Just found out we have colon cancer

captainhop Member Posts: 156
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
We just found out Tuesday, Dec. 16 that captainhop has colon cancer...Dr. recommends immediate surgery. Going through all the first emotions of shock, anger, disbelief,anxiety,etc. Appointment w/ surgeon Monday. What can we expect. Dr. said this called for immediate surgery to remove the entire colon


  • hopefulone
    hopefulone Member Posts: 1,043 Member
    Keep the Faith
    I'm sorry to hear this news. I remember all too well when my husband was dx. I know what a shock this is. We all do. It's two years now almost to the day and we've been through quite a journey. Colon Surgery, Liver Resection Chemo and RFA a month ago, but through it all we did it one day and one thing at a time and we still do. Remember that because it will help you get through what lays ahead. Be sure you ask a lot of questions and in this situation you need to be your own advocate. If your not satisified with answers from the doctors, get second opinions and a third if necessary. As for the surgery and treatment plan , I think everyones experience is different depending on where and how extensive. You'll get a lot of support here . My husbands colon resection went very well and he was in the hospital about 5 days, as did his liver surgery. He also tolerated his chemo regimen well. It's a scarey time but you'll get throught it. As difficult as it is dealing with the news, try to keep positive thoughts, stay away from statistics and ask lots of questions and remember prayer is powerful. God Bless and keep us posted. Will keep you in my prayers.
  • captainhop
    captainhop Member Posts: 156

    Keep the Faith
    I'm sorry to hear this news. I remember all too well when my husband was dx. I know what a shock this is. We all do. It's two years now almost to the day and we've been through quite a journey. Colon Surgery, Liver Resection Chemo and RFA a month ago, but through it all we did it one day and one thing at a time and we still do. Remember that because it will help you get through what lays ahead. Be sure you ask a lot of questions and in this situation you need to be your own advocate. If your not satisified with answers from the doctors, get second opinions and a third if necessary. As for the surgery and treatment plan , I think everyones experience is different depending on where and how extensive. You'll get a lot of support here . My husbands colon resection went very well and he was in the hospital about 5 days, as did his liver surgery. He also tolerated his chemo regimen well. It's a scarey time but you'll get throught it. As difficult as it is dealing with the news, try to keep positive thoughts, stay away from statistics and ask lots of questions and remember prayer is powerful. God Bless and keep us posted. Will keep you in my prayers.


    Thank you so much for responding. We do appreciate it. I believe we've gotten over the first shock, anger, disbelief, etc. now and we're facing reality. I've encouraged my husband to talk about this ugly thing that has come into our lives. He's being pretty open with me. ""This is OUR cancer and WE will handle whatever is thrown at us together, hand in hand". I'm a very strong person emotionally and have been a cAregiver to others. We pray for guidance wisdom and knowledge.
    Dr. said this required immediate surgery, as it is "quite distinctive". We meet w/ the surgeon Monday next week to set up surgery. Praying it hasn't metastasized. We're dealing w/ 2 tumors in the colon.

    We do believe there is power in prayer and want to thank you for remembering us in yours. That means so much.

    We have 4 sons, 39 - 49 and my hubby is telling them today. May God be with him.

    Thank you again. Sorry to have written a "book", but it's so good to have someone to talk to.

  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member


    Thank you so much for responding. We do appreciate it. I believe we've gotten over the first shock, anger, disbelief, etc. now and we're facing reality. I've encouraged my husband to talk about this ugly thing that has come into our lives. He's being pretty open with me. ""This is OUR cancer and WE will handle whatever is thrown at us together, hand in hand". I'm a very strong person emotionally and have been a cAregiver to others. We pray for guidance wisdom and knowledge.
    Dr. said this required immediate surgery, as it is "quite distinctive". We meet w/ the surgeon Monday next week to set up surgery. Praying it hasn't metastasized. We're dealing w/ 2 tumors in the colon.

    We do believe there is power in prayer and want to thank you for remembering us in yours. That means so much.

    We have 4 sons, 39 - 49 and my hubby is telling them today. May God be with him.

    Thank you again. Sorry to have written a "book", but it's so good to have someone to talk to.


    We are always here
    You will find someone here at all times to help you through whatever you need. There are so many great stories here, alot of hope and alot of prayers! You will find people in similiar situations as yours so you can relate. You will find so many people willing to be there for you even if its just to listen to you vent. We are here for your husband as well, please tell him to feel free to jump in at anytime with his questions, we would love to meet him too.

    I am one of the younger ones that have been DX with CC, but unfortunately we are finding more and more young people here too. I was 38 at first DX, went through surgery, chemo, radiation, cmemo and was actually clear of cancer for a few months. It has recently come back in my lung, so I underwent surgery and I am cancer free again, but now I have to do chemo again, which I will be starting tomorrow (friday). Not a good Christmas present for any of us huh? But we all have family or friends and we have this place to come to too!

    Welcome Mary, sorry you have to be here but you have found a great place of peace, information, love, and support!

    You and your family will be in my prayers as well!
    God Bless
  • captainhop
    captainhop Member Posts: 156
    dorookie said:

    We are always here
    You will find someone here at all times to help you through whatever you need. There are so many great stories here, alot of hope and alot of prayers! You will find people in similiar situations as yours so you can relate. You will find so many people willing to be there for you even if its just to listen to you vent. We are here for your husband as well, please tell him to feel free to jump in at anytime with his questions, we would love to meet him too.

    I am one of the younger ones that have been DX with CC, but unfortunately we are finding more and more young people here too. I was 38 at first DX, went through surgery, chemo, radiation, cmemo and was actually clear of cancer for a few months. It has recently come back in my lung, so I underwent surgery and I am cancer free again, but now I have to do chemo again, which I will be starting tomorrow (friday). Not a good Christmas present for any of us huh? But we all have family or friends and we have this place to come to too!

    Welcome Mary, sorry you have to be here but you have found a great place of peace, information, love, and support!

    You and your family will be in my prayers as well!
    God Bless

    Thank you Beth. I'm so sorry you had to go through all this at such a young age, and then it returning. Sounds like you're facing it with lots of strength. Proud of you. We're taking things one day at a time even tho we only found out 2 days ago. Hop and I are talking openly about this and I thank GOD for that.

    I so appreciate your response. It's good to have someplace to go if I need to talk and I'm going to try to get Hop to get on here also. I'm sure he has questions and talking to people who have "been there, done that" will help.

    May God bless you on any and every journey you take and

    Have a Very, Very Merry Christmas.
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member

    Thank you Beth. I'm so sorry you had to go through all this at such a young age, and then it returning. Sounds like you're facing it with lots of strength. Proud of you. We're taking things one day at a time even tho we only found out 2 days ago. Hop and I are talking openly about this and I thank GOD for that.

    I so appreciate your response. It's good to have someplace to go if I need to talk and I'm going to try to get Hop to get on here also. I'm sure he has questions and talking to people who have "been there, done that" will help.

    May God bless you on any and every journey you take and

    Have a Very, Very Merry Christmas.

    Merry Christmas
    Merry Christmas to you and Hop as well. I believe you will find this board to be so helpful and supportive, I sure have. Mostly its very inspirational, dont read or believe satistics they will scare the heck out of you, they did me! Cancer no longer means a death sentence, we are all proof of that! Make sure Hop knows that too! I look forward to hearing from Hop, with that name he has got to be a great guy! I bet he is funny too!

    God Bless you all
  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    welcome and God be with you
    From another mary, I am sorry to see you having to find this board, but I am SO glad you did find us! You will find so much information and hope here. I was diagnosed in August of 2004 at age 43. I can STILL remember the shock! My surgeon wanted to go ahead and get me into the operating room, since I was already cleaned out (but I think he was just testing my spirit; I can still see his face at that time). Of course, I said WHOAH! I took a few days to get things in order, get my head around the news a bit (it takes quite a while to TOTALLY get your head around it, but I needed some time to get a grip!). Not quite 2 weeks later I went in. The surgery went well. Did follow up chemo. It's been an up and down ride, but here I am on my 5th year! I can remember that first year fully expecting to just drop dead at some point without warning; after all, we all know cancer kills, right?!! Well, once I discovered that wasn't going to happen, the fight got just a bit easier! I have had a wonderful support system, between family, friends, and online friends! Take the advice of not paying attention to the statistics, they will scare you! I am one who loves information; the more the merrier! But even I have discovered that there's a point at which the information becomes too much and doesn't always apply anyhow! You will see there are a large number of people here living with this beast and living well! You have a bunch of stuff ahead of you and I hope you and your husband come here often for support, to vent, whatever! I will be praying for you.
  • impactzone
    impactzone Member Posts: 555 Member
    Stage 4 here and a couple of pieces of advice from a guy who has had liver, lung, 10 months of chemo and colon surgery... If possible, go to a major cancer center, make sure you have a great surgeon and team in place, accept all the help and support others offer (I tried to be tough and do everything anyway), ask questions, take notes in a notebook with all your records, get copies of everything right at the time and not going back afterwards, don't be afraid to get a second opinion on anything (even if the first is good). There are great people here who will help. All my best

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    This is one of the best CRC tumor boards around.

    Take a notebook. Start writing down questions.

    One that comes to mind immediately is the possibility of a J-Pouch proceedure. This is where, after colon removal, a 'new' rectum or pouch is fashioned with small intestine. All is internal. My beau's cousin had this done, not for cancer, but for acute ulcerative colitis. He goes EVERYWERE now, even to the outlying areas of China.

    I have an internal J-pouch also, but it's fashioned from descending colon. It functions just like a 'normal' rectum...

    Hugs, Kathi
  • ldot123
    ldot123 Member Posts: 272
    KathiM said:

    This is one of the best CRC tumor boards around.

    Take a notebook. Start writing down questions.

    One that comes to mind immediately is the possibility of a J-Pouch proceedure. This is where, after colon removal, a 'new' rectum or pouch is fashioned with small intestine. All is internal. My beau's cousin had this done, not for cancer, but for acute ulcerative colitis. He goes EVERYWERE now, even to the outlying areas of China.

    I have an internal J-pouch also, but it's fashioned from descending colon. It functions just like a 'normal' rectum...

    Hugs, Kathi

    Ask Away
    Hi there,

    I am sorry to hear about your husbands diagnosis. You have come to a great message centre. I have found it to be by far the most positive message board in the cancer community. We are like family here. We know better than anyone what you are going through. Ask as many questions as you want, even if you think it is silly. There is no such thing as a dumb question. You will have lots as you go through the journey but the people here are always ready to provide information or support. Good luck to you both and stay positive!

    Cheers, Lance
  • captainhop
    captainhop Member Posts: 156
    Colon Cancer
    thank you Mary for your suggestions and insite. I'm going to try and make sure we do most everything ya'll are suggesting. Sounds like very sound advise.

    I'm so sorry you had to go thru this also, but you made it the 5 years and I'm proud of you for that.

    I'm researching all I can and taking notes. I'll try to post something Monday night after we hear what the surgeon has to say.

    God Bless

  • captainhop
    captainhop Member Posts: 156
    ldot123 said:

    Ask Away
    Hi there,

    I am sorry to hear about your husbands diagnosis. You have come to a great message centre. I have found it to be by far the most positive message board in the cancer community. We are like family here. We know better than anyone what you are going through. Ask as many questions as you want, even if you think it is silly. There is no such thing as a dumb question. You will have lots as you go through the journey but the people here are always ready to provide information or support. Good luck to you both and stay positive!

    Cheers, Lance

    Thank you Lance. I'm sure I'll be on here quite a bit. BTW, my PC died this morning when it got unplugged by the carpet cleaners.......Reason for not answering some of these posts sooner.

    I'll be back w/probably more questions that ya'll care to hear.

    Thank you so much ....ALL OF YOU....for letting us be part of your family, even tho the circumsances are less than desirable.

    God Bless
  • captainhop
    captainhop Member Posts: 156
    KathiM said:

    This is one of the best CRC tumor boards around.

    Take a notebook. Start writing down questions.

    One that comes to mind immediately is the possibility of a J-Pouch proceedure. This is where, after colon removal, a 'new' rectum or pouch is fashioned with small intestine. All is internal. My beau's cousin had this done, not for cancer, but for acute ulcerative colitis. He goes EVERYWERE now, even to the outlying areas of China.

    I have an internal J-pouch also, but it's fashioned from descending colon. It functions just like a 'normal' rectum...

    Hugs, Kathi

    Thanks Kathi. That is one question I'm going to ask for sure. Is something I hadn't read about yet. Appreciate your bringing it to my attention.

  • jillpls
    jillpls Member Posts: 238
    dorookie said:

    We are always here
    You will find someone here at all times to help you through whatever you need. There are so many great stories here, alot of hope and alot of prayers! You will find people in similiar situations as yours so you can relate. You will find so many people willing to be there for you even if its just to listen to you vent. We are here for your husband as well, please tell him to feel free to jump in at anytime with his questions, we would love to meet him too.

    I am one of the younger ones that have been DX with CC, but unfortunately we are finding more and more young people here too. I was 38 at first DX, went through surgery, chemo, radiation, cmemo and was actually clear of cancer for a few months. It has recently come back in my lung, so I underwent surgery and I am cancer free again, but now I have to do chemo again, which I will be starting tomorrow (friday). Not a good Christmas present for any of us huh? But we all have family or friends and we have this place to come to too!

    Welcome Mary, sorry you have to be here but you have found a great place of peace, information, love, and support!

    You and your family will be in my prayers as well!
    God Bless

    I'm so sorry to hear your cancer has returned. When mine did it was harder to accept. It too returned to the lung and gut area. I've been on folfiri since April plus Avastin. Then in the past month my dr said I may be able to have surgery. So went to drs for opinion of surgery and both said no, that the tumors were so small and so little activity that it would do more harm than good to do any surgery. They couldn't even see the turmors. So there is always hope. I had prayed for surgery but instead God did even more than I asked for. Faith and prayers are so important. God bless you on your next treatment. Stay strong and know that it's going to get rid of everthing once and for all. Do have a Merry Christmas.
    God be with you always
  • Mike49
    Mike49 Member Posts: 261

    Colon Cancer
    thank you Mary for your suggestions and insite. I'm going to try and make sure we do most everything ya'll are suggesting. Sounds like very sound advise.

    I'm so sorry you had to go thru this also, but you made it the 5 years and I'm proud of you for that.

    I'm researching all I can and taking notes. I'll try to post something Monday night after we hear what the surgeon has to say.

    God Bless


    You sound like a great partner your husband is lucky as I am
    I can tell you that the support of a spouse or significant partner is invaluable. I am so sad for your news but know that your husband has an engaged partner in this fight and you are important. I can't begin to tell you how much my wife being my partner makes my fight stronger. We each have our days where we are strong and not so strong. She is there for me and I keep positive because and through her love.

    I had surgery in October and I am on Folfox and Avastin now. You will see posts here of people who have fought this disease and won. Some fight on and this is like a chronic disease for them. I don't know where my fight leads except we are all looking for the NED (no evidence of disease) state.

    Good luck, the members of this discussion board are incredible and I assure you, they are sincere in there concern for each other. Welcome although I am sorry about the circumstances that brought us all together, there are some of the most incredible true stories of caring and courage. I motivates us all.

  • captainhop
    captainhop Member Posts: 156
    Mike49 said:

    You sound like a great partner your husband is lucky as I am
    I can tell you that the support of a spouse or significant partner is invaluable. I am so sad for your news but know that your husband has an engaged partner in this fight and you are important. I can't begin to tell you how much my wife being my partner makes my fight stronger. We each have our days where we are strong and not so strong. She is there for me and I keep positive because and through her love.

    I had surgery in October and I am on Folfox and Avastin now. You will see posts here of people who have fought this disease and won. Some fight on and this is like a chronic disease for them. I don't know where my fight leads except we are all looking for the NED (no evidence of disease) state.

    Good luck, the members of this discussion board are incredible and I assure you, they are sincere in there concern for each other. Welcome although I am sorry about the circumstances that brought us all together, there are some of the most incredible true stories of caring and courage. I motivates us all.


    Mike, I wAnt to thank you for your wonderful words of encouragement....So many in this group have given me words that will stay with me and help to carry me through -- which I'm also passing on to Hop. Yep, Hop and I plan on doing this together, as I said, it is OUR CANCER, not just his. It will be a hand in hand thing, although I'm sure we both will have our "down" days....and I believe he understands that.
    He told our 4 grown sons today and I'm sure that was very hard for him. We have 8 g.childfren and one of the grandsons (very close to his g.pa) wants Hop to be his Best Man at his wedding............don't know when that'll be, but now that he knows the news, I do believe it will be sooner rather than later.
    I am gaining strength from reading all the posts - and trying to get Hop to join in -- he's just not ready yet. Believe still in one of those "first emotional" states.
    Thank you again and my best to you and your better half. May God Bless and Keep You both.

  • kmygil
    kmygil Member Posts: 876 Member
    Dear Mary,
    I'm so sorry to hear the news. It is a journey of major physical, emotional and spiritual proportions, but you will both come out of it stronger. I believe in survival. Be your own advocates--ask questions, educate yourselves and stay strong! This board helped me so much on my own journey, so don't be a stranger. You can ask anything, vent and give your own input. You are in my prayers.

  • captainhop
    captainhop Member Posts: 156
    kmygil said:

    Dear Mary,
    I'm so sorry to hear the news. It is a journey of major physical, emotional and spiritual proportions, but you will both come out of it stronger. I believe in survival. Be your own advocates--ask questions, educate yourselves and stay strong! This board helped me so much on my own journey, so don't be a stranger. You can ask anything, vent and give your own input. You are in my prayers.


    Thanks so much, Kristen. I so appreciate everyone's responses. They're already giving us strength.
    And, I do have so many questions, but don't know where to start. We've been told this is a really tough surgery, and that scares me somewhat. I pray for wisdom, knowledge, understanding, the ability to handle the "down" times with Hop...........the whole 9 yards. But mostly, I pray his pain won't be to awfully severe, as he doesn't handle pain well. Gotta tell ya, my heart is just breaking for my love of 50 years. He's 71, but a very young 71 with a sense of humor.........I hope that also will see us thru
    He's hurting this morning, near where the 2nd tumor is, and just doesn't feel good. Having been a care giver myself, I'm watching him closely, as well as giving what support I can, and above all, giving him my love.
    I can handle most anything, but I would gladly take his pain for him if I could.
    YES, I'M SCARED and I know he is too.........Again....I feel we must cross these unknown bridges when we get to them and not try to do so before hand
    Going in to take a shower and try to renew my thoughts for the day.

  • VickiCO
    VickiCO Member Posts: 917
    Sorry Mary
    I am a recent joiner as well, DX'd 10/22 currently doing chemo 5FU & radiation in prep for surgery. I cannot tell you how much this list means to me. I, too, have a wonderful, supportive spouse and I couldn't get through this without him. Hugs to you, because as I watch him and I know how hard it is to be on the other side.

  • captainhop
    captainhop Member Posts: 156
    VickiCO said:

    Sorry Mary
    I am a recent joiner as well, DX'd 10/22 currently doing chemo 5FU & radiation in prep for surgery. I cannot tell you how much this list means to me. I, too, have a wonderful, supportive spouse and I couldn't get through this without him. Hugs to you, because as I watch him and I know how hard it is to be on the other side.


    I'm so sorry you're also having to go thru this and my best to your spouse for the support he's giving you. I'm sure he has his moments alone when he cries for you (I do that for Hop--but try to be in another room)...Then sometimes, we cry together. Tears are cleansing and are a good source of relief and stress. I wish you the best of luck w/ surgery and Pray God will see you both through it w/ flying colors. Every one is telling me "ONE DAY AT A TIME", and that's what we must do......In fact, we're taking one hour at a time, trying to prepare ourselves for the surgery.

    I know your spouse, as well as myself, would gladly go through all this for you and Hop if we could.

    I pray for a rapid recovery and good outcome for you, my friend. Just HANG IN THERE. I'll remember you in my prayers, Vicki.

    If you haven't already.....just a suggestion .....we have a tremendous Prayer Chain going right now, from people we don't even know.....Churches in other states...2 forums I belong to as well as friends and family. There is so much power in Prayer...Now, we've found this group and everyone is wonderful.

    May God bless you thru this and be with your spouse as well.

    Thank you for the response.

  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member

    Thanks so much, Kristen. I so appreciate everyone's responses. They're already giving us strength.
    And, I do have so many questions, but don't know where to start. We've been told this is a really tough surgery, and that scares me somewhat. I pray for wisdom, knowledge, understanding, the ability to handle the "down" times with Hop...........the whole 9 yards. But mostly, I pray his pain won't be to awfully severe, as he doesn't handle pain well. Gotta tell ya, my heart is just breaking for my love of 50 years. He's 71, but a very young 71 with a sense of humor.........I hope that also will see us thru
    He's hurting this morning, near where the 2nd tumor is, and just doesn't feel good. Having been a care giver myself, I'm watching him closely, as well as giving what support I can, and above all, giving him my love.
    I can handle most anything, but I would gladly take his pain for him if I could.
    YES, I'M SCARED and I know he is too.........Again....I feel we must cross these unknown bridges when we get to them and not try to do so before hand
    Going in to take a shower and try to renew my thoughts for the day.


    Marygale, i believe your husband will find out he has a stronger tolerance for pain than he thought. This beast has a way of bringing out our strengths and showing us just how much God has blessed us with. He WILL do well in surgery, you WILL be strong for him and you both will be on the other side looking back and being glad it is over and you are moving on to newer things!