CEA Marker

5678dance Member Posts: 39
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
My CEA marker has continued to rise since my initial resection surgery in November 2009. it was 4.8 in the hospital. The next month it was 5.2, then 10.4, then 12.3. I have had scans, xrays and blood tests, and nothing else had presented itself. My onc is baffled, and thinks it's just an anomoly, and said not to worry, as cancer cannot grow while I am on chemo (folfox). Has anyone else had this happen?



  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    I believe.....
    cancer CAN grow while on chemo. I've heard where the chemo got no response, and it spread while people were doing chemo. My CEA has had some mild rises to it as well, and hopefully tomorrow we'll see why, I just had a scan last week, and though they aren't big rises, it could also mean that the cancer cells are dying off as well.

  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    My oncologist never would do
    My oncologist never would do a CEA while on chemo as he claimed chemo could skew the results. Toward the end of chemo my colorectal surgeon did one (part of a battery of tests she did before my take down surgery) and it was elevated. She told me to tell my oncologist. I did and his response was, "WHY DID SHE DO A CEA?? I NEVER DO CEA'S WHEN SOMEONE IS ON CHEMO AS THE RESULTS CAN BE INACCURATE!"