ColonPalooza 8
Just a reminder that the cutoff date for reservations at the Worthington Renaissance Hotel in Fort Worth is Sept. 13, 2010. If you want to share the fun at Colon Palooza 8, be sure to lock in these great rates. $139/night Oct. 13 - 16. Looking forward to celebrating with all of you colon cancer survivors, caregivers, and…
My dad is still NED
Hi everyone. I haven't posted in a while, but I do read your posts often. My dad was first diagnosed with colon cancer almost 5 years ago. He was stage IV with 2-3 liver mets. My dad had surgery for the initial tumor in the colon and then did 6 months of chemo. After the six months of chemo, the liver mets disappeared…
Scan results
Talked to the oncologists nurse today. I have an appointment at 8:45 in the morning. All the nurse said is that the scan is suspicious and the doctor wants to talk. I'm guessing this is not a good thing since doctors do not like to give out bad news over the phone. Eric
Friday Riddle
Remember NO googling or searching the Internet allowed and good luck !!! RIDDLE: Where are the lakes that are referred to in the "Los Angeles Lakers?"
Had my scan on Monday and just heard today ALL CLEAR. I am officially NED and I have all of you on the board to thank for the support and info I have received since Oct. Dr. has given me the OK to have my port removed so will consult with the surgeon tomorrow. My husband and I will take a cruise to Nova Scotia in Sept. to…
Scan update - no results yet
I just got my MRI today and it went went better than expected as far as the procedure went . The tech was very friendly and kept me comfortable. I usually start to get panicked at some point but did not experience that this time. It was a very relaxed environment and I felt very peaceful. I was feeling more clear headed…
Does it get better?
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm still new to this. Do the side effects of chemo get better with time? I've only had 2 tx, and I'm ready to throw in the towel. I hate the nausea, vomiting and hot lava that comes out of my hind end following each tx. Since I'm a stage IV, is it really worth it? Sheri
Asking for thoughts and prayers
Hi Friends, Please say a prayer or send out a good thought for our family the next two days. **** is on the box and will unhook tomorrow. I am hoping he does not break out in a rash again and that his nausea is under control. Our youngest daughter, who has autism and epilepsy, is being "cleaned out" today for an endoscopy…
erbitux side effects
I'm going to begin having erbitux next week. I'm concerned about the acne that I'm told can be quite severe. I'd like to know if anyone can recommend some treatments that might help with that. I was diagnosed in 2008 with stage 4 colorectal cancer. Since then I have had 4 surgeries and 15 months of chemo. The most recent…
Things Learned on a Toilet
This post is inspired by another post on this forum, from a person who said they did their best thinking on the toilet after colon cancer treatment/surgery. I'm curious, what have you learned, read, discovered during your bouts with MPS (Multiple Poop Syndrome)? I'll go first. I did a lot of reading in the hours spent on…
Update on cancer- good news
I saw my surgeon today after being told by gastro doc on Thursday that I have cancer again after 4 1/2 years. Surgeon said the mass was little and in a good spot for laparospy surgery. He said considering the size and the likelihood it is a stage 1 there was no need for pre-surgery chemo nor did he see any reason for post…
Ct scan of the head revealed that there is something there but they cannot see it clearly so I have to go get an MRI first thing in the morning. I am pretty claustrophobic but they are giving me enough Valium to knock out a horse. Pray for me me and wish me well as I know you will. Eric
Got the Scopxiety thing going on...
Had my one year colonoscopy today. Sedative never rally kicked in, so I was awake during the whole thing. Watched it all on the monitor, kinda cool, kinda weird. Saw where my resection was and couldn't even tell except for the fact it was a perfect circle. Found 1 9mm polyp in my Descending(original tumor was in my…
Clinical Trials, anyone have an opinion?
We have an appointment Monday to discuss clinical trials? Any opinions?
Hl Roger, how was the day yesterday.?
lm starting today l will keep you informed. Pepe.
Anyone hear how Chip's surgery went?
I've been busy praying for him as I'm sure most of us have. I'm just wondering if anyone has heard an update on him.
Still breathing
Thanks for the inquiries about how I am doing. I've been having some disturbing neurological symptoms and got a cat scan of the head today. I will get the results tomorrow. Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers
Surgery is over
My husband Howie had his lung surgery yesterday. They did a complete right upper lobectomy. Did not go as smooth as we thought it would. Surgery should have been 2 hours but took 5 hours due to complications with the arteries and veins. Instead of a 3 inch incision he has a 9 inch. The good news is they were able to take…
What is your favorite past time?
Mine is reading and researching, cooking......and peddling around the house. I just love it! Now that I am off work, it's like WOW, I can do this for a long time.........but time goes by so fast when you aren't working. I have worked all my life, I mean all my life.....this is an awakening! I sit here now and contemplate:…
Going to Duke Tomorrow
My family just returned from a wonderful week at Edisto Beach, the kids started school today and I am leaving tomorrow for anesthesia screening appointments, laprascopic looksee and if all looks good, a liver resection. This will be my third surgery. They tried this last year but found disease on my diaphragm so three…
Tumor Board
So once, again, I'm anxious for this day to arrive, I didn't sleep a wink last night. Wondering what they were going to say. I went through that last month, but my file didn't make it to the tumor board, so no surgery last month. I get to my 9:45 AM appointment, and was told the tumor board ran over, and they didn't have…
I have a question and need your thoughts. I spent 5 days in Jamaica and spent alot of time in the Carribean Sea, an the entire time I was in Jamaica, my feet did not hurt. So My neigbor suggested it might be the salt water that made me feel better, so I am thinking the old fashioned Epsom soak remedy to see if this works!…
Colonoscopy found a mass in the sigmoid section.
Just found out today I have a 3cm mass and ya, I'm freakin out.
Could SOMEONE please tell Mother Nature....
...that it IS summer????? Another day of cold (!) rain!!! It's passed the point of saying "But, yes, we really DO need it!!!".... ....and good thoughts for the people in Pakistan... Hugs, Kathi
Thank You from Donna
I talked to Donna's daughter this morning to see if Donna felt good enough for a phone call. Chey said that her mom has had a rough two days but wanted me to be sure to tell everybody thank you for the cards and flowers. It sure made her mother happy to have such nice friends. I just sent her like 10 more cards and letters…
Question: U.S and E.U different laws?
ls it allowed in the U.S? to have a liver transplant when your liver tumor is a met? Cheers!
Dealing with Medicare HMO and Colon Cancer
I wish I found these forums earlier. This is regarding my grandmother who was recently diagnosed with colon cancer about 12 days ago from a colonoscopy. She is 77 with HMO medicare. She did not tell me about the reports until 10 days ago on a Friday night. When I first saw the report 10 days ago I was panicking and frantic…
Lungs and stomach draining
Has anyone had their stomach or lungs drained for fluid? I will have this experience tomorrow wondering what to expect. Anyone?? Jill
Finished 12 rounds today - a few follow-up questions
Hi all, Rick completed his final round of chemo today, but now we have 3 different dr. opinions as to what his follow up schedule should be. (Now we're thinking about taking a hike to Sloan for the tie breaker.) Anyway, I'll post 2 of the schedules that we've received so far: Dartmouth/Hitchcock: 1) CT next week - (is this…
Has anyone heard from Eric past 3 days?
I guess I'm so used to seeing that bald head of his, I'm apparently missing it. Has anyone seen a post from him recently? Winter Marie