incision site leaking in rectum
Hey There !! i had stage 3 rectal cancer , done radiation ,chemo, had surgery . the incision area in rectum did not heal fully due to what i was told soft tissue from radiation and now scar tissue so area will not close completly doctor had me do 3 Barium enema test over a period of year to see if it would heal on its own…
Stage IIA, T3, N0, M0 rectal cancer - new diagnosis
Hello, I found out 21 days ago that I have a nickle sized cancerous tumor in my rectum. I'm 56. Stage IIA, T3, N0, M0. I start chemo and radiation treaments on Monday. I feel like Sunday, September 9th will be my last normal day of life. Once the chemo (Xeloda) and radiation kick in I am afraid of hair loss, and diarrhea,…
No Mo Chemo...For Now
Yesterday was a wierd day. I had formally been told that I might have to take the maintenance chemo indefinitely but my oncologist decided that since I was NED and all my numbers looked good, he didn't want to risk kidney damage that can be caused by the Cyramza. So, whoop whoop, I'm done for now. Unfortunately because I…
All clear
Hurray, husband is still NED almost 7 years after Surgery for stage 4 CRC. Today we had the appointment with his doc to talk about CT and ultraqsound results and everything is clear. What great news! Big hugs to all of you from Cologne, Germanys Petra
Mixed reviews!?!?!?
Wow not exactly how I wish a doctor would describe my husbands mets. But it was the exact words the surgeon we saw used! I left in tears despite going in knowing that he would be told not surgical. Surprisigly she didn't rule it out yet, and wants to present his case to a different tumor board where the top liver surgeon…
This interesting new article (abstract only) finds no survival advantage for chemo over no chemo for stage 3: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30253025 After adjustment for the competing risk of non-colorectal cancer death, there was no significant difference in recurrence between the 204 patients who received…
Results not favourable
Sceduled appointements with my Onc and Rad Onc, and my results were not favourable. Back to the big city next week for scans. I find it interesting that, no matter how many times you play games in your head, imagining what your reaction will be if the Doctor has bad news, that nothing, absolutely nothing, prepares you for…
Rife Machine
I know you are supposed to be able to make your own rife machine but I saw a site that claims they can convert your laptop into a rife machine for 100 dollars. It sounds fishy to me but I was wondering what the rest of you think about it. They have the paddles and software that supposedly changes the frequencies. Eric }:.)
CT scan does not look good
I had colon tumor removal surgery 2 months ago. Because of surgery had no CT scan for total of 3-4 months. I had CT scan couple days ago after 2 chemos after surgery. Unfortunately tumors near to bile ducts on left and right lobe have grown. More seriously left lobe tm from 2.2 to 3.1cm With bile duct dilation. I was told…
rectal cancer
I had my rectum removed. I had stage 3. I was reattached no bag; I am having alot of pain were iI was reattached bowel movements are very inconsisten. I go 2 or 3 days and sometimes twice daily. any ideas.
Once again seeking encouragement
Diagnosed in May 2017. 28 chemo/radiation treatments Summer 2017. Rectal removal and permanent colostomy surgery October 2017. Mets to liver, multiplying. Folfiri Spring 2018. Interrupted by broken hip early July of this year. Got some lab work done at my PCP and he sent me to the ER today to check for a blood clot. No…
Short Bowel Syndrome
Does anyone else have this? They told me I'd have it now after the last sugery. I got a booklet that gave a bit of an outline and suggested things like eating more salt. Actually putting salt in orange juice or gatorade. Canned soups- full of sodium- are also supposed to be good for me. And processed meats, one of the…
Infusaport placement
Well I have had 2 ports placed on the Right side and both have gotten infected after about 6 weeks, I am dut to have a third port inserted but this time on left side. Has anyone had any bad effects from the port on the left side? My inner nervous Nelly dreads the thought of it so close to my heart. Any info/thoughts…
Not sure if this a setback or not *update with good news!*
my husband has been having severe gas pain after eating and Saturday it reallly got bad. I thought it was pancreatitis but his blood test was good. He had a ct scan in the Er here and they said he had bile duct leak, his surgeon at Sloan said he didn’t think so, however he never said what he thought it is. So we…
Gum mastic health benefit.
Another natural plant benefits. The resin of Pistacia lentiscus (L.) var. chia (Duham), an evergreen shrub belonging to the family Anacardiaceae and uniquely cultivated in southern Chios, is known as mastic. It has been used for more than 2500 years in traditional Greek medicine for treating several diseases such as…
Interesting article on heart problems with 5FU or capecitabine
I was one of the "lucky" people to have had heart issues on capecitabine. Before this occurred, I had no idea it could happen and I had no heart issues whatsover. This new article discusses, in-depth, heart problems related to chemo and may be of interest to anyone who has had such issues, or those on chemo so they can be…
unexplained weight loss prior to diagnosis?
Hi everyone... Have any of you experienced unexpected weight loss prior to diagnosis? I was diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer waaaayy back in 2002! I have steadily lost weight over the last four months for a total of 22 pounds. Of course I am concerned about a possible met or recurrence. I would love you hear from you.…
TCM, Immunotherapy, Exercise, O For 3 For Me - Radiation and Chemo Time
Have not logged in or posted in awhile. The title is pretty much the situation. Lymph nodes have been relatively stable/growing slowly this whole time. But in two months between scans the cancer is going crazy. Lungs had substantial increase in number and size. There are other suspect locations, including the liver. And…
Update for "Terrified"
I received the MRI report today and "there are no suspicious lesions". I am SO RELIEVED. Thank you all for being there for me. It was so helpful to come here and share my fears. Bless you all. I am now 5 years NED Love to all Kelley
Tomorrow's a busy day for me so I'll leave this here now, 11 years have past since I wrecked my wife's birthday fun with a diagnosis neither of us really saw coming. Tomorrow I'll put her ashes in the columbarium at the cemetery, toast her birthday with some of the kids, and move on with my life. I'm four years NED from…
Wine and initial CRC risk
Raise your glasses (at least there is something we can be happy about): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30247171 Neither light to moderate (<2 drinks/day; SRR=0.93, 95% CI: 0.80-1.08, I=69.2%) nor heavy (≥2 drinks/day; SRR=1.00, 95% CI: 0.86-1.16, I=39.9%) consumption of wine was associated statistically with CRC risk.…
A Lot of Tears, Stress and a False Alarm
Hi all, Well, the tests all began on September 28th. I had my CEA blood work. It came back stable. I had a scope with my surgeon, it came back clear. Then I had the CT scan and it came back with suspicious findings in an area near my last recurrence. My Oncologist was immediately convinced it was an early recurrence and I…
Less strength
Have any of you with recurrences felt defeated? I didn't enjoy the first go at chemo, but I felt like I would do it and then be okay. I had my first round for recurrence and just feel so defeated this time. If it weren't for the energy of my kitten, I think I might be sad a lot.
weight loss big time
Good Morning, I'm new here. My husband has stage iii T4 N2 M0 rectal cancer. Diagnosed in June. He started chemo in August. He's getting ready for his third treatment on Friday. He's on Xeloda /Capecitabine. Over the last year, he had lost weight (probably about 20sh pounds). Since he's started chemo he has lost about…
Questions on behalf of my mother
My mother has stage 4 which has spread to the liver. She did 4 or 5 treatments with Folfiri but the tumors have grown/multiplied and they have switched her over to Folfox and Avastin. She is experiencing first bite syndrome and she can't hold anything cold - her fingers pain her when she does. I understand that these are…
Folfox vs. Folfiri
I have completed 6 cycles of FolFox and have neuropathy in fingers that I am afraid may be permanent, I am hoping to switch to FolFiri--is there any diffference in their efficacy? I went for seond opinion at Mayo and the rather cold hearted oncologist told me he steers away from Oxiliplatin , says it is what the "older"…
Fistulas & surgery, a little graphic
Once again I've ended up with an uncommon side effect that few people seem to get. How did I get so lucky? So, for the past year, since the sepsis, I've never really felt right. Nausea to varying degrees every single day. Weak, no stamina, just feeling miserable. I was beating myself up mentally for it. Thinking maybe I'd…
Feeling defeated scared desperate and looking for opinions pls
Hi again , So I have Been having weird symptoms that could be a number of things Its mainly being bloated and having dirrehea , Its not every day but over the last month I dont seem to be able to go more Than 3-4 days of having normal stools and then I'm normally getting either liquid dirrehea, looser stools and/ or poop…
Hello all~ In 2013, I had a colon resection for a cancerous tumor and had 9 lymph nodes removed. One of those was infected so I did 6 months of Xeloda. Tried Oxaliplatin but had a bad reaction after the first infusion so just stayed with the Xeloda pills. Since then, Ive had ct with contrast, blood tests and colonoscopies…
severe diarhea
My husband, who has stage 4 colon cancer with met to the liver, is currently in the hospital for severe diarhea due to Xeloda. Anyone else have something like this? Any suggestions? He is coming home in two days with IVs and will have to delay his last two chemo sessions (3 weeks each).