captainhop Member Posts: 156
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
We had an app't. with our cancer surgeon today and once again, we have good news.....""I think"".
Dr. said since the last time he saw us, he had been thinking about Hop's case and going over it and came up with another option for Hop.

January 21 is surgery day and while in surgery, Dr. said he's going to have the Path. Dept. do a "frozen biopsy" on that smaller tumor that was indicated to not have cancer cells (from the PET and CT scans). If the Path. tells Dr. there are NO CANCER CELLS in that tumor or lymph nodes, then he's just going to remove it, close it back up...........then only take out the section of colon which has the large tumor that is cancerous and NOT DO A COLESTOMY. Now, Hop was really happy about hearing that. He is going to go w/ that option with the understanding that when he wakes up he may still have had the complete colon removed.
Dr. said when he gets inside, if he sees anything he doesn't like, then the whole colon will come out..........otherwise, we get a reprieve for a while anyway. 'Course there would be check ups every 6 months.

Gotta tell ya, our last 2 doctor visits have proven to hold good news...Praying it continues. Dr.won't even talk Chemo. Said we'd wait and cross that bridge if and when we come to it.
Here's their abdominal colectomy, possible APR (abdoninal perineal LAR ( possible low anterior resection) with colotomy and polypectomy...CUP (Central Venous port)

Pre-op scheduling is Jan. 14 and surgery Jan. 21. So at last the ball is rolling now.
AND, yes, we're doing a reality check every now and then. Not wanting to get our hopes too high and something go wrong.

Just wanted to UPDATE you all so you know where we stand.

Thanks for listening,
Hop and Marygale


  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Thanks for the update!
    I am sending up prayers that all is well, regardless of what it is when Hop wakes up!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    So glad to hear good news. I will continue to pray for Hop and you. Thanks for updating us, you are always on my mind. Keep the good news rolling, it makes my day to hear someone got good news!
    God Bless
  • VickiCO
    VickiCO Member Posts: 917
    Good for you!
    It is so great to hear good news! Our prayers continue for you both.

  • Mike49
    Mike49 Member Posts: 261
    VickiCO said:

    Good for you!
    It is so great to hear good news! Our prayers continue for you both.


    great news
    I will be hoping that Hop can get by with only a partial resection like you report. I live quite normally with about half of my Colon Removed.
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Oh, that's just so great! I hope it turns out just like that! We'll be praying for that.

  • Faith4Cure
    Faith4Cure Member Posts: 405 Member
    Sounds like a great plan!
    It sounds like things are going your way! Isn't it funny how fast things can change? I hope that it all goes as you hope without a colostomy, but even if it doesn't, things are still looking very good!

    My prayers are with you!

  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    Hope is a wonderful thing!
    When we have hope it means the world! I will pray for the best for Hope when he goes in. I will pray that God guides his surgeons and that they are able to do the best for his long term survival and quality of life. I also pray for continued strength and comfort for you both.
  • amcp
    amcp Member Posts: 251 Member
    God answers prayers
    I came on the site today to see if I could see if there was something about Hop. It is so great to hear the news. We will keep praying that everything turns out great. We too got good news husband who was told nothing left to trial but maybe a clinical trial Phase I.
    We got a phone call from the specialist and they think they can do surgery on his liver and remove the cancer. We too are floating on air. We got see a surgeon on Jan 13. We know what you are going through! Just enjoy the wonderful news today and don't worry about tomorrow. We praise God for your good news and will keep you and Hop in our every prayers.

    God be with you both!
  • lizbiz
    lizbiz Member Posts: 120
    That's great!! I'm a
    That's great!! I'm a histotech and we frequently do frozen sections (mainly on sentinal nodes for breast cancer and skin lesions). It's very rare that they do frozen sections for colon cancer so that's really awesome that you're having that done. Frozen sections are a great resource for surgeons.

    Good luck!!!
  • captainhop
    captainhop Member Posts: 156
    amcp said:

    God answers prayers
    I came on the site today to see if I could see if there was something about Hop. It is so great to hear the news. We will keep praying that everything turns out great. We too got good news husband who was told nothing left to trial but maybe a clinical trial Phase I.
    We got a phone call from the specialist and they think they can do surgery on his liver and remove the cancer. We too are floating on air. We got see a surgeon on Jan 13. We know what you are going through! Just enjoy the wonderful news today and don't worry about tomorrow. We praise God for your good news and will keep you and Hop in our every prayers.

    God be with you both!

    OH CONGRATS. I'm thrilled for you. Are you guys doin' the Happy Dance too? LOL
    We shall also be praying for you both and hoping for more good news for you.

    Isnt it great to read something positive....just picks you up and helps to put a better outlook on life.

    Keep the good news coming.

    Marygale and Hop
  • captainhop
    captainhop Member Posts: 156
    lizbiz said:

    That's great!! I'm a
    That's great!! I'm a histotech and we frequently do frozen sections (mainly on sentinal nodes for breast cancer and skin lesions). It's very rare that they do frozen sections for colon cancer so that's really awesome that you're having that done. Frozen sections are a great resource for surgeons.

    Good luck!!!

    Holy Cow, you mean we're having something done they don't do all the time???? Dr. didn't tell us that.....just acted like it was an every day occurance.....Maybe that's why he took so long to study Hop's case.

    Be interesting to see how it comes out then.

    Thanks, Elizabeth.

    Hop and Marygale