Total Parenteral Nutrition
Hi All, I was wondering how many of you are on TPN? And if so, how long for? How are you finding it? I am looking after my mum who has a sub-obstruction due to a large tumor compressing her transverse colon. She is finding it increasingly difficult to eat (feels full almost immediately). She will start TPN tomorrow (at…
Some Smoothie Recipes, Including some with Ensure!
Mu onc had a list of these recipes printed out in her office, and thought I'd share them with you, especially pasgal, who I know's dad doesn't like Ensure, but maybe he'll drink it like this, to add some extra weight as well! I haven't tried these yet, but let me know if you do and like them...here they are..some don't…
3 years NED!
Hello Everyone I don't post very often but do try to read your posts everyday. My husband was diagnosed Jan. 06 with stage 3 rectal cancer 10 out of 28 nodes positive. We thought our lifes would never be the same. Yesterday we got the results of his 6 month followup pet scan and sigmoidoscopy. 3 years NED! My prayers are…
colon resection
i have a question, The first time around when I had surgery the Dr. cut me about 9 or 10 inches to perform my operation. Now that I have to have surgery again I was woundering if they will have to do it that way again or will they do it lyproscopy. Really scared to do it the same way as the first time Pat
Halfway there 6th down....
This time I was really tasting it, since I had mouth sores, my onc didn't do the Bolus push, and laucoverin is it?? she had me just do the Avastin, Irinotecan, and the 5fu pump, which will come off tomorrow thank god... I was feeling more of a gagging sensation, and I am on Emend, Dexamethasone, Zofran and Compazine, I…
My dad takes reglan twice a day for cramping, nausea, you name it. He has stage 4 colon cancer. Nothing else the doctor has given him has helped him at all with his stomach cramping until reglan. Anyways, he was watching CNN this morning and it said there were alot of people having problems with it. I guess not being able…
Friday Riddle
RIDDLE: What has 5(sometimes 4) hands but is normal
First Harvest
I've always tried to grow one or two vegetable plants every year. But this year I've had more time on my hands than usual so I planted a big garden. We've been in drought conditions for 5 years and ground water levels were getting low. But thankfully we've had a huge surplus of rainfall this year. I think with this latest…
I got really good news yesterday not NED but the ca in my lungs has shrank to almost nothing and the ca is shrinking in the other places too. H e did say I will not be able to get surgry too many places but I can deal with that. I have 2 more times of the crapy chemo then probably just the maintance to keep it under…
I am losing hope....... please help me if you can
Hi Everybody, You all know I have been planning to go to MD Anderson Cancer Center for a while now. Well, I am here. Went today for some testing and met with a few doctors. The end result was not good. They told me no surgery on liver or lungs...EVER. My cancer is in bloodstream and they need to kill it (control it)in all…
Paying for followup tests
I was diagnosed stage 2 in 2006, had surgery, chemo and have been NED since. I thought my problems were over but I was wrong. I have insurance but I have a $7500 deductable. My most recent CT scan cost $4700 and I am supposed to have a colonoscopy this year also. I can't afford these followup tests. I work at a grocery…
will chemo help the pain in liver?
hi all, I have colon cancer with mets to the liver, several tumors on the liver and had to have emergency colon resection. Was wondering if the chemo will help the pain the my liver? I start chemo on the 16th. I also am having gas pain and nausea that I can't seem to shake. I am taking Darvocet for pain but unfortunatly it…
Funny Letter
Dear Tide: I writing to say what an excellent product you have! I've used it all through my married life, as my Mom always told me it was the best. Now that I am in my fifties, I find it even better! In fact, about a month ago, I spilled some red wine on my new white blouse. My inconsiderate and uncaring husband started to…
Does this sound right?
My mom only has 2 chemo rounds left to go!!! Her last treatment will be July 7th. Her oncologist said Tuesday that she would not have a follow up colonoscopy or total body scan until November. So- my guess is that they wait to give the body time to 'recover' from chemo? And if anything should happen to be left in there it…
More Funnies
Hope I dont offend anyone if I do I am sorry, please let me know and I will stop. Just woke up and wanted to laugh and share the laughter... Subject: SICK LEAVE Harry calls into work and says, 'Hey, I can't come in to work today, I really sick. Got a headache, stomach aches and legs hurt. Can't come in.' > The boss says,…
Cancer is back
Well here I am again 15 months ago I was told I had stage 3 colon cancer. I went through the surgery had 18" of my colon removed 12 horrible rounds of chemo and this **** is back again. I dont understand what is going on I thought I had this beat, But I guess I was wrong. So here I am again going back to surgery and I can…
Radiation or Not?
-- I met with my Radiation Oncologist today for the first time. He plans to consult with other physicians before a decision is made about radiation for me. I seem to be a unique case in that I had no tumor and only 1 positive and a minute positve on a second lymph node which were part of 22 lymph nodes that were harvested…
Does anyone experience swelling in the ankles or feet, and is it a bad sign of anything? I have finally gained weight, I went from 118 a few weeks ago to being 128 now, I can't tell if it's fluid or I'm just gaining weight like I wanted too, I been eating alot of high calorie things to get my weight back up, but noticed a…
Neulasta and Neuprogen
I know we had a topic on this once before, and I as wondering, I know I'm going to have to have another neulasta shot I'm sure after my 7th treatment..since they were at a 4.7 yesterday, I am sure they'll be lower then that next time, where she will probably give me the chemo anyway, and then I'll have to drive the 2 hours…
Over one hurdle
I went in for my colonoscopy on tuesday and got the all clear from my surgeon...yay!!! I had a happy day yesterday and today, but now my mind is already looking forward to friday, my first 3 month follow-up with my oncologist for bloodwork, x-ray and cea test and my nerves are starting to kick in. This cancer sucks...you…
A question
Hello everybody,I have a question here:5-FU,Oxaliplatin,Capecitabine and Xeloda,and so on,all of them are standard and regular medications for chemo treatment for colon cancer,and they are all "antimetabolite",so what's the difference between them? Thanks a lot.
Insulin Potentiation Therapy
I was wondering if anyone has looked into IPT therapy, using insulin as a biologic response modifier to deliver lower doses of chemotherapy. You can google it - pros and cons. It is an interesting idea. Here is an excerpt. Susan ------------ Chemotherapy drugs like to attack rapidly dividing cells, indiscriminately. In a…
Social Security Benefits
Is anyone on this board getting disability benefits from Social Security? If so, how hard was it to get? Did you use a lawyer or on your own? Thanks, Debbie
Good news for me..
Hey ya'll - it's been awhile, sorry. Been working alot of hours, and also got stuck playing mafia wars on facebook. Anyway - saw the doc for a follow up. I have surgery scheduled to get the port out on June 25th! Oh yeah....so tired of this thing, and I hate getting stuck. Forgot the cream today - it really hurts! (me…
MsColon or daughters...
Anyone hear anything on Mary since her surgery and daughters last post? I'm getting worried :( Huggssss! ~Donna
nausea - life
WOW, am I ever nautious this time around. Even threw up toast! Hope it's not a sign of the next 5 treatments....that would be a real bummer! Today is my grandma's 99th birthday. On Friday, my aunt callled hospice, seems my grandma has fluid in her lungs and her heart is failing. I know she has had a long life, and she is…
A Setback
Hi All, I haven't posted in a while. My husband had been doing wonderfully. We found out that his original CEA number was 647. By the 3rd treatment, it was 320. After the fifth treatment, it was 39!. He was doing so well, no side effects from his treatments, weight holding steady, and only tired occasionally. He has rectal…
San Diego Cancer Center
Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with the San Diego Cancer Center? (2 locations in Vista and Encinitas in north San Diego county) How about Dr. Derek Helton? I'm not sure yet where he practiced before joining this cancer center. I keep having twists in my bid to try to change oncologists. I had the experience…
I have been taking Xeloda orally for 20 days. Does anyone know how long it generally takes for it like that to leave the body? I received IV for dehydration today and will receive again tomorrow..I can't drink or eat much ...stomach always feels full...hoping thse side effects go away soon.... thanks
peritoneal carcinomatosis - please help
Hello all, Advance apologies for the long-winded message. I've been reading messages posted on the board for the past few months and they've been a great comfort to me in very dark times. My mother (who is 71) was diagnosed with mCRC in October 2007. She had a few hepatic mets (the largest was probably around 3cm) as well…