Update and Good News

sfmarie Member Posts: 602
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I wanted to give you all an update and add another story of hope and inspiration to everyone battling this disease. As some may know, my sister was dx in 03/09 at 39 years with Stage IV cc mets to liver, ovaries and peritoneum. She had NO symptoms, was a marathon runner and is a mother of three small children. Severe abdominal pain sent her to the ER where they discovered the tumor that grew outside of her colon had perforated the colon. She had emergency surgery with her ovaries removed and her tumor removed and her colon resected. She then started chemo after with Erbitux and after 3 month, it seemed to be working. She sought a liver surgeon that scheduled liver resection. She was off the chemo for several weeks waiting for the resection. During pre-op, they discovered the cancer spread to nearby lymph nodes and grew like mad. She went back on chemo; avastin, 5FU and oxalyplatin. This was back at the end of August. Fast forward to today where her latest PET showed the peritoneal cancer was not picked up on the PET and that her liver tumors were shinking, some even gone and her lymph involvement dying. They are talking RFA or resection for the remainder of the liver mets. We are sooo happy, after many many bad news one after another, we finally got some good news! I am sharing this, because I had once thought nothing else could be done, but now I have lots of hope. Thank you for listening. Marie


  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    That is most good news!! I'm absolutely happy to hear about your sister, there is HOPE, and this story gives me alot of hope! Thank you for sharing, keep us posted on her next treatments, what she is deciding to do, I'd be interested in hearing about it. Never lose hope, that's for sure!

  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
    Never give up hope
    Since my Dx in May I've started reading about cancer and subscribe to numerous online sites dealing with science, medicine, technology, etc. Some of the stuff I read is too scientific and technical for me but one thing I want to impress upon anyone reading this is that there are so many ways doctors , scientists and others are trying to fight and defeat cancer, from new types of surgery and radiation, nanotechnology and other microstuff and new types of drugs and chemicals and even potential vaccines. There is so much potential (assuming research grants, etc don't dry up)that maybe tomorrow there will be a better, safer, less debilitating treatment than what most of us have gone thru or are going thru.....Steve
  • TLG320
    TLG320 Member Posts: 167
    Thank you for sharing this fantastic news! What a wonderful thing to hear as we're going to be celebrating Thanksgiving next week!

  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    I am so happy for your
    I am so happy for your sister, you and your whole family. Thank-you for sharing this great news; on top of feeling happy for your sister it gives all of us hope and inspiration. You are a great sister!
  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    This is really wonderful
    This is really wonderful news!Thank you for sharing the great news.Hopefully the surgery or RFA will take care of the rest of the problem.I will be waitting here for another update which is :your sister is NED!
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    That is a great portrayal of what can happen with this disease. Your sister is a true testament that this is treatable. Glad she is doing good.

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    That's so good to hear!

  • kathywm
    kathywm Member Posts: 5
    Wow! Your story sounds very familiar! That is pretty much the same news we have been given on my DH! What chemo regimen is she on?

    Tell her to keep on keepin on!!!