's doctor can answer. Since we are all individuals, what works for one of us will not necessarily work for the other. But if two of us are on the same treatments for the same period of time, then that's where we can compare notes/side affects/moods, etc.
Is there such a thing as a "Fast Growing Cancer" with Colon Cancer? Again... it all depends on the individual and his/her system and cancer. For instance, Beth said when her cancer reocurred in her lung, it was already 1 inch big when they found it (considering we are all watched like hawks with followup scans, etc). I, on the other hand, found out my cc had spread to my right adrenal gland and lungs. We found this in March 2008 so had the surgery for the removal of the adrenal gland first.. then another PET scan in August. That showed the tumour in the lung had only grown 1mm from March to August. Since Aug, it has grown another 1mm, so it is now the equivalent of between 1/2 - 3/4 inch. On Dec 29th, I am going to have a procedure called an RFA (Radio Frequency Ablation) where they are going to cook it with radio frequency waves (similar to microwaving, but not with radiation). I have 5 other tiny spots in my lungs, 2 of them may be scar tissue, the other 3 they are keeping a close eye on... but they are all under 6mm (1/4 inch) and if they are growing, are growing "agonizingly slow".
So, there's no black and white answer as to whether cancer is fast growing or not. I think the term you will here more often is it is an "aggressive" cancer. It is very resilient... but that is why you will also hear that it will be treated "aggressively". As my GP explained it to me... the Cancer Agency team will bombard me with every possible form of treatment they can... to fight this beast. They don't take it lightly, no matter how well I may be feeling.
So you hang in there... both of you will feel 100% better once you know what treatment plan Hop's team will have in store for him. I find it interesting that, I go crazy if I don't know what the plan is or if I have to wait to find out what the next steps are going to be. As long as I have a plan, it doesn't matter to me if it's a tough plan or not... I just need to know what the plan is, when will it start, it's expected time to finish... and then once I know that, I just take it a day at a time, knowing I'm on schedule.
So, after your meeting tomorrow, you come back and report in to us. Whether the news is overwhelming or finally answers your questions, you both are going to need time to absorb it all... and that's ok... not to mention totally normal!
Thanks so much for your response. I do know I'm jumping the gun somewhat w/the questions I asked....It's just that I want to learn MORE,MORE,MORE.
Since the Dr. who did the colonoscopy said "immediate surgery" was required...the more I thought about that, the more I read into it.......When I asked him if he thought it had spread, he just said to wait and talk to the surgeon.
Hop's cancer team may get tired of me, but I am going to bombard them w/ questions. I know he won't remember to ask them, so the notebook will be staying with me for a few months to come..........We just want to get the journey started, accomplished with good news hopefully, and on our way to recovery.
I so appreciate everyone's responses. I'll bet you all feel like you're doctors yourselves after having gone thru so much.
I'm really beat,so turning in for the night. Thanks Again, Cheryl.
Bear hug,
Marygale0 -
YOU are Hop's team!captainhop said:CHERYL
Thanks so much for your response. I do know I'm jumping the gun somewhat w/the questions I asked....It's just that I want to learn MORE,MORE,MORE.
Since the Dr. who did the colonoscopy said "immediate surgery" was required...the more I thought about that, the more I read into it.......When I asked him if he thought it had spread, he just said to wait and talk to the surgeon.
Hop's cancer team may get tired of me, but I am going to bombard them w/ questions. I know he won't remember to ask them, so the notebook will be staying with me for a few months to come..........We just want to get the journey started, accomplished with good news hopefully, and on our way to recovery.
I so appreciate everyone's responses. I'll bet you all feel like you're doctors yourselves after having gone thru so much.
I'm really beat,so turning in for the night. Thanks Again, Cheryl.
Bear hug,
"Hop's cancer team may get tired of me, but I am going to bombard them w/ questions."
No, they won't! A good team is there for you all the way. I know my team welcomes any questions, concerns, etc. They actually chastised me last Friday for being 'too stoic.' They want to know EVERYTHING, no matter how minor.
Hang in there Marygale. Hop is so very lucky to have YOU on his team. Even if he wants to avoid questions, or not absorb info, you are right by his side to take up the slack. You cannot know how very important this is. I could not do this without my husband, daughter & son-in-law with me. SIL is a doctor and he translates all the big dollar words for me! LOL!
Here's hoping for good news and a very Merry Christmas.
Vicki0 -
VICKIVickiCO said:YOU are Hop's team!
"Hop's cancer team may get tired of me, but I am going to bombard them w/ questions."
No, they won't! A good team is there for you all the way. I know my team welcomes any questions, concerns, etc. They actually chastised me last Friday for being 'too stoic.' They want to know EVERYTHING, no matter how minor.
Hang in there Marygale. Hop is so very lucky to have YOU on his team. Even if he wants to avoid questions, or not absorb info, you are right by his side to take up the slack. You cannot know how very important this is. I could not do this without my husband, daughter & son-in-law with me. SIL is a doctor and he translates all the big dollar words for me! LOL!
Here's hoping for good news and a very Merry Christmas.
Hey gal, thank you for the Pep Talk. You sort of "got me going" for today. When I looked at my list of questions for the surgeon today, I kept thinking I was going to be a bother and a pest. It's so good to know they welcome questions. AND, if they don't, or cut me short....I have a few words saved up for them and "I think we'll get a 2nd opinion". I just absolutely will not tolerate a Dr. who doesn't have time to talk to us.
Last night, Hop asked me what exactly the colonoscopy Dr. said to me and I told him word for word...........including "This calls for immediate surgery"....He said he didn't know that and Vicki, I had already told him that 4 or 5 times..........Possibly he blocked it out. I could tell that really concerned him and he worried about it the rest of the evening...I'll not hold anything back from him and I HOPE THAT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO.........
You're very lucky to have a Dr. in the family for those unfriendly high dollar words....We have an RN (DIL) and I know she'll help us in that respect.
Thanks for writing....This is a WONDERFUL group.
Have a great day ! !
Merry Christmas to you and yours also,
Marygale0 -
Hi Marygale,
Let me give a
Hi Marygale,
Let me give a quick response to a couple of your questions, coz I know your appt is soon!
They should run some tests before the surgery to find out if the cancer has spread anywhere else in the body (I am praying not, of course). Probably CT scan or PET.
In my experience, doctors will try to do the least invasive surgery possible (eg laproscopy). But, their primary aim is to get rid of all the cancer -- so sometimes the surgery ends up being more extensive than everyone would wish. But, I'm with them all the way! Get that cancer O-U-T.
I agree with others -- it is good to ask questions (and to prepare beforehand, and write things down -- that is great). If your doctors don't seem comfortable with you asking questions, you maybe need to think about finding another doctor!
Good luck! Waitiing is horrible.
All the best,
TAra0 -
Yes...the blockoutcaptainhop said:VICKI
Hey gal, thank you for the Pep Talk. You sort of "got me going" for today. When I looked at my list of questions for the surgeon today, I kept thinking I was going to be a bother and a pest. It's so good to know they welcome questions. AND, if they don't, or cut me short....I have a few words saved up for them and "I think we'll get a 2nd opinion". I just absolutely will not tolerate a Dr. who doesn't have time to talk to us.
Last night, Hop asked me what exactly the colonoscopy Dr. said to me and I told him word for word...........including "This calls for immediate surgery"....He said he didn't know that and Vicki, I had already told him that 4 or 5 times..........Possibly he blocked it out. I could tell that really concerned him and he worried about it the rest of the evening...I'll not hold anything back from him and I HOPE THAT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO.........
You're very lucky to have a Dr. in the family for those unfriendly high dollar words....We have an RN (DIL) and I know she'll help us in that respect.
Thanks for writing....This is a WONDERFUL group.
Have a great day ! !
Merry Christmas to you and yours also,
I am sure Hop blocked out a lot of things. It's so very hard to hear those words "You have cancer" and many of us, myself included, suddenly lose the ability to hear anything else. That is why you are so important. Keep learning, absorbing, asking and fighting for him! He will thank you.
Now...go get 'em!
Vicki0 -
TARAtaraHK said:Hi Marygale,
Let me give a
Hi Marygale,
Let me give a quick response to a couple of your questions, coz I know your appt is soon!
They should run some tests before the surgery to find out if the cancer has spread anywhere else in the body (I am praying not, of course). Probably CT scan or PET.
In my experience, doctors will try to do the least invasive surgery possible (eg laproscopy). But, their primary aim is to get rid of all the cancer -- so sometimes the surgery ends up being more extensive than everyone would wish. But, I'm with them all the way! Get that cancer O-U-T.
I agree with others -- it is good to ask questions (and to prepare beforehand, and write things down -- that is great). If your doctors don't seem comfortable with you asking questions, you maybe need to think about finding another doctor!
Good luck! Waitiing is horrible.
All the best,
thanks so much, Tara....I'm so glad they'll do more tests to see exactly what all they're dealing with. I'm hoping they'll do those today, so we know more about exactly what and how much we're facing.
We've already talked about doctors in St. Louis and at Mayo's and St. Johns in Springfield, Il., so if this doctor doesn't pass our "tests", we know where we'll go next.
Our family doc told us this surgeon is very good and he, himself wouldn't be afraid to have him...There's One Plus.
I'll try to post something this evening about what we find out this morning. I'm planning on buying a laptop today so during the times I'm sitting and waiting, I can at least look some of these things up, and keep in touch w/ the group, another Prayer group AND my business.
Thank you for responding. I just love all you guys to pieces,
Marygale0 -
Miracles Comingcaptainhop said:TARA
thanks so much, Tara....I'm so glad they'll do more tests to see exactly what all they're dealing with. I'm hoping they'll do those today, so we know more about exactly what and how much we're facing.
We've already talked about doctors in St. Louis and at Mayo's and St. Johns in Springfield, Il., so if this doctor doesn't pass our "tests", we know where we'll go next.
Our family doc told us this surgeon is very good and he, himself wouldn't be afraid to have him...There's One Plus.
I'll try to post something this evening about what we find out this morning. I'm planning on buying a laptop today so during the times I'm sitting and waiting, I can at least look some of these things up, and keep in touch w/ the group, another Prayer group AND my business.
Thank you for responding. I just love all you guys to pieces,
I know you have probably gone to bed by now but Im going to talk with my God tonight and see what He can do for you and yours. He is awful powerful and I trust in Him completely. At the very least Im going to ask him to take your burdens and ask that He carries them for you and Hop. You have to realize that any news about this disease is not good, but what you also have to realize is that there is treatment for 99% of it....So, what you'll find out tomorrow is what path your treatment road is going to travel and then you will start feeling better about things. Leave it in Gods hands, he has had a lot of practice at this and knows better than any of us what needs and what will take place here.....This is where we see how strong our faith is and normally renew it at times like these.....OK, going to pray for you both, You'll know it when I do..........God Bless you both, We all want to hear some good news tomorrow.......0 -
MIRACLES COMINGBuzzard said:Miracles Coming
I know you have probably gone to bed by now but Im going to talk with my God tonight and see what He can do for you and yours. He is awful powerful and I trust in Him completely. At the very least Im going to ask him to take your burdens and ask that He carries them for you and Hop. You have to realize that any news about this disease is not good, but what you also have to realize is that there is treatment for 99% of it....So, what you'll find out tomorrow is what path your treatment road is going to travel and then you will start feeling better about things. Leave it in Gods hands, he has had a lot of practice at this and knows better than any of us what needs and what will take place here.....This is where we see how strong our faith is and normally renew it at times like these.....OK, going to pray for you both, You'll know it when I do..........God Bless you both, We all want to hear some good news tomorrow.......
You are awesome ! ! ! Thank you so much. Your faith is so strong and we do appreciate your efforts. I've pretty much turned this situation over to God and asked HIM to help us accept HIS will.............However, I do believe in miracles and 'tis the season.
and NOPE, I'm not in bed yet. Usually stay up close to midnight, then get 3 or 4 hours sleep before getting back up.
I'm also getting ready to type in a new post on an UPDATE for Hop.
How can we ever thank you and all the others who are praying for us.......
Marygale and Hop0 -
Buzzard..your wordsBuzzard said:Miracles Coming
I know you have probably gone to bed by now but Im going to talk with my God tonight and see what He can do for you and yours. He is awful powerful and I trust in Him completely. At the very least Im going to ask him to take your burdens and ask that He carries them for you and Hop. You have to realize that any news about this disease is not good, but what you also have to realize is that there is treatment for 99% of it....So, what you'll find out tomorrow is what path your treatment road is going to travel and then you will start feeling better about things. Leave it in Gods hands, he has had a lot of practice at this and knows better than any of us what needs and what will take place here.....This is where we see how strong our faith is and normally renew it at times like these.....OK, going to pray for you both, You'll know it when I do..........God Bless you both, We all want to hear some good news tomorrow.......
Your words are always a comfort to me, no matter whom you are talking to. I am in my last week of radiation/5FU pump and starting to get scared about the surgery next month. But you are right, I need to turn it over and TRUST God to take care of me. He hasn't failed me yet!
The very merriest of Christmases to you and yours,
Vicki0 -
IT'S EASY TO SAY DON'TVickiCO said:Buzzard..your words
Your words are always a comfort to me, no matter whom you are talking to. I am in my last week of radiation/5FU pump and starting to get scared about the surgery next month. But you are right, I need to turn it over and TRUST God to take care of me. He hasn't failed me yet!
The very merriest of Christmases to you and yours,
be scared, when I know you are...Ya know, Vicki, there's so much power in prayer, you'll do fine. Tell me the date of your surgery and time and I'll say prayers for you. Ya know, GOD hears all our prayers.
When the time comes, I know we'll be scared too, but sweetie, we're human and that's a very normal emotion w/ something like this.
Remember, there are people you've never met who will be sending up prayers.
God Bless You, my friend.
Marygale0 -
Thankscaptainhop said:IT'S EASY TO SAY DON'T
be scared, when I know you are...Ya know, Vicki, there's so much power in prayer, you'll do fine. Tell me the date of your surgery and time and I'll say prayers for you. Ya know, GOD hears all our prayers.
When the time comes, I know we'll be scared too, but sweetie, we're human and that's a very normal emotion w/ something like this.
Remember, there are people you've never met who will be sending up prayers.
God Bless You, my friend.
I don't have a date yet ('approximately 4 weeks after radiation stops' is as close as it gets so far) but I surely will let you know when it happens. I need all the prayers I can get!
Thanks...Vicki0 -
PLEASE DO.VickiCO said:Thanks
I don't have a date yet ('approximately 4 weeks after radiation stops' is as close as it gets so far) but I surely will let you know when it happens. I need all the prayers I can get!
MG0 -
I ask my wife what was said toocaptainhop said:VICKI
Hey gal, thank you for the Pep Talk. You sort of "got me going" for today. When I looked at my list of questions for the surgeon today, I kept thinking I was going to be a bother and a pest. It's so good to know they welcome questions. AND, if they don't, or cut me short....I have a few words saved up for them and "I think we'll get a 2nd opinion". I just absolutely will not tolerate a Dr. who doesn't have time to talk to us.
Last night, Hop asked me what exactly the colonoscopy Dr. said to me and I told him word for word...........including "This calls for immediate surgery"....He said he didn't know that and Vicki, I had already told him that 4 or 5 times..........Possibly he blocked it out. I could tell that really concerned him and he worried about it the rest of the evening...I'll not hold anything back from him and I HOPE THAT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO.........
You're very lucky to have a Dr. in the family for those unfriendly high dollar words....We have an RN (DIL) and I know she'll help us in that respect.
Thanks for writing....This is a WONDERFUL group.
Have a great day ! !
Merry Christmas to you and yours also,
I have asked my wife several times about the conversations she and both of us have had with the surgeon, GI, and Oncologist. Its pretty natural to miss something, or our subconcious does not want to hear it. I've been working in healthcare for 29 years and I miss stuff that is said, probably because my mind won't believe it. My wife is there for me as you are. This is a team effort. I wouldn't want anything held back from me.
Mike0 -
WHAT????Mike49 said:I ask my wife what was said too
I have asked my wife several times about the conversations she and both of us have had with the surgeon, GI, and Oncologist. Its pretty natural to miss something, or our subconcious does not want to hear it. I've been working in healthcare for 29 years and I miss stuff that is said, probably because my mind won't believe it. My wife is there for me as you are. This is a team effort. I wouldn't want anything held back from me.
Yeah, I told Hop something the other night that I've told him 4 or 5 times that the Dr. said and he told me he didn't know that........I reminded him I'd told him, so I think he realized there are some things he's hearing, but not really ''HEARING''.
Thanks, Mike. And yes, I believe in team work and not holding anything back, no matter what it is....'course there are ways of saying things, then there are WAYS OF SAYING THINGS.
Thanks for the post.
Marygale0 -
He is listening...captainhop said:WHAT????
Yeah, I told Hop something the other night that I've told him 4 or 5 times that the Dr. said and he told me he didn't know that........I reminded him I'd told him, so I think he realized there are some things he's hearing, but not really ''HEARING''.
Thanks, Mike. And yes, I believe in team work and not holding anything back, no matter what it is....'course there are ways of saying things, then there are WAYS OF SAYING THINGS.
Thanks for the post.
just not hearing...
Those 3 words 'You have cancer' also affects the!
HUgs, Kathi0
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- 13K Head and Neck Cancer
- 6.4K Kidney Cancer
- 674 Leukemia
- 795 Liver Cancer
- 4.1K Lung Cancer
- 5.1K Lymphoma (Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin)
- 239 Multiple Myeloma
- 7.2K Ovarian Cancer
- 65 Pancreatic Cancer
- 490 Peritoneal Cancer
- 5.5K Prostate Cancer
- 1.2K Rare and Other Cancers
- 543 Sarcoma
- 738 Skin Cancer
- 658 Stomach Cancer
- 192 Testicular Cancer
- 1.5K Thyroid Cancer
- 5.9K Uterine/Endometrial Cancer
- 6.3K Lifestyle Discussion Boards