cea continues to drop
Hi everyone. Had 9th round of chemo today and my CEA levels continue to drop. Started at just over 9000 in late April and are now 68.4. I will have CT scan in a couple weeks to see if numbers correlate with tumor shrinkage.I know we shouldn't dwell on numbers but, can't help but be happy to see this down ward trend. The…
you are such a good help to me that l just bought an i pad
To keep in contact with you when I get out of Barcelona. You are great guys!
What happen on my brief &*^%$ leave of absents
That scary old woman I live with is not looking so I can post this. Well I had my office scope exam last week. There I was with my **** pointing up while he shoved that telephone pole with splinters up my butt. While he is looking around in there he says “what the hell is this”. He took biopsy samples of it. Did not even…
need help with this one
Starting on Saturday I began getting this extremely bad shooting pain centered on my left temple area. I went to the ER on Sunday and of course all test, ct's came back normal. They doped me up with dilauded and sent me home. Felt a little under the weather on Monday then Tuesday I felt like a million bucks, one of the…
Note to Buzzard
I know how you feel when you say you hope for a primary cancer and not mets from CRC. My husband is also going through the same exact thing. Last year he battled stage 3 colon cancer. Three weeks ago he had a vats biopsy of the lung. The doctor told us the same thing. If it has to be cancer hope it is a primary and not…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO goolging or searching the Internet allowed and good luck !! RIDDLE: What common English word will describe a person or thing as not being found in any place and yet with no changes other than a space between syllables, will correctly describe that person or thing as being actually present at this very moment?
Sad Story
http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/2010-08-05/news/til-death-do-us-part-they-got-married-then-everything-changed/1/ It's true the lazy no working people get all the help and those in need losing their jobs, get nothing, or have to fight so hard to get assistance!
relatively good news....
yesterday l was in panic waiting for the pet results : beside the small and only liver met and 4 lymphatic nodes, nothing else, and better, the oncologist relatively optimistic. We will start wednesday with folfiri+avastin and after 6 cycles we will irradiate the lymph nods. Thanks god I was imaging a met in the whole…
introducing my self
although l have already posted 7 issues l have forgotten to introduce my self My name is Pepe.Born in Barcelona, 52 years old. Dx,s June 2009 c.c.+ liver mets. 9 cycles of folfox + trail, good regression operated on december 2009, not further chem due to neuropathy and liver toxicity 7 months NED. 1 week ago small liver…
That's the spirit!
This is aimed towards ladies, but I think the guys here can identify with the attitude. I found it on a plaque in a catalog today: "If I have to pull up my big panties and deal with it one more time, the elastic is going to break, and I really will have to show my ****! *hugs* Gail
Need a calendar
Folks we have a lot going on here at the board and it has been hard to keep up with the dates for everyone. I for one don't want to miss the opportunity to give best wishes to those heading for surgeries or other difficult procedures. Could we start a thread for "upcoming procedures"? No chat about the weather, just what…
Sleepy bowel
Has anyone had sleepy bowel problems? I'm on reglan but it doesn't seem to work well. I've had a sonogram and x-rays to rule out blockage. How does one get rid of a large bloated stomach?? Thanks for any help you can pass one. Jill
Enough talk about food - time for the recipes!
I'll start: My grandmother's Braised Brisket (Eastern European) 1st cut (flat cut) fresh brisket--about 4 # well trimmed 1 bay leaf 1 clove garlic 3 whole allspice black pepper hot paprika Preheat oven to 325-350' F. Place brisket in covered casserole, fat side up. (I trim off as much fat as possible.) Break bay leaf in…
Could be damn good news
Hey guys. I got a call from my super colon surgeon tonight. He said they ran my biopsy samples from my rectum back thru the system. They now come back as non definitive for cancer. Remember the PET said only “possible” activity there. He does not take chances so he is going to do another colonoscopy on me Friday 9 am. It’s…
MRI Scan tomorrow, nervous yet calm??
Hello my family, As you know I have two spots or lumps on my liver which they think are just fatty spots but having MRI tomorrow just to confirm it. I'm feeling nervous yet calm, don't know if that's a good or bad thing, tomorrow I may be dragged to the hospital. Just appreciate any prayers or good wishes, if I win the…
My mother has been diagnosed with rectal cancer. She is 75 in October and weighs 98 lbs. She has COPD and Congestive heart failure and is now on oxygen 24/7. She just had 4 stints put in her heart in February of this year and on July 8th, a little over a month ago, she had a heart attack. She is doing well after the heart…
Happiness is . . .
After having a total colectomy, J Pouch, 3 months and 3 days ago . . . Happiness is going to the bathroom only to pee. :) Add your Happiness is . . .
Sugesstions against folfiri diarreah?
I will start with folfiri sceme Next week. I think l can deal with any side efect except with diarreah and loos of weith due to that. I been succesfully treated with folfox with no gástric problems.Unfortunadlly small liver met is back. Any sugesstions to deal with those efects ? Tks and congratulations for this wonderful…
Things to be thankful for
My niece and nephew are here. I have a big screen tv and surround sound in my bedroom. We are all hanging out in my bedroom watching sponge bob. My little nephew would mainline sponge bob if he could. We've been her for about four hors having lots of fun and enjoying each others company. These are the moments to savor and…
Upper midwest semi-colon gathering
A friend from my area who is also a colorectal cancer survivor is having a gathering for semi-colons on Sunday, September 26th in Edina, MN. We walked the Get Your Rear In Gear together in May and have the same oncologist. He posts on another colon cancer board, but not this one. Jeff has asked that I let everyone know…
Burning hands and feet
I'm 2 years out of chemo (Folfox) and a few days ago, my palms and soles started burning. The timing did correspond with an intensifying of pain at my recent (7 weeks ago)incision site - those nerves were screaming as they start to heal. Also, to my husband's surprise, my hands feel hot to him as well (even after holding…
Scan results -- good news! Chemo working!
I know there have been some not-so-good scan results recently. My heart goes out to all. But I hope/know you will welcome my GOOD NEWS results. I was diagnosed with multiple bone mets a few months ago. Started a new chemo regime (XELIRI). Had a PET scan after 4 cycles. The chemo is working!!! Every met has shrunk, and…
Back Pain (left side) from Liver ?
We have been going along ok, but my husband has developed back pain on his left side. Had a CT Scan and we are waiting for results. The onc. did say there was no cancer spread to the bones and wasn't anything showing up at the location of the pain. The onc. said it could be a chemical problem (potassium or magnesium) or…
Need some prayers for my dad...
I have posted before about my dad w/Stage 4... Well the beginning of the year his CEA was 1.6 now it is 5.6, but his CT in July still showed a decrease in size of the tumors, but the doc is wanting to rescan after 2 treatments, but it was increasing prior to the scan and it still showed decrease... Any thoughts???
What foods to eat........
Alright, I feel like my diet is crap, I want to improve what I eat. I am starting to exercise again, and I have a long way to go until I feel strong again. Cancer and chemo have really done a number on me. But I would like to improve what I eat. I am allergic to most fruits, but love veggies. What books are good to read on…
l feel sorry if you think l am a little beat heavy but....
is there any way to send prived messages to certain users? tks for your patience and understanding!
Delay in Chemotherapy
Hi Everyone, I went for chemotherapy today and they could not give it to me because my white blood cell count had dropped to 950. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance. Peace and Blessings, Karen
colonscopy Thursday
I'm having a colonscopy on Thursday ordered by my Family doc to take a look for colitis since he doesn't believe I have a return of colon cancer despite my high 14.6 CEA. My Onc thinks I may have a reoccurrence (not in colon this time) and wants to give any cancer a chance to grown some more for six weeks so they can see…
Here I am with egg on my face
All the doc did is talk about my game plan and tell me that they have not given up on me yet. In fact, they already have 3 or 4 different trials they want to try out on me but there is a very long waiting list for some of them. The one they want to start on is xeloda pills and a targeted therapy to compliment it but is a…
Happy Birthday Scouty
Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dear Lisa(aka scouty,Lp2) Happy Birthday to you............ Have a great day my friend! Cheers, Lisa and Andy