Abscess Tooth....
...Well, it sure wasn't a mouth sore that I been having, it's an absessed wisdom tooth, I was at the dentist today since the pain was in the jaw, and I still could barely open my mouth, but I have to have it pulled on Monday, and am scared to death! I never had a tooth pulled before, he gave me antibiotics for the…
Hi New here
Guess I am looking for a chat room. Having a sleepless night and want to talk to others with colorectal cancer. Nights just get longer for me. edited...waited a little and keep refreshing. Guess no one is available to talk. Hub and kids are asleep and I am just feeling down right now :( Will check back tomorrow. Be Blessed
End of Liver Radiation
Today was my last day (for now) of liver radiation! Yah! I had 25 daily radiation treatments to 4 large and inoperable tumors in my liver along with my lastest chemo cocktail. (mitomycin, avastin, xeloda) It will be about 5 months before we know the full extent of the radiation and I'll start some other treatment…
Third chem treatment completed, with symtoms
Wonder if anyone had these symtoms, Naropthy in my hands, face, and throat, a real scare while washing my hair hand full of hair, looks like its getting thinner and thinner. I was told with colon cancer and my stage it would only thin out, how thin is the question? Started the Emend like a few have suggested, good news it…
scan today
Please pray for my mom to have good results. She has a ct scan today to see if folfiri is working. I pray that nothing is new, the old is gone and if there is any thing it is stable. She is having a rough time lately dealing with this disease. She is really worried that something is growing. She is also having a hard time…
I just want to mention how beautiful your new haircut/pic is. You look awesome!!!
My husband
My husband has been complaining about a metallic taste in his mouth after chemo. Usually Lemon seems to clear it a bit for him, but he said this time the lemon is not even working. Any one have any suggestions? Sandi
I would like to write about my battle with cancer
I am a F.A.P. baby ( 40 now). I want to write my story the good and the bad, and I am ALIVE! Thanks to GOD, LOVING FAMILY, FRIENDS AND ALL THE PRAYERS, no matter how small help. I am new to the group and want to talk to people going through this awful disease. GOD BLESS! Jackie
good day till mental pain hit me
How do you cope with the mental pain that hits so hard all you want to do is take pills to stop it. I am cancer free but have physical pain almost every day. Then the mental pain comes full force. It is so bad sometimes I don't trust myself. The pain started after a bag reversal. I have gotten help and thought I was ok but…
chemo side effects
Hi everyone, I am new to this side, just looking for info and knowledge from others who have gone through what I am going through. I had my first treatment today. once a wk oxiplatin(sorry spelt wrong) and 5 days of continious F5U. Radiation every day m-f.. I have heard alot about the cold sensitivities, I didn't get that…
Maglets, where are you??? Yoooo Hoooo!
Just checking... I haven't seen a post of yours for awhile now. Did you go away for awhile, or are you still around home? And how's that snow of yours? Check in when you feel up to it! Hugggggs, Cheryl
CEA and new spots on scan
Had my surgery on 13 November, (got a illeostomy) after released from the hospital i was re-admitted several times for diferent reasons, tube put in the gall bladder (that will come out later), hemotoma in the pelvic region, low blood pressure and dehydration. Finnally started chemo. On my third treatment I was told my CEA…
Nervous about scans tomorrow.
Hi everyone, I haven't been on much lately - FOLFORI has me pretty sick. I'm getting my PET and CT scans tomorrow to see if the mets are shrinking. I'm so nervous and nauseous - I can't tell if it's the chemo or the nerves. I'd appreciate any positive vibes you can spare! Stay strong, Elizabeth
Exercise Increases Survival Rates by 55%
I'm not sure how much exercise one can do while weak from chemo, but this article is worth reading! I was a TRUE couch potato for the last 10 years and sure wish I'd kept active! http://coloncancer.about.com/od/stagesandsurvivalrate1/a/Exercise.htm Diane
Scan # I don't know - Results
Well I got somewhat good news from last weeks CT scan. Nothing has grown so that is good. Something, which we really have no idea what it is, has shrunk. We will stay on the one drug only (Erbitux) which isn't as bad as taking both (Erbitux & CPT11). I also managed to get to skip a treatment today so I will have my next…
Awareness Month
So, March is National Colon Cancer Awareness Month. I originally thought of putting up the tree and all the decorations in honor of it, but heck, it's just so much work! lol As victorious soldiers who have "graduated" from the disease by being NED, as well as those still active in the fight, take a minute to remind people…
Today is my anniversary. We've been married 19 years. Raised 4 boys together. Took care of our parents,sadly they've all passed. My husband was my main support all during this whole cancer thing. He didn't bat an eye when I ended up with my ileostomy bag. He's comforted me during my surgeries, all during treatment and…
Keep me in your prayers
I go in to the hospital tommorow (March 10) for my colorectal surgery and colostomy. I am really nervous! I was hoping for a great weekend but I woke up Saturday with a crampy stomach ache and then diarreha (Spelling ?) kicked in all weekend! Now I have to be on the liquid diet so hopefully I got out of the bowel prep that…
mouth sore relief
I'm posting this again so that anyone that needs a remedy might see it. My mom swears by these and she has the magic mouth wash. This creates a gel like coating and lasts for eight hours, keeps the salt out and allows it to heal. http://www.walgreens.com/search/search_results.jsp?term=canker+patch FOr some reason I feel…
tumor fever???
Has anyone ever heard of tumor fevers? My mom has been spiking 102.plus fevers and the have her on antibotics/tylenol right now(they are doing infectious diease tests as well)..she is in the hospital at this time. I tried to ask her onc. last night when I bumped into him at the hospital, but he informed he was not her onc.…
round 7 down, 5 to go!
Round 7, relatively easy. A bit more tired this time, and after sitting in a cold office (mine) all morning, my hands and feet were driving me nuts. By the way - tried the orange sunkist this time around and I am hooked! Now, not sure if I should ask this or not, but we seem to be able to ask about anything so...does…
Surgery, or not?
I just called my surgeon's office today to find out when I was to go in to the ostomy nurse to talk about the appliances and to get marked and they have no record of my surgery - I am so bummed. He only is at the hospital one day a week and the nurse told me that he already has two very complicated surgeries scheduled for…
...Thinking of you doing your first chemo today, hope all is well, and let us know how you are.. you're in our prayers, and will look forward to hearing from you :) Hugsss! ~Donna
1 year checkup
Hi,Everyone I haven't been on in quite awhile. I had my 6 month checkup in October and everything came back fine, I went today for my 2nd colonoscopy and my Dr told me that where they tied my colon together after my resection is a possible tumor or scar tissue. I am hopeing that it is only scar tissue. Has anyone else ever…
test results
Went to doctor, results of MRI. Well the liver lesion that showed on CT scan did show on MRI, did not light up PET. Not overly suspicious on MRI I guess, the doctor ordered another MRI in June to make sure it is not growing. Still trying to find a surgeon who will take me for opinion on underarm lump. Feel reassured with…
numbing agent
I had my ileostomy reversal on Dec 21,07. I still have frequent BM's and then start having slot of soreness. Does anyone know of any creams or sprays that have a numbing effect. I haven't seen any over the counter products. I've heard people mention products with lidocaine.
Why can't they do liver and lung transplants for colon cancer mets to get it out?
I have wondered this forever, and i realize that the answer is probably because if the cancer got to the liver and lungs in the first place, it means it is in the bloodstream/lymph system, but why can't they for instance remove the liver in someone with multiple liver nodules/tumors and replace it with say a section of a…
Long term disability and colon cancer
Hi everyone, was just wondering has anyone gone on long term disability due to there colon cancer. I am getting ready for my surgery next week and will be on our company's short term disability, we also have a long term disability program that I have paid into for almost 20 years. I am not sure I will need it but better to…
anorectal abscess following excision of anorectal canal?
Anyone else had problems with long-term, continuosly draining anorectal abscess(6 months). Need to know if this is typical.
port pain still
Hi, As you know **** got his port put in 2/19. It is a double port and they did not do a good job of putting it in pain free. The twilight drug did not work and they stuck him 5 times but he still felt it. Anyway, that was fine but he is still feeling pain. He says it is a little bit burning at the bottom of the port. The…