Living with the side effects
Does anyone else feel angry. I'm angry at the side effects that radiation left me. I have physical problems which make sex painful. My scars are a daily reminder of this journey that I've been on the last two years. The pain I have sometimes on a daily basis from bathroom issues from my reversal, sometimes is very hard for…
Fired from work
January 17, 2009 Hello Everyone, I hope this finds everyone as well as can be. Let me begin. I worked for a well known replacement window company in Michigan for almost nine years. After being diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer in November of 2007, I took a leave of absence from work to have surgery in January of 2008.…
Hi Ho Hi Ho
It's off to draw blood I go........ I'm having my blood drawn for my CEA today. My appointment is next Monday. Thus begins the "pins and needles" period. Please wish me luck in advance! Hope everyone has a GREAT Tuesday! Hi Ho Hi Ho......
Just diagnosed with cancer
I do not know what to do. Can anyone help, please?
back from surgery
Hi Everyone, I had my rectum surgery 01/12 and come home Saturday 01/17. My surgeon told me that I lost a lot of blood, about 3.5 liter, during the surgery. He is surprised that I recovered very fast. He is able to keep my anus but most likely I will keep my ostomy permanently. I am OK with that. I find the ostomy very…
Hello. I'm a newby to the site. It has been four years since I started my journey with cancer. Colon cancer stage 4 tumor grew through colon wall, overy plastered with tumor, and cancer cells in lymph nodes in abdomin. Went through the surgeries, some of the chemo, had a bag about a year, port in chest, removed about 9…
Cooking for Wellness
I attended the most wonderful workshop yesterday at the Wellness Center on "Cooking for Wellness" The instructor, a nursing instructor at a local unversity, cooked the best tasting vegetarian dishes for us......emphasizing the need to get more veges and fruits into our diets......I would say it is an alternative to…
Shouldn't we give everyone a break?
I saw the Patrick Swayze interview and have been posting actively for quite some time. One of the things I have not seen on this site very often is - we are all human. I don't think that I am perfect (I know I am not). I doubt that anone else is. Patrick Swayze was diagnosed with Stage IV pancreatic cancer. Unless he…
Mental Issues
Hi All, Just thought I would throw out some thoughts and see what others might think or share what they might have gone through. I was DX in June 07, did surgery/chemo/rad, NEDs on June 08, it came back in Nov 2008 with mets to the lung, surgery again and now on oral chemo. The first go around I was in denial, pretty much…
Survivor speaking experience
Well, I did it! Tonight was the first time I've publicly talked about my cancer experience. I mean, I've mentioned it, but I've never told the story of diagnosis, etc. It was actually a very cleansing experience, I believe. I ended it, as planned, with the little story I wrote last year about my day with my grandsons, and…
UPDATE from amcp "Answer to Prayers"
Tuesday my husband and I drove to Vanderbilt for him to meet with a Liver surgeon. He was told he is a candidate for liver resection but since there was a spot in his lung that the lung had to be taken care of first. He ordered labs, CTscans of chest, abdomen, and pelvis, doppler of legs to see if blood clots are gone, and…
Radiation is Next (menright update)
I just finished a CT scan and found that the chemotherapy is shrinking the colon tumor and the spot on the liver. These are good signs. I had hoped they would disappear but I guess that was too much to ask for. Now I enter a 5-week regimen of daily radiation coupled with Xeloda. This should shrink things down and prepare…
From stage 3 to (possibly) stage 4
Hi everyone, Well, it looks like I might be in trouble now. I *just* finished my 12th round of FOLFOX a week and a half ago. I had a CT scan to send to the reconnection surgeon at Mass General and an "abnormality" in my liver was found. I saw the CT scans and it's a 2.5-3 cm spot on the back of my liver. The CT report said…
Illeostomy Reversal Apprehension
Finally!!! I have a date for my ostomy take down! I honestly thought this would never happen! I have learned over the past year to hate my ileostomy, but now that it's going bye-bye, can you believe i'm a little apprehensive to see it go! I've heard all of the horror stories about re-training bowels, and how long that all…
Is there anyone who has not had long term issues with the Neuropathy from Oxaliplatin?
I am only on cycle 4 and already having issues. It went away completely after cycles 1 and 2, then cycle 3 i had a reduced dose and i hardly got it at all. Cycle 4 now, I got it back at 100% and it has been awful. It makes me crazy. I could not live with this the rest of my life and stay sane. I love to bake and cook, and…
New Update - VickiCO -
OK, I finished my radiation and first batch of chemo on Dec 29th. The oncologists told me that it would still be cooking, and I wouldn't feel great for a while. Boy, were they right! Particularly bad were the burns and the exhaustion. I did not think I could take any more. I had several days that I could only get out of…
back to colon after liver mets??
Just to re-cap I was Stage 3 of transverse colon in 2005,lymph nodes invovlement, surgery and 5FU. In 2006 I had 7 liver mets and a huge re-section with 8 months of xeloda. Sept 2008 another liver met, another smaller liver re-section. I was to start xeloda plus oxi on Tues.....thought I would be with you Cheryl but the…
Lung mets.
After fighting Stage 4 colon cancer for a year now my father was told he had lived most of his 22 months life expectency. He never had any surgery and was only treated with chemo - the cancer in the colon is almost gone. The cancer in the liver has reduced greatly. The doctors at this point are worried about "speckles" on…
got results
He Has A blockage in the transverse area of the colon thats where he is bleeding. so a surgen is being called . husband is upset dosn't want surgery. but it has to go the blockage is from a cancer tumor in that area .Nothing in sigmoide area like the dr said at first so i will deal with that mistake when i see him,got to…
does anyone else feel this way
I've posted before. I've called and spoke with my radiologist nurse and told her how outraged I am by the side effects that I now have. I'm 1 1/2 years from my last radiation treatment. All she could do was assure me that before I started treatment I was told what side effects I might have. They didn't stress this enough.…
Please Weigh In - Vote Today!
Hi All~ It's me Mommy. Quick run down.... I am 35 years old - dx at 34 - stage 3 colon cancer, 17 lymph nodes. I had major surgury and 6 months of big time chemo, in patient, every other week two nights away from kids - it was rough. Well, I was aout 1 year into remission, they found a tiny spot on mu lung. Watched it for…
We're back......
Arrived in Los Angeles last night (or was it afternoon...or was it next Thursday???). The flight was uneventful, ended up getting good seats where there were just the two of us in the row...so the only one I disturbed was Hans....ROFL! MAN! What a shock the temperature was...In Amsterdam, it was 2 degrees celcius above…
Great news!
My sister had her appointment today about the mass in her stomach. Looks like it was a pool of blood where a blood vessel had burst. Woohoo!!! Thank you to all of y'all who answered my question about that. Because it was in her stomach, I posted the question on the stomach cancer board, but nobody answered me at all. Y'all…
need info please mets to stomach
Husband dx nov 07 cc stgae 3 6 months chemo 2 months later cancer spread to stomach kidney liver and new tumor in sigmoid area on chemo again every week since aug of o8. well he decided that he will stop for a couple of weeks this week will be 3 weeks any way he goes to the doc tomorrow, He told me yesterday that his…
Hello - I'm new
I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello. My name is Sherrie, I've been hanging around here since December, reading the boards, searching for info. Sad to hear so many stories out there, glad to hear that all chemo isn't that bad. It's inspiring to hear so many stories of cancer free. I just finished my third round…
Living with the BAG??
i have adenocarcinoma of the anus. i have had the chemotherapy & radiation therapy. now i have to have my rectum removed & that means that i will have a colectomy for the rest of my life. i have so much i need to know about this. so if someone has had this please talk to me thank you
the good and the bad
Just called and got my CEA results from yesterday. Still .5. Great! Now if my stomach would stop acting like a beast, everything would be wonderful. *hugs* Gail
Has anybody ever tried B17, Artemisinin or any other Natural Chemotherapy drug?
It would be interesting to know if anybody ever had a success in replacing the actual Chemotherapy with Natural remedies? Vitamin B17, Laetrile, Artemisinin and some other natural drugs claimed to have a natural chemotherapy effect stopping or even reducing cancerous growth. I hope to hear honest experiences from people…
Liver Ultrasound
Hi everyone - I don't post new topics often but read most daily, and pray for everyone here. My question for anyone, My DH is 14 months post chemo for Stage 3 colon cancer and his onc wants him to have a liver ultrasound on Tuesday. Apparently his levels are fluctuating and his doc wants to be proactive. I didn't get…
Patrick Swayze
Just wondering if anyone else watched the interview with Patrick Swayze last night. I think he's very brave and strong. It disappoints me that he's still smoking, but I sort of understand where he's coming from on that (although I've never been a smoker). I found it interesting that he didn't just try to play the perfect…