Just feeling blue
Hi, I will start with saying I am sorry, but I am feeling whiny and have no one to cry too but friends here. That's just part of how I feel. I am waiting to hear from UCSF and feeling anxious about what, when,where I will get my next treatment. I am stage 4 with mets to my lungs.. I feel good, but sometime am just plain…
6 years since diagnosis
It has now been 6 years since I was diagnosed with rectal cancer. I have very mixed feelings about it. I have been in treatment for most of the 6 years. I am still very much alive and feel very lucky to be here. I am struggling right now because I have run out of chemo options and have been off of chemo for the last 5…
Weird question re side effects from FOLFOX (5FU/Oxaliplatin)
I noticed both during treatment, and now that I am almost 2 years out, that neuropathy has been focused: 4th toe left foot; recently 4th toe rt ft and 4th finger left hand. With a chill, 4th finger rt hand was also "tingling" in that neuropathic manner. This has not been the sole extent of my neuropathy, but this oddity of…
xanax or ativan anyone
my sister has been talking about the possibility of starting to take an antianxiety medication. As you all know it (caNCER) is very stressful. She is afraid she should not be taking it when on chemo, etc, My opinion is if you need it , take it. I don't know if it would be detrimenatl to any other treatment she may have,…
The "enemy within", thats what cancer is to me
The Enemy Within. Unlike an insect or animal bite, a rusty nail or dirty needle the origin was within my own body, of my own body, like a deadly parasite thats trying to survive by consuming the healthy cells around it,by co-opting other healthy cells to join in my destruction, to spread their poison as far and wide as…
Second CT Scan in a week – concerned about radiation
Last year I had six CT Scans. Last week I had another CT Scan and because they saw a perforated diverticulum they have scheduled me for another CT Scan today. Two in one week!!! Is this too much radiation?
Famous CNN photographer has died from colon cancer
Margaret Moth storyBut more than three years after being diagnosed with colon cancer, her tremendous life journey has come to an end. Moth, known for her gutsiness, striking appearance, distinctive humor and sense of fun, died early Sunday in Rochester, Minnesota. "Dying of cancer, I would have liked to think I'd have gone…
CT results
Hi everyone, We got the scan results on John on Friday. The chest CT was a final report and said that many of the sub centimeter pulmonary nodules have improved. Previous cluster of nodules in the right lower lobe are no longer measurable. A few unchanged nodules were also seen. The impression said Improved pulmonary…
Colonoscopy Monday
Hi friends. I'm not sure if you remember me but I posted a few weeks ago over concerns about rectal bleeding. I'm 36 and a nervous wreck. On Monday I had my kids outside for recess (I'm a teacher) and I felt something wet. By the time I got to the restroom there was ALOT of blood...everywhere. In the past few weeks my…
MRI and CT today
Had both scans done today. CT to find out why ribs are hurting and MRI to find out why back is hurting. Won't get results til Monday. Gosh...I hate this waiting. I am praying it has nothing to do with recurrance or anything CANCER related. Please send yours prayers and/or good vibes my way. It would be deeply appreciated.…
Colonoscopy prep Part III - what's with the stringy stuff?
Okay...sorry to be so graphic... it is 2 hours after I finished the prep. What is with the stringy yellow stuff in my bm? The rest of the time I've had just yellow liquid. My insides sound like there is a party going on....especially on the left side. Is this all normal?
Longest year of my life.
I mean that in a good way. I just finished my first year of chemo and as much as chemo blows, it's good to be alive. I am laying here in bed, late on Saturday night, thinking about all the crap that we all go through just to see another day. I know that many of you have been on chemo alot longer than I have and have dealt…
Colonoscopy Prep - scared Part II
Okay, so I stalled for an hour and I'm now beginning the prep. The taste is very gross. The mixture is slimy and salty. I'm having doubts my friends if I can chug this stuff down. I'm drinking it from a straw hoping this will help. Thank you all who have given me such great advice so far. I hope I don't have to join your…
Is it possible for colon cancer to mestasize to the esophagus??? i am sure my spelling is way off...sorry... lol loves mel
Does anyone else just get teary for no reason....
Today is a I HATE CANCER day.... I'm talking to my onc before chemo. Really, I'm truly feeling great. My neuropathy hasn't even bothered me for about the last week. Just one of those days that even the word cancer can make me tear up. Maybe just tired from working last night and having to get up early this morning for…
Xeloda Side Effects: Pale Bowel Movement Color?
My husband is once again taking Xeloda. Has anyone had the experience of having their bowel movements become very pale as a side effect of Xeloda therapy? If so, what does that mean? Fortunately, we're not looking at diarrhea or constipation as problems at the moment, but my husband's bowel movements have been a very pale…
Does anyone experience excessive phlegm during treatment week? Also does anyone's lymph nodes in neck area swell during treatment week?
Starting folfox6 treatment tomorrow...
Tuesday morning I start my 6 months of folfox, my port was put in on friday, im a bit worried about how this will go. One step closer to doing the dance!!!
Hernia Surgery
Just to let you know that I am doing fine, the surgery was a breeze, I was in pain for about 5 days but it has lessened. What turned out to be a small hernia was a lot bigger once they got in there. But I was out before I entered the surgery room and awake and back about two hours later. They let me wake up naturally, on…
insurance problems
Insurance desk jockeys playing doctor.....hmmm sounds unethical to me Is the California insurance industry trying to kill us off early by denying benefits so they won't have the cost of the long haul????? Sounds like it to me. My 5FU/Irin/Avastin tx at USC were $20,000 billed to Medicare,per treatment, Medicare was…
Colonoscopy Prep - scared
Well, I am on my liquid diet and have taken the two pills for my halflytely prep. I'm not looking forward to drinking the prep. My two main fears for today: 1. The bowel movements will cause me to have severe bleeding (reason for the colonoscopy). 2. The bowel movements will mess up my electrolytes and cause my heart to…
Mother of the Groom!
I haven't left y'all. Just been quiet lately, because my son's wedding is SATURDAY!!! Lots to do. We are leaving tomorrow to be there for the happiest of days. Full report coming later!! *hugs* Gail
Girlfriend wanted to know why its called a "stoma"
I told her its because they took the "ache" out of stomach (therefore "stoma")Hope all (trying) to enjoy the warmer weather while it lasts: Happy Springtime......steve PS:actually, the "ache" was really somewhere else.....
I am still struggling with chris choice to do his illeostomy and colostomy reversal on tuesday the 23rd.. His surgeon is still trying to change his mind due to the LARGE blood clot in his main artery in his stomach.. He finished his will, took me to vegas for our anniversary(where he did and said everything i needed to…
Update - Has anyone seen my butt tumor?
Hey Folks, Anybody seen my butt tumor? None of the doctors can find it!! And believe me - they've tried. We had a great visit with the surgeon this afternoon. Here's what we know: 1. The primary rectal tumor is gone. It doesn't show up on the CT or MRI. It doesn't light up on the PET scan. It wasn't visible during the…
Mom is home!
My mom checked out of the hospital today! Now on 4 blood pressure meds and some seizure medication. We will follow up with ONC tomorrow via phone. I'll keep you all posted. Thank you all for the prayers. I feel so loved here.
Japan Study Shows Reason for Hope!
Colon Cancer Mets Surgery Great Results Long-term survival can be expected after R0 resection of pulmonary metastases I saw these articles earlier and thought I'd share this encouraging news. I especailly like this portion. The longer a person with metastatic cancer lives, the more likely that he or she will be around to…
Prep for colonoscopy
I am not selling - just telling the facts For those of you on Medicare, this is a much better and cheaper prep for a colonoscopy. Sometimes referred to as “body Drano time”. The old go lightly crud where you have to drink a gallon sucks. With this you only drink ½ gallon. Copay on go lightly is $40. This cost $9 over the…
post-tramatic stress post chemo
ya know, I did not have any problems getting through 3 surgeries, the chemo months from h*ll, 3 hospitalizations- I made work WORK for me, I had family support- I did what I needed to do. The only time I cried was one horrible sick chemo day- and in all honesty I was praying for death as in, it was pretty bad. I lived…