2 Questions about side effects from Chemo
Hello My Aunt will just be finishing her first round of Chemo treatments this week and will be going to the oncologist today to get the results from all her past treatments ( she has been going every 2 weeks since just before Xmas).In recent discussions she was wondering 2 things regarding possible side effects from the…
my doctor
We had a birthday party at our church today. Since there would be lots of people there, I made sure I had my table of Relay "opportunities" available. I have to say, it really touched my heart when my primary care physician came to the table and purchased a luminary in my honor. He said he was doing it, in hopes I would…
need names of some meds
i go for my #2 tomarrow of oxy and 5fu.i am going to make a list of meds to ask my onc about for the side effects.i am doing the zofran for naseau but i only took it when i thought i needed it.this next time i will take it every 4 hours as directed to stay ahead of it.also i know some of you take antidepresiants.im really…
question about reoccurring rectal cancer
I am having surgery in 6 days I have 2 opinions the tumor shrunk and can be taken out through the rectum and come back later for a resection with a bag now I have a low laying tumor at end of rectum soft tissues T2 cancer. I have been told this type of tumor will come back what I would like to know if any one here has had…
A while ago i was looking at angels pathology report from a tissue sample of the tumor in jan and he has some mismatch dna with micro instabilty , Now his mother had cancer on the right side at the age of 50 and angels was on the right side age of 50 now i have 2 sons 31 and 32 I think angels cancer is heriditary so i am…
Got Scope Done
Yesterday I went in for my scope and the doctor was very pleased with the shrinkage and look of the tumor. My husband could see the monitor but I was faced away. Doctor said that the radiation/chemo did an excellent job and there is hardly anything left of the tumor. He also stated that when he did the rectal that he…
glink65 are you ready for #2 ?
here we go this week havent heard from you.we are on our way for #2,i go tommarow.chime in when you can......Godbless johnnybegood
dianetavegia provided the correct answser. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: What english word means burning wood when you take away the first letter of the word? ANSWER: English word is MEMBER. Take the first letter away and you have EMBERS
Where R U Jcavanaugh?
Hi,anyone heard from Jcavanaugh? Been missing them!
I had a CT scan a couple of weeks ago and everything came back good. Now I have my colonoscopy in the next couple of weeks. What are the chances they will find something during that. Is there anything to worry about or would the CT scan of picked it up? Also, my onc. told me after the colonoscopy if everything is ok I can…
I have Itching
I am now in to my 4Th week of healing from radiations burns and I am itching like crazy has any one had that problem if so what did you use I soak tried A&D cream baby powder with aloe vra with vitamins E and lotions and they do not work now most of my itching is when i am laying down resting or trying to sleep can you…
NanaB, How are you?
Wondering how you are doing. I've got a doctor's appointment Monday and am making really good banana pudding for him. I always read the receipes you post. I hope you are doing well. Usually, you have quite a few posts and haven't seen as many lately. I read that your hands are turning colors. I have a few spots, but…
The good and bad of my day
I'll get the "bad" out of the way. So far, it's really only an uncomfortable and a bit of a worrisome thing. I had a mammogram today. Never fun! Since I had a callback last year and ended up having a core needle biopsy, I'm a little worried. I don't want to go through that again. Makes me too manic! Now for the good! Today…
Lance Armstrong Foundation
I'm a frequent reader but seldom post. You all give great information and I'm grateful. There is a good video on Lances' foundation blog...."What would you say to cancer, given the chance?" livestrongblog.org. You may need to scroll down to March 18th posting. Take care Fran
Hemp Oil....
Has anyone ever heard of this Rick Simpson and his cure for cancer? check out this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjhT9282-Tw what do you think? it's black and looks scary. There is 7 parts to this video, I just haven't watched them all yet, but it's pretty interesting.
Now I'm mad as hell
I was diagnosed with advanced colorectal cancer when I was 38. I'm now 40. I got lucky (so far) and it was caught at stage III. I had a met to one node nearest to the 6cm tumor. Chemo, surgery, more chemo seemed to have worked, and it was by luck alone that this didn't kill me. Simply, it was caught in time. Symptoms…
RIDDLE: What english word means burning wood when you take away the first letter of the word? The answer will be posted (hopefully) by the following Monday.
?? about liver enzymes
My liver enzymes were up after after my 1st chemo and were down on Monday. I went in on Wednesday and couldn't have chemo because my white count was low. The P/A just called to say my liver enzymes from Wednesday were back up. I'll be tested again on Tuesday and we'll 'discuss this on Wednesday'. I'm scared to death! I do…
It's my birthday
Today is my 58th birthday, and I just want to say it's a great day, the weather is good, and I feel good. I'll Start my 3rd treatment of Folfox on Monday, Life is good, and the reason is God is good. He blessed me to wake up another day, and I am so thankful. I have a great family and they are supporting me thru this. Also…
Desire to eat
I'm not sure what the problem is. I want to eat but most of the time food doesn't taste right, therefore, I eat less. I find myself saying I'm full & I truly am. Food is "yuck" to me. On that note, I'm finding out their theory, secretly, is that something is going on. I feel great otherwise, I simply can't eat much, it…
Elevated enzymes after FIRST chemo round!
I had blood work and my 2nd chemo this past Wednesday. The oncology nurse called an hour ago to say my liver enzymes are elevated after the FIRST chemo and I have to have blood work before my next round. Also, my potassium is low so they called in meds for that. I have my chemo over a 2 hour period and wear home a pump for…
I am finally home from surgery
Hello everyone - I am finally home from surgery #1 - my colorectal and colostomy. I was in the hospital for 8 days and I am so glad to be home. I think what made my recovery a little slower was the stomach flu bug I had the weekend before. And I got a gas bubble stuck for about a day and 1/2. Now....I am overwhelmed with…
#8 not going as well as the others...
Started #8 today, woke up with Nick's cold. My counts were good this morning so they went ahead with everything. My mouth is making me nuts with the nasty taste, and my fingers hurt so bad today typing isn't fun feels like my finger nails are going to fall off. Actually feel nauseated. I hope this passes. My daughter will…
Hi, I went with my husband for his colnoscopy today.. everything looked great, the site where the reconnection was is wide open, no polyps no sign of cancer. Thank God. Now on for the removal of his liver met next week. But I wanted to share this story.. I met a woman there, and its been 16 YEARS since her dx of colon…
Mom's having trouble with this 'fight'
Well, Mom has finished round 5. She had no good days between round 4 and 5- she ended up having everything reduced by 20% except the nausea meds for round 5. She still is having trouble with severe diarrhea- even with taking meds. Her onc said that all her symptoms are 'classic 5FU'- which from reading posts here I thought…
Buzzard you must be done!
Hi Buzzard, It's 10:45am here so I figure it is 2:45 or later where you are. That must mean you're done! Fabulous! You did it and have provided inspiration and support to so many along the way! Thinking of you and clear everything from here on out. Aloha, Kathleen
Hospitalized...was so scared!
Well, as you all know, I had a couple of wisdom teeth out due to them becoming infected and absessed... well, after getting them out, that night I woke up about 5:00 a.m. shaking like crazy, I was literally freezing, and shook like I was almost having a seizure or something, so I took my thermometer, and put it in my…
To Shayenne...about folfiri
Please do your own research on this matter, but I will say some things about folfiri. From what I've read, if you are going to respond to folfiri you will do so within the first 2-3 treatment or not at all. Also from what I gather, even if you do respond the benefits of Camptosar are only effective during the first 2-3…
We try to beat it back once again!!
Hi, I am new to this site but I find it very supportive and informative. The reason I am here is because of my dad who had Colorectal cancer two and a half years ago and now it is back. When it was found the first time it was stage 1 and contained they said. After surgery and the colostemy and no lyphnodes showing cancer,…
Question for colostomies
I do have a question about my new colostomy. I have actually only been on solid food for about 2 days. How long before an actual bowel movement? I am VERY gassy but I keep thinking I should have a bowel movement soon? I just don't want to get constipated on top of everything else. Any thoughts?