Now I'm mad as hell
I was diagnosed with advanced colorectal cancer when I was 38. I'm now 40. I got lucky (so far) and it was caught at stage III. I had a met to one node nearest to the 6cm tumor. Chemo, surgery, more chemo seemed to have worked, and it was by luck alone that this didn't kill me. Simply, it was caught in time. Symptoms…
RIDDLE: What english word means burning wood when you take away the first letter of the word? The answer will be posted (hopefully) by the following Monday.
?? about liver enzymes
My liver enzymes were up after after my 1st chemo and were down on Monday. I went in on Wednesday and couldn't have chemo because my white count was low. The P/A just called to say my liver enzymes from Wednesday were back up. I'll be tested again on Tuesday and we'll 'discuss this on Wednesday'. I'm scared to death! I do…
It's my birthday
Today is my 58th birthday, and I just want to say it's a great day, the weather is good, and I feel good. I'll Start my 3rd treatment of Folfox on Monday, Life is good, and the reason is God is good. He blessed me to wake up another day, and I am so thankful. I have a great family and they are supporting me thru this. Also…
Desire to eat
I'm not sure what the problem is. I want to eat but most of the time food doesn't taste right, therefore, I eat less. I find myself saying I'm full & I truly am. Food is "yuck" to me. On that note, I'm finding out their theory, secretly, is that something is going on. I feel great otherwise, I simply can't eat much, it…
Elevated enzymes after FIRST chemo round!
I had blood work and my 2nd chemo this past Wednesday. The oncology nurse called an hour ago to say my liver enzymes are elevated after the FIRST chemo and I have to have blood work before my next round. Also, my potassium is low so they called in meds for that. I have my chemo over a 2 hour period and wear home a pump for…
I am finally home from surgery
Hello everyone - I am finally home from surgery #1 - my colorectal and colostomy. I was in the hospital for 8 days and I am so glad to be home. I think what made my recovery a little slower was the stomach flu bug I had the weekend before. And I got a gas bubble stuck for about a day and 1/2. Now....I am overwhelmed with…
#8 not going as well as the others...
Started #8 today, woke up with Nick's cold. My counts were good this morning so they went ahead with everything. My mouth is making me nuts with the nasty taste, and my fingers hurt so bad today typing isn't fun feels like my finger nails are going to fall off. Actually feel nauseated. I hope this passes. My daughter will…
Hi, I went with my husband for his colnoscopy today.. everything looked great, the site where the reconnection was is wide open, no polyps no sign of cancer. Thank God. Now on for the removal of his liver met next week. But I wanted to share this story.. I met a woman there, and its been 16 YEARS since her dx of colon…
Mom's having trouble with this 'fight'
Well, Mom has finished round 5. She had no good days between round 4 and 5- she ended up having everything reduced by 20% except the nausea meds for round 5. She still is having trouble with severe diarrhea- even with taking meds. Her onc said that all her symptoms are 'classic 5FU'- which from reading posts here I thought…
Buzzard you must be done!
Hi Buzzard, It's 10:45am here so I figure it is 2:45 or later where you are. That must mean you're done! Fabulous! You did it and have provided inspiration and support to so many along the way! Thinking of you and clear everything from here on out. Aloha, Kathleen
Hospitalized...was so scared!
Well, as you all know, I had a couple of wisdom teeth out due to them becoming infected and absessed... well, after getting them out, that night I woke up about 5:00 a.m. shaking like crazy, I was literally freezing, and shook like I was almost having a seizure or something, so I took my thermometer, and put it in my…
To Shayenne...about folfiri
Please do your own research on this matter, but I will say some things about folfiri. From what I've read, if you are going to respond to folfiri you will do so within the first 2-3 treatment or not at all. Also from what I gather, even if you do respond the benefits of Camptosar are only effective during the first 2-3…
We try to beat it back once again!!
Hi, I am new to this site but I find it very supportive and informative. The reason I am here is because of my dad who had Colorectal cancer two and a half years ago and now it is back. When it was found the first time it was stage 1 and contained they said. After surgery and the colostemy and no lyphnodes showing cancer,…
Question for colostomies
I do have a question about my new colostomy. I have actually only been on solid food for about 2 days. How long before an actual bowel movement? I am VERY gassy but I keep thinking I should have a bowel movement soon? I just don't want to get constipated on top of everything else. Any thoughts?
I just went in for my mammogram today - it's been a year, but my radiation oncologist said make sure I get it done this month before surgery so I did. I have been so nervous about this. My mom died from breast cancer at 56 and I'm 50. Last year and two years before that I received a call at home telling me I had to come…
Will someone tell me what that stands for. I know it's a good thing but can't remember the correct terms. Thanks. Sandy
Shes probably in recovery and lets all pray that she will come out with positive news and her journey be as gentle as possible....Heres to you hun in hopes for a speedy recovery and a great outcome and to your caregiver (hubby) that God watch over him also and surrounds the both of you with His comforting arms...God Bless…
started Folfox today
Hi Everyone, **** started Folfox6 today. He ended up not being in the Stage III Erbitux study which simplified things. He went to our local hospital and was able to drive himself there and back. He was there for about 4 hours. He did not have a bolus 5Fu, instead they are doing it all over 48 hours. He has been home for 3…
runny nose. sore feet, & CT now scheduled
Does anyone else have a constant runny nose while on chemo? I do have allergies and take a daily antihistamine (and had the allergy shots 3x/wk a few yrs ago). Fall/winter has always been my worst allergy time, but it's been horrible the past two years. Since I've been on chemo in the fall and winter two years in a row,…
opened my eyes
I watched Montel Williams on Oprah telling about his daily struggle and pain from MS every day. It was very much the struggle many cancer patients and survivors endure everyday. He was not giving up and was doing everything he knew to do to beat that illness. My motto is I live everyday In The Moment. I am cancer survivor…
Help Doctors Cant do Anything
I posted about my brother being diagnosed in January with stage IV and starting chemo in February. We've just been told that after 1 cycle its not working and the cancer is spreading rapidly and puzzling the doctors. Due to ducts in the liver being blocked he has early jaundice and chemo is not an option. Theres nothing…
Scan time again!
Just a note to ask for prayers. I have my next PET scan on Wednesday morning and I'm very anxious as usual. I've been blessed to have been NED for awhile and I'm hoping for more NED time after this scan. Oh, by the way, I've forgotten who posted about Wii for exercise, but I wanted to add that I played Wii Mario Kart this…
6 years since diagnosis--Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
WOW!!! I can't beleive that it has been six years since my diagnosis of stage 3 rectal cancer. I had some bumps in the road initially, but I am doing well now. I was 46 and my youngest was 14 and a freshman in high school. He is now a junior in college and away on spring break. To all the newbies, you will get through…
1st treatment - 1st trimester
Hello everyone It has been a while since I posted! Getting pregnant has been quite the distraction!! And the vacation to Mexico :) Well, we are home and my husband started his chemo. He had his first infusion on Tuesday and is having a rough day today!! He immediately got the sensitivity to cold. His hands painfully…
Update on husband
well he is hanging in there, has not been vomiting every minute but may vomit once or twice a day but for the most he is eating a little but is still weak and dizzy had the pain pump reduced again last week, blood pressure low hospice nurse said it may be the pain pump so we went back and they ajusted again he has 3 meds…
Longer duration
I finished my fourth chemo and the side effects are no where near what others seem to be suffering with, but mine are weird, at least to me. When I first started feeling the side effects they were right after the pump was taken off and lasted about 2 days. This time I had no mouth sore, funny tastes, sore feet, etc. or…
energy level
I finished my chemo last may which is about 10 months ago,I still get very tired at times and was wondering if it is normal. I told my doctor about it last week and he said to try vitamins.He said with the chemo and radiation it took a toll on my body and it still needs to build itself up. The reason i am asking is at work…
Continual leaking of fluid from butt
Hi, My husband had stage 3 rectal cancer that metastasized to his liver. He had rectum removed, liver resection, chemo and radiation. After his last bout of problems, he lost a lot of weight and now is unable to gain even a pound even though he eats constantly! He is also leaking fluid from his butt almost continuously.…
In pain and dr. can't find out why.
I have been in so much pain on my right side. The doctor's can't find anything and can't give me pain meds, for something they can't find. Is anyone have the same symptons? I am just so tired of hurting for no reason. GOD BLESS! Jackie