CT Scan Scheduled
I had my blood work early yesterday a.m. and the onc's scheduler called today. Anyhow, my 8 month post chemo and 15 months post dx CT scan is March 30th. I honestly covet your prayers for good news. Diane
I just checked her blog and she did have her liver resection today at Sloan. Suppose to take 3 1/2 to 4 hours but they were done in 2. Good news. Doctor only had to remove 40% of her liver and the one met he could not get, too close to an artery, he fried. She is doing well and her family is so relieved. Tina
Great News CEA 3.7
My husband went to the doctor on Monday for his bloodwork. Received great news today that his CEA is 3.7. I do not post much but check in just about every night for updates. Just wanted to share the good news, the board has helped me so much with unanswered questions.
How To Get Back To Being>>
Hey ya'll, I going to stir things up but as i approuch mid way in this hole cancer mess i have to ask how do we begin to bet back at being>>>>. Subject 1. How do we get back to being and feeling sexy and how when our nether have burned and slashed and monkeyied with, how do we go back to feeling, and have sexual feeling, (…
Happy ST. Pattys DAy
If you are Irish this is your day if you aren't than it is the day you use as an excuse to drink green beer and get drunk and parade around in those stupid looking green shorts that a true leprecon (sp) wouldn't be caught dead in..anyway I am IRISH and don't drink beer of any color and shorts well not those green…
I'm doing the dance, doing the dance, doing the dance, dance, dance, dance, dance! I finished my LAST round of Folfox today - all 12 (excluding Oxi after treatment #9)!!! I will have a Pet/CT done next week and see the colorectal surgeon next week too!!! This has been a LONG 9 months of treatment! My year anniversary of…
Cancer free?
hello -- so after being told i have tooo many tumors to count and a couple of years on and off treatment, i heard " cancer free" from my surgeon... i am in amazement and shock. i finally recieved my liver resection(Mayo) and "cancer free" was the words she used. I am grateful, blessed and scared. scared bc what if it comes…
insurance runaround
I don't post often but follow the boards regularly. I just have the need to vent a little about insurance. I was terminated from my job in Feb. sent in the paperwork for continuation of ins through cobra. It's been a month and haven't heard anything, so I got on the phone and started making calls. I feel like I'm getting…
Horrible nightmares!
I woke half a dozen times last night out of nightmares about doctor visits and CEA results. My CEA is tomorrow (Mar. 16th) and I've been totally at peace about the upcoming blood tests and then scan in a few weeks but when I sleep........ This will be my first CT scan since late Feb. '09 and CEA since Dec. '09. I believe…
Here's something sticky thats good:
A report from John Hopkins says chewing sugarless gum after colon cancer surgery can reduce your recovery stay in hospital by several days......."Chewing gum triggers the same reflex as eating, stimulating gasstrointestinal hormones connected with bowel activity".....Article does not mention nature of surgery…
scan not good CEA up from 12 -16 what to do?
CT scan did show groweth CEA is up from 12 -16, I need some ideas is radioology something I should consider I know a lot of you have been thru all of this I have been on the chemo over a year now. my other blood work is good just dont know which way to go with this now SHERI22
Trying to spread the word
Hi everyone! It's been awhile since I've posted but had to share this with you guys. I made a shirt to help spread the word of colorectal cancer. The front says I'm kicking a**! and the back reads I have colorectal cancer could you? Please get tested . I love it and I'm trying to wear it as often as I can. I thought I…
Were you too healthy?
I recently read an article about a study linking general illness to cancer. The study showed some minor association between cancer patients and prior illness. The link was not what was expected. It showed people who had a history of non-lethal illness such as seasonal Flu, and minor infections had less occurance of…
the insurance warrior
Many of you read my other thread "starting Gemzar Wed and am paying cash". In it, I talked about how my insurance company (Health Net) has denied the next chemo treatment I need, Gemzar. They say it's not on the standard FDA approved list of chemos for colorectal cancer (it isn't- but I've "used up" all the standard FDA…
Prayers are going out 4 me
got an E mail form my group and they started praying this morning so I feel alot better now that I know I have such a strong support group. This stuff ripes at you from all angles and we have to stay positive in order to win the race and I am positive that it is going to be a minor set back and not bother with worrying…
I read some where that Gemzar may make Erbitux effective for patients with the KRAS mutation. If you are already getting the Gemzar maybe slipping in a treatment or two of erbitux would help.
Confused about CEA levels?
Hi, My fiance had colorectal cancer in 2004 and has been NED since.We had his scans and blood tests over the weekend and I am so happy to tell all of you that the results were good.We shall be showing the scans to his doctor by the coming weekend but from what the doc at the lab told us it's all good.I just wanted to find…
Waiting Room
I'm new here. I've been looking for an active forum and finally found this one...where the newest posts aren't six months old. My husband was dx with cr cancer in January 2008. They removed the mass in March 2008 and he was left with a permanent colostomy. During the surgery, they found that the mass had grown into his…
Pet scan is what I am having
well they just called back and it will be a pet scan never had one of them...in a week or so ...
Surgical Question
My mom had her surgery on Nov 4th 2008 to remove a tumor from her sigmoid colon. She was admitted to hospital the previous evening with abdominal pain and vomiting. This was due to a blockage. During surgery they decided to remove her entire large intestine leaving a small portion next to her rectum so they could join her…
Waiting for my CT Scan results isn’t fun.
Had a CT Scan today, which is my first since June, 2009. I’m stage 2A and this is like waiting for the other shoe to drop. How do you people stay calm when you know the results of a CT Scan can shatter you lives, if the results show that the cancer has spread to the liver or other organs?
Oh No
ONC office just called and my liver mets came back alittle elevated and they will do a scan of some kind in about 2 weeks to make sure nothing is going on what does this mean never heard this before...
New cancer-killing compound
2006 - New cancer-killing compound found in salad plant The Time Line: 2007 2008 2009 Artemisia 2010 2010 Artemisia Biomedical, Inc. 2010 I know how I feel about this..... The same as I've felt about Hydrazine Sulfate, TCM, and Trovax.
my weird experience
Well, I enjoyed a nice quiet Friday evening and Saturday morning at home alone while my husband and three kids were up in the mountains skiing. I decided then to go out and do some errands, which included picking up a few things at Walmart. When I bent down to look at something on a bottom shelf, I stood up and felt light…
Roger (Crow71) - nice picture!
Hi Roger, You are posting with a really nice picture - is it from your NYC trip? You look very relaxed!
fox chase
Hi everyone. My sister is going to Fox Chase in Philadelphia for a consult on Wed. She has already been to Sloan, U of Maryland and U of Pennsylvania. We are hoping they will come up with a treatment plan and hopefully surgery will be an option in the near future. She is stage 4 with mets to liver and lungs. Has anyone…
Stomach Gurgles ?
I have been noticing my stomach has been making lots of noise for the last month. I especially notice it first thing in the morning and sometimes at other times. I have been taking Xeloda since Sept and I just started Avastin about a month ago. I mentioned it to my Onc and he didn't seem concerned about it. I had gurgling…
after chemo
It has been almost two months since I finished chemo (six months)and the tips of my fingers are still partially numb. Is that normal? Will it get better. I think I have a bit of carpel tunnel in my right wrist so that makes my right hand worse, but my left hand fingers are a bit numb. Also, you talk about mop up chemo. Is…
Friday Riddle Answer
RIDDLE: A man worked for a high-security institution, and one day he went in to work only to find that he could not log in to his computer terminal. His password wouldn't work. Then he remembered that the passwords are reset every month for security purposes. So he went to his boss and they had this conversation: Man-"Hey…
going to catch flack for this one
I am going to catch flack from you know who with this post. If you all remember, I was NED when I came on the board. I came because of a side effect problem. That being if I ate cereal for breakfast my right leg would twist out 22 degrees and cause me to limp with pain. If I had bacon/eggs there was no problem. Well now it…