Lymphocyte's are low
My lymphocytes are low and was wondering if anyone knew anything about this. My doctor said it was chemo induced, but they just don't want to bounce back. They are just hovering at the same level. She said she could order some blood tests for lupus or HIV, but I don't have any of those symptoms. She also said that my…
hello, my name is amber and i have colon cancer
i should say with mets to liver since that's what is consuming my thoughts these days, i am going to vanderbilt thusday to meet my oncologist, never thought i would be saying those words, not me. i have written my story on the about me tab if you want to read it, i don't feel like typing it again and since i have cancer i…
colonoscopy #4 ....
And with each one I hate Gatorade even more! What a night! and, alas...4 MORE polyps... It's really kind of sad that at this point I can go to this place and know the nurses by name, and also run into people I know in the waiting room... This time however, he said he didn't need to see me back for 2 years, which is fine…
Second opinion
I sent my records to my friend who is a nurse in oncology radiology at Duke. The doctor she works with (somewhat famous) agreed to look over my case for no charge. He's been really busy, but finally had a chance to go over it. He decided to present it at their conference meeting next Tuesday. So I'll get the benefit of a…
When vital drugs run out, patients pay the price
By JoNel Aleccia Health writer msnbc.com msnbc.com updated 10/27/2010 8:24:19 AM ET http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39798646/ns/health-health_care When vital drugs run out, patients pay the price 150 medications in short supply so far this year; deaths, injuries have followed Cancer patient Bob Dierker had just finished eight…
Breath of fresh air in Guatemala
So far, all I can say about my treatment is this is the way it should be. Complete harmony. I showed up for my appointment on time. They escorted me directly to treatment room. A Dr was in the room with me at all times. The nurses were quick and knowledgable and relayed everything they gathered directly to the Dr. I had…
2011 Colon/Rectal Cancer Calendar All are welcome on the cover, no butts on cover, just faces of Col
Please make note, that everyone will get the final say on their "month", will not be final without your approval on how the edit of your month is done, and how the bio was added. Please note the rules in first posting of need for butts, that you need to make sure you have a bio added, say what you want or need to say.…
Scan was clean
Hello all. 4.5 years ago I was dx Stage 4. Just had a third lung surgery in August and as usual was worried about this 3 month scan. All was clear and CEA under 1. YEA!!!I know there is so much pain here but moments of celebration are need ed as well. KEEP FIGHTING ALL! Chip
Natalie - Braelee2 how are you doing?
Hi Natalie, I know you were having a tough time with the FOLFOX. How are you doing now? I hope better! Do you have any more information on the suspicous mass? I'm wishing you the very best.
Cal / Mag infusion prior to Chemo Attn Craig
Hi everyone! I told Craig that I would report on Jacks side effects (or lack of) after receiving the Cal/Mag infusion before his chemo. The first night he did have sensitivity with his first bite of food. He did feel a shock when he picked up a bag of ice the next day(it's amazing how fast we forget...ha) He was able to…
folfox side effects
Hi Friends! So, I started folfox 7 weeks ago. I didn't have too severe of side effects but 13 days later I had an emergency gallbladder surgery. So that put treatments off for another 4 weeks. Last week I had my 2nd folfox treatment and I was very tired, felt sick, had some reaction to drinking cold water (forgot to watch…
Kim is Home from Gall Bladder Surgery
Hey Everybody Just thought I would take a minute to let you know that the gall bladder surgery was a success and went through without complications. I've got her home now, her meds in her, and got her laying down resting and hopefully sleeping awhile. She's in pain but is to be expected with that kind of surgery. She told…
Calling ALL Brave Souls For a Colon Calender **UPDATE** The MONTHS are all filled in. YEA!!!!
Yep, gonna do it, if I can get 11 more or so!!! Let's make a colon Cancer Calender, hind ends only (AND NO, not total hineys), just the 1/3 showing!!!! I'll get it done professionally, just requires your photos, I'll be the first (going to take a few days to get those beads strung, and then I'll show you the pic and you…
Flu shot ?
What do you all think about flu shots? Should Jim have one? Should I get one to help protect him? We never have gotten them. Thanks
Hi Everyone, I haven't written for awhile, but I check in often. Last week on October 20th we celebrated 36 years of being married. This past year has been an emotional one for sure since it was one year ago on November 13th that Jim was diagnosed with his cancer. Three surgeries, chemo, radiation and more chemo and we're…
well guys Jorge has got his chemo off on sunday .today he said he feels awesome now we just need to wait for the day we need to go for the ct scan.oh what a waiting game it has become.
I kind of got lost there for a moment or two
Strangest thing, I went outside yesterday, and my gardening Angel had a flower in her hand, and the flower was pointed up, and so fine looking. It looked freshly plucked. The only problem with the picture was that very same flower for the past couple of days had been wilted, and definitely facing way down to the ground. I…
where is sundance
wondering if anyone has heard from sundance, haven't read his encouraging words or wonderful posts lately.. Petrina
Colon cancer stage 4
Hi my name is Jennifer... My mom was diagnosed on June 10th 2010 with colorectal cancer that has spread to her liver and lungs. She has a quarter size tumor on one lung and pin points on another. Her liver has two small tumors the biggest is also quarter size. her cancer in her colon did not obstruct so she has a stent in…
Kathi's CP8 pics...UPDATE
http://www5.snapfish.com/snapfish/thumbnailshare/AlbumID=2305517028/a=4151762028_4151762028/otsc=SHR/otsi=SALBlink/COBRAND_NAME=snapfish/ If the 'slideshow' makes the pics small, don't use it....just click thru, they are normal sized then.... Hugs, Kathi (Stupid computer consultant...lol!)
Questions for first visit with Onc.
I tried doing a search for this, but did not come up with anything recent. My sister has her first appointment with her oncologist at Vandy this week. She is stage IV with 4 liver lesions. I am trying to help her come up with a list of questions she needs to ask her doc about. Would some mind sharing important things to…
Our own facebook page
Got a Facebook page started, for us to get contributions for Colon/Rectal Research and advertise our calendar when it is ready. Also I have the first company offering to donate through their products for colon/rectal research linked on this page. Please pass this page on to as many in your address book as possible and have…
At last you can see me baldy (but with a cap) LOL. New pics on my expressions with my hospital.....
me shopping in a garden center , and the Royal Parade of the national day of Spain ! 12 of October, just in case you are interested about Royals affaires, Hahahaha. Hugs!
Liver Resection
My husband has Stage IV colon, dx in Dec 2010. He has had 13 treatments of folfox+Avastin. His CEA numbers are down from around 330 to 16. He has stopped treatments for a while to let his body recover. Last set of scans was 6 weeks ago. He has 8-9 spots and they have only reduced about 10% but they do show inactive which…
2nd folfox treatment
I had my second Folfox treatment today. I almost didn't because my platelets dropped to 77,000 from my usual 88,000. It just doesn't get much higher counts for me because of the radiation to my pelvis many years ago treating my original rectal cancer. I was surpised when the nurse hung a bag of Oxi and Dex but no folinic…
Thinking of Paula G and John
Just wanted to send out love and good thoughts to Paula and John. Paula hasn't been able to post much here lately but I wanted them both to know I am thinking of them and I'm sure there are more folks here who are too. Love to all Leslie
Someone sent me this and I thought all of you would enjoy it. The Singing Anesthesiologists - This one is just too funny! These singers are all Anesthesiologists in Minnesota and they can really sing. Here they sing "Waking up is hard to do" Jo Ann http://nottotallyrad.blogspot.com/2009/11/waking-up-is-hard-to-do.html
This has never happened before... Really Low WBC
My husband has been sick with a low grade fever for a couple of days and today it spiked to 101.7. I took him to the hospital and they ran a few blood tests. His white blood count was down to 1ooo and it is supposed to be 8000-10000. His fever spiked to 103 while we were at the hospital. They gave him an IV of antibiotics,…
Colon cancer stage 4
Hi my name is Jennifer... My mom was diagnosed on June 10th 2010 with colorectal cancer that has spread to her liver and lungs. She has a quarter size tumor on one lung and pin points on another. Her liver has two small tumors the biggest is also quarter size. her cancer in her colon did not obstruct so she has a stent in…
Who are these People
Who or what keeps hijacking the threads with their bulls..t? It's very annoying Kathy