Cancer patients should beware supplement use
Short, but interesting article: http://my.earthlink.net/article/hea?guid=20090608/4a2c8cc0_3421_1334520090608-296030919
Indented ileostomy
Second time with an ileostomy, had cancer of rectum with many complications including recto- vaginal fistula. In March I received my second ileostomy, looks to be permanent. I am trying to learn as much as possible.Iwould like to know what blockage is like. I also noticed this morning when I changed mt bag that my stoma…
Recommended supplements for metastatic disease
Dr. Heinz Lenz (USC) does not recommend any high dose antioxidants in combination with chemo or radiation. This includes vitamin C, E, selenium, high antioxidant containing juices. When I asked him why, he said that high dose antioxidants "feed" the cancer cells. He does recommend supplementing the diet with vitamin B6, as…
Almost done with my 1st round of Chemo and it sucks. I know there are many other people here that have it much worse. I guess I just want to complain. I have had nausea for 2 days in a row, can't drink anything cold. I get my pack disconnected today at 4:30, I hope it gets better. I wish I had my Mom's strength, she passed…
Weight Loss Again/Blood Counts/Some Nausea
Last month when I went to see the surgeon he said I needed to eat more, of everything. Well, I thought I was trying and then I started chemo. It's not that my taste buds are bad it's just that it seems like I eat something and I get full so fast and then I'm not hungry for hours. I went in today and lost another 3 pounds.…
A good read...
One of our favorite columnists here in Southern California, Al Martinez, wrote the following piece about his daughter's fight against colon cancer. It is gently written and speaks to the bonds that can deepen between family or friends. I thought some of you might enjoy reading it. http://www.dailynews.com/ci_12547473…
seeking resolution for bowel obstruction!!!
My oncologist told me yesterday I have 4-6 months to live if I go without chemo or 8-12 months with chemo. Due to my bowel obstruction, he didn't think I can safely receive the chemo without getting my small intestines perforated again. I'm at a point where i have to choose whether to live comfortably without chemo, or…
More lung mets - help with Folfiri/Avastin needed
My CT scan results, 2 months post bilateral VATS for lung mets (April 1), was not what I had hoped for. The scan showed a new 3 mm nodule in the right mid-lung (anterior to the major fissure), new R hilar lymph node adenopathy and more prominent subcarinal lymph nodes. In retrospect, VATS was not successful for me. As my…
Thought I would pass on some funnies to make everyone laugh....Enjoy > > Man who run in > > Front of car get tired. > > *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* > > Man who run behind > > Car get exhausted. > > *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* > > Man with one > > Chopstick go hungry. > > *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* > > Man who scratch butt > > Should not bite…
when someone in the house is sick
Hi Again, Question... what does everyone do when someone in the house has a nasty virus? Our 14 year old is vomiting and aching and obviously has a bug. **** is at chemo right now. We live in a small house. Do people just wash hands carefully? Does wearing a mask in the house sound right? Should both of them wear a mask?…
cancer so SUCKS
I hate this beast, I am so tired of hearing how more and more people are getting this beast, WHY WHY WHY, we have so much technology these days what the heck is going on!!! IT just breaks my heart, not just what I have lost because of this but for all of those you have paid the biggest price, it just sucks so bad. I am so…
good morning semi's so who all is going to cp7? i am really thinking of going. scouty how do i go about making reservations. thanks bruce
I already feel better!
Thanks to all of you for your kind words, and awesome attitudes. I am finding that it is so comforting to find people that know exactly what I am going through. My friends and family are wonderful but they just don't know what I am going through emotionally. I start my chemo on the 16th and am feeling very anxious about…
Starting treatments again
Well it has been a while since i last posted anything. During that time they sent me to have the port declotted, twice. Nothing happened. They still could not get blood from the port. So the onc. said it needed to come out because of the possobility of the chemo not all going in and that it could get into surrounding…
Too much meat and fast food blamed for bowel cancer rise
Fast food blamed for bowel cancer rise June 9, 2009 http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/wellbeing/fast-food-blamed-for-bowel-cancer-rise-20090608-c0tt.html People under 50 are experiencing an alarming rise in bowel cancer, and a diet of too much meat and fast food may be to blame, cancer experts in the United States say. Bowel…
question liver enzymes
Hi, **** went in for his blood work prior to chemo (which is tomorrow). Most numbers look good. However, on 5/22/09 his AST was 83 (normal 0 - 37) and his ALT was 105 (normal 0-40). Then today AST 48 and ALT 54. These are down from 2 weeks ago but still not in the normal range. **** had a PET scan 2 weeks ago and got an…
supplements and herbs
I was just wondering if anyone has been warned by the doc not to take any specific supplements. I currently take a multi-vitamin, flax seed oil,echinacea and golden seed. All of which I cleared with the Onc. ahead of time. I've been reading about resveratrol which is supposed to contain the active ingredient in red wine…
Cancer patient learns herbals can interfere
Another short and sweet article: http://my.earthlink.net/article/hea?guid=20090608/4a2c8cc0_3421_13345200906081074702194
Krista how ya doing?
How are you doing Krista? Please give us an update.
Reversal misery
Want to hear from those who have chose to have a bag put back on. How did you come to this decision? How long had you had your reversal? Have you regretted your decision? I haven't had a second opinion yet but I want to get one. Did any of you get second opinions. After 20 months I'm still having alot of pain and soreness,…
Hello everyone I am Jeff's sister
Hi, I am Jeff's sister Patti, He was so sweet to find me positive stuff to read. I have been diagnosed with stage 4 colon with mets to the liver, lymphnodes in stomach and some stomach lining. I had no symptoms I was what I thought healthy. I went in every year for full physicals and female exams. I am 41 with two children…
When to get scoped for early detection with family history?
My mom was diagnosed last Thanksgiving with Stage 3 (by surgeon) or Stage 2 (by oncologist) colon cancer. A resection and chemo followed. She was only 59 at diagnosis. Only 3 treatments left for her---hoorah!!! The fight has been challenging- but I do believe she is winning the fight! Everyone tells us that me and my…
Need Opinions
After surgery, I was told I had a 25% chance my cancer would come back if I did nothing. If I did chemo I would reduce that by 5%, does anyone think it's worth it? I have gone through 1 treatment already and it's hitting me hard, not sure this is worth it for 5%. Dave
I'm an advocate, but not sure I'm doing enough
Hello everyone.....first off, thank you to all the people on this board who have been so inspiring. I joined a few weeks ago when my father was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer. I took my father home from Mt. Sini this past Friday after 11 days. Prior to discharge, we met with the surgeon and the oncologist to discuss…
post-op pain.
Hi everyone, I had my resection and temp ileostomy 6 days ago. I am taking percocet for pain, but I wish I had something else to take for breakthrough pain, is there anyone out there who took more than one med for pain control.. Also, I am overweight, so my tummy is bigger, I had to go out and buy a girdle for support…
My turn, NED!
Yesterday I had a long session with my doctor. We laid out the plan for the LAST chemo week, starting June 15. We will continue the 30% reduction of the 5FU as I seemed to tolerate that better last month, compared to the April session that tried to kill me! Then we talked about my future...doesn't that sound wonderful? I…
I am all done with the CHEMO, thank GOD!!! Now its the wait and more test to see if the cancer is still gone. Please keep me in your prayers!!! Its been a long 6 months, now I need to work on getting my energy up in hopes to make it back to work within the month. My head doc has me on some new meds and they seem to be…
Question about liver
I am a Stage 3 colon cancer survivor (2 years now) and still NED! But, I just came from the oncologist with my Daughter in Law and she has Stage 4 cancer in the liver: GIST tumor. (we think the origin was in the stomach) Just made me sick to hear that. 29 years old and 3 small kids. Anyway, I know that a few of you have…
Tips for first rounds of doctor's appts after ending chemo
Hello all I'm heading to Salt Lake later this week and the Huntsman Cancer Institute for my first rounds of doctor's visits after ending chemo, meet with my GI surgeon for a rectal exam, meet with my medical oncologist who does my second opinions regarding monitoring etc. I'd love some practical tips on what to be sure to…
Emily (2BHealed)
Emily.........Please see diet vs chemo post.......