Cyberknife Update
Hi All, They had a meeting of the minds today. They are going to go ahead with the Cyberknife. They will not attempt another biopsy because of the bleeding. I have not had Avastin for 4 weeks and they thought bleeding would be minimal...if any. WRONG! So they said it would be nice to have that info but at this point and…
Trying to cope with new colostomy
Hello I am new to the group, I am so glad I found all of you. January of 2000 i was diagnosed with anal canal cancer. I went through an extreme aggressive 35 treaments of radiation and 5 days 24 hours a day of chemo a month in between, then another aggressive 5 days 24 hours a day of chemo. I denied the last bag because of…
low white blood cell count
How do you handle this situation?
Embarassing but gotta ask- Frequency of bowel movements for us semi colons
I am several months post-reversal of my ileostomy. After the initial retraining and re-awakening of the plumbing, things seemed fine. For the past 8 weeks or so, I am having much more frequent BMs, half of which are somewhat urgent. Not dirreah. Just seems like I'm always going back to the tthrone to evecauate it all. is…
Reversal of IIeostomy rectal cancer.....Bowels not working properly
Hi my name is Elisabeth and I am from the UK. I suppose your wondering why I am on this site and that I should be on the UK site, but every time I put any heading for my problem it always referred me to the US site. I was diagnosed with Colonrectal Cancer last year September had my surgery in November 2009 where they…
Old Posts
Last night I went back to read some of my old posts from when my cancer journey begin and I must tell you, It was very humbling. Seeing how scared and confused I seemed to be was a reminder of how fast a persons life could be changed. So when you don’t have anything to do.. Go back and read some of them “Old Posts” Brooks
“Sundance Still Alive and Kickin’”
Well, I’ve been home a little over a week now. Hospital stay was 13 very long days. Today, I had to return to the “scene of the crime.” I had an appointment with good ol’ Dr. D. – I love this guy. There he was waiting at the door to the waiting room for me and ushering me in. He took my arm and walked me down to the exam…
i'm wondering and actually quite surprised i've not asked this question until now.
i was wondering how many if any Colorectal Cancer patients there are out there with Kidney Failure. it's my understanding i've set some kind of record to have survived this long with Stage IV CC and also have kidney failure. i do dialysis 3 times a week and of course all the requirements there are to be as healthy as one…
sleep habits
I got the best nights sleep I have had in a long time. The problem is I went to bed at 6 pm and woke up at 3 am. So, here I am at 5 o'clock in the morning and wide awake and noone to play with. I've already watched a movie and fixed myself a nice little pain killer cocktail. I was hoping that would make me drowsy enough to…
Second update on Jim after seeing Doctor at Loyola
Well as you know we were pretty upset after the report Tuesday on all of the lesions on the CT scan, however I am so relieved to say that when we saw Doctor Shoup yesterday she told us that things aren't nearly as bad as they looked on that report! She went on to explain that the radiologists at these other facilities are…
Diet Issues
First I want to thank everyone for their warm welcome and words of encouragement. I was kinda feeling like I was the only one. Friends and family are great, but they can't understand what it's like scheduling your life around diet and bath room breaks, much less chemo effects. This brings me to the question of diet. I…
Biopsy didn't go too good
What's that Murphy's Law saying???? uh huh..... Went in yesterday for my biopsy and marker placement in preparation for Cyberknife. They had decided to go down my throat and into the lungs that way instead of thru the skin. Less to get thru and much smaller chance of lung collapse. So I spent 20 minutes on an inhaler used…
One distant lymph node
I'm so confused... After 3 treatments of folfox and 9 treatments of folfiri it turns out my husband still has one positive lymph node. It is near his lungs and esophogus. No other nodes appear to be cancerous. Everything else seems great. Does anyone know anything about this? Since he already did chemo, seems like our…
I had a really good day today as far as my mental clarity and mood goes. These are moments I hope to have plenty more of. I spent the day preparing myself for what I think is about to come. I don't by any means want to borrow trouble buti am seeing the doctor tomorrow about my liver pain. My mother is taking me to my…
Best Day EVER!!!
Some of my wonderful friends organized a poker run today for my benefit. IT WAS AWESOME!!!! I got to ride b#*!h on the back of a Harley. I met so many great people. Now I want to be a full time biker b#*!h. How does one apply? I guess if there is a bright side to having cancer, it would definitely be all the fantastic…
Blood Type A - More likely to be diagnosed with cancer?
I read that statement in a book (blood type A has more cancer than other blood types)-didn't know if anyone else has heard of it or knows anything about special diets based on blood type. Just a thought. Just got back from Anna Maria Island near Bradenton Florida. My daughter loved the beach and the pool. After dealing…
Hi, this is a follow up post to my 'Five Additional Things I Tried in addition to radiation, chemo, and surgery' post I made back in June. In July 2010 both of my legs went out, and then numbness progessed upwards to my nipple line. It happened within a couple of weeks. By the time I made doctors appointments and started…
What treatments other than irinotecan, oxaliplatin, xeloda, avastin, 5-FU
My husband has been on all of these at one time or another along with trying 4 different clinical trials. All have failed. Is anyone on other chemo regimens that are working - shrinkage or even stable disease? Dr said we are running out of options. I have not seen anyone post anything new - a new combination of drugs in a…
It is what it is..........Scan results......
Results are.... PET Scan shows a tumor growth in lower left lobe (Lung). Onc seems to think that it is not metastisis from CRC but new primary growth, either way it is what it is...CEA and PET both move towards it being cancerous growth. He is setting up CAT scan for the end of the week and is going to get me set up to…
Comfort Food
Soooo, just out of curiosity, what do YOU find are your favourite "comfort foods". There are times when we just don't have an appetite for anything and other times when we could eat everything we could get our hands on. But whether one is hungry or not, there usually are always comfort foods that we find... comforting!…
PLEASE all survivors of stage III and IV post five years!
I think many of us need your stories of survival right now. Stage IV, and since stage III has a very high rate of recurrence and graduation to stage IV, we need your stories too. Anyone who has survived NED for five years or more, tell us how you have survived.
scan results - hat in the creek
On Monday I had my first ct scan since HIPEC/rectal resection/ liver ablation surgery in April. The results are disappointing. Several more tumors in the liver. The cancer has also spread to my lungs. Many spots in both. The doctor said, "I just stopped counting." The good news is that all of the spots are less than 3mm. I…
What the heck?
I have no idea why this is happening today. Haven't had a bad day. One of our grandsons spent the night last night (he's 3). We had lots of fun with him. Bill and I went to lunch today, I got to do some shopping. So, what's wrong? For about the last hour or so, everything's making me cry. Happy seems to be running away…
Not trying to force religion but this was a great message
I do not talk much on here about faith as I know there are many views and I admire so much all of you here and your struggles and triumphs. I have been really down lately and going through lots of why me and this sucks and there is no future...just too much negative thought. This podcast was recommended this by some…
Hello to the board
First, hello to all. My name is Blake, and I was DX with stage IV rectal (mets to distant lymph systems) in March/April of this year. My treatment schedule has been folfox w/avastin every other week, and I just finished my 9th treatment. My blood work has been excellent, always in the normal range for white and red cells,…
For what its worth I read the impression that the radiologist wrote about my CAT scan...
and he says that I have a neoplasm(tumor)in my lower left lobe in the ligula area. It is 1.4 centimeters (I figure about the size of a small marble). There seems to be no other neoplasms showing up at all and only a few calcifications that did not light up. The ligula as I read about it is a small tongue like piece of lung…
I have a Pink Potatoe Peeler
Thoughts here people!!! Need them. Everything you see is for breast cancer. There was on Celebrity Apprentice a rock stars wife, named "Sharon" can't remember the last, chemo fog, pretty sure I remember it somewhere in the dark recesses of my so called file cabinet in my mind. So, how do I start something, a charity for…
Levaquin lawsuits
I have a lot of pain in my hands, arms, shoulders and heels of my feet. The law suits on Levaquin have me thinking if they are related. I took a lot of Levaquin after my surgeries. Anyone else? I'm not sure how we would differentiate the effects of Levaquin and Chemo after effects.
New treatment
I have been having some physical problems along with the new treatments. My liver is hurting more and i am even more fatigued. The new pain started with the new treatments I hope it is the treatment and not the disease. They have decided to take me off this treatment and start me on xeloda along with another gene therapy…
Hi Lous, I saw you posted yesterday, but I've only got a chance to come online today, ie use my sisters laptop. I can't find your post anywhere so I think you may have deleted it. I just wanted to say what you did for your colleague was admirable, not many people would do what you did. You have nothing to be sorry for, the…