Folic Acid & FOLFOX
I have read that I shouldn't being taking additional folic acid during FOLFOX. I totally forgot to ask the onc about it (yes, it was on my questions list but just didn't get down that far!) I am taking a multi which has 125% (500mcg) of the daily rec and a B Complex that has 100% (400mcg). I stopped taking them a couple of…
CEA reading
Hi all. I had colon surgery on 04/08. Finished Chemo on 12/08. CEA has been 4.0 since. Last blood work showed 5.3. Thoughts???
New Diagnosis of stage IV colon cancer
Hi all, I am writing this for my sister as she is in shock from her diagnosis and needs help formulating a plan. She is 45 years old, in otherwise extremely good health. Exercises 3 or more days a week, petite and not overweight. Very healthy lifestyle making this all the more confusing. Anyway, she when in for what she…
1st chemo today oxal and 5fu with Mag/Cal infusion before
Things went good, I think...it was very busy in the room, to the point that there was a patients husband sitting in a folding chair directly in front of me. He had two freckles on the back of his right ear, if that gives you an indication of how crowded it was. That was uncomfortable to us, but I guess we'll get used to…
What to tell a possible new employer?
The time has come that I feel good enough that I’m looking for a new job. As all of you know I not worked this last year or so because the radiation, chemo, surgeries, and other hospital stays for various reasons I felt I couldn’t give my work 100%. My question is… What do I tell my possible new employer if they were to…
Lilmiss82 how are you.
Just let us know. Hugs.
WOOOHOOOO!!! Cyberknife here we come
Group happy dance!! We got the news today that BCBS approved cyberknife for Robert!!! Yipeeeeee! Consult and CT scheduled for Wednesday..So dam*n happy..Robert is too...He got out the chain saw and cut up a dead tree on the ground for firewood to take to T'dega race and then got really squirrelly (word?) and cut down an…
taking daily Tagamet
I forgot to tell you guys that I talked to my surgeon about taking daily Tagamet. He just smiled and said “that’s why I had you on the stomach acid pills for two weeks after surgery”. It’s the cimetidine that does it. He sure feels that it works!! He is fine with me taking it daily along with my daily aspirin. Due to chemo…
I had a colonoscopy on Wednesday. This was a screening. No polyps, all clear. I am 3 years cancer free. It has not been easy getting this far. Realize that time worrying everyday about the what if's of the cancer coming back is time stolen from your life. Cancer will hold you prisoner in your mind if you let it. I chose to…
Just to compare figures and pricing!
I know is difficult to evaluate but, which would be the price for a liver resection in a first rated hospital in the US? l mean from the first day in the hospital ,to the last one inc everything, Docs, surgeon ,operating room ,meds, and let's say 2 days in intensive care and 7 days in the hospital?. Just to compare with…
Winnie the Pooh
How are you? People here have been missing you.
Hijacked again!
Regardless of your political philosophies, please answer one or all of these questions
I was scheduled to have a procedure in a hospital in greenville sc. The machine performing the procedure was purchased with federal grant money. The price of this procedure was going to be $200,000. During prep for this procedure I was eliminated as a candidate and did not have it. I am scheduled to get the exact same…
Thankyou Marie for bumping
most of the post!
Sundance Magazine Has Finally Arrived – ** Update Coming This Week **
Hey, the Magazine finally arrived and fresh off the presses. It turned out really nice and while I was down at the hospital, I stopped by the Foundation and they had just arrived. The question of the Summer was who was going to be on the front cover? Would it be Sundance or Frankie V? And the winner is………neither one of us,…
Gosh, I really hate this crap!!! How dare they do this? Like we're even going near their crap when they pull stunts like this.
Trying what hapends !
Need to Flag dorisEknight
spam SPAM spam..... flag....white flag......red white and blue flag....BS flag....
Having a really bad toilet issue night
Oh my goodness, my bathroom issues have been so bad today. It seems like I'm going every 15-30 minutes since eating lunch. Some days are worse than others. Yesterday my poop issues were better than ever. This today has been going on since 3:30 today and now it is 11:30. Some nights it seems like sleep never comes as I'm…
Thought of the Day
“I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.” ~ Rita Mae Brown
Prep for my Colonoscopy
I guess I am a big baby. After my first colonoscopy in 2009, I have had problems doing the prep. I can not drink the prep with gagging and throwing up. I was only able to drink 3 small glasses of prep for my major surgery. My surgeon said not to worry about it. Now my 2nd Colonoscopy is coming up in December and I told…
Hello everyone!
I haven't been here in a while...it has been one year since my beloved sis Peg left us . I am better , than I was then....I am more conscious of the love that is always with us-between she and I! I just wanted to say hello, and let all know we/I am still in the fight! My students and I did the Relay4life event (an…
Paloozas! what about pics , every body still in a hangover?
Questions about ilieostomy reversal
When DH was dx with IVcc, we were discussing with the surgeon the colon resection and "reversible" ilieostomy. The original plan was to do the reversal after recovery from liver resection, which was later down the road, after chemo to reduce the tumors. Well, the cancer did not stick with the plan and the reversal has been…
what about the book ? finished?.
Colon Palooza 8 was Great "What's up yours?"
A good time was had by all this weekend in Ft. Worth, TX for Colon Palooza 8! I've been to CPs in Austin, Nashville, San Francisco, and Key West. This year was extra special to me as I celebrated by 10 year survivor anniversary of Colon Cancer stage 3 (at age 29). Thank you to our wonderful hosts, JoAnn and Don and to all…
I didn't find my cowboy, but....
there was PLENTY of bull! (At the rodeo...cummon, ladies and gents, give me SOME credit...ROFL!). Had a GREAT time in Fort Worth. BEAUTIFUL weather! Went to a rodeo, the Texas state fair (they had fried BEER!!!! and fried BUTTER!!!), and heard 'darlin' alot... Met some friends, old and new, from the board. A good time was…
Famous People & Colorectal Cancer
Feel Free to add others. 1. Charles M. Schulz An American cartoonist best known for his Peanuts comic strip. In 1999, he suffered a stroke and discovered that he had colon cancer that had spread. He died on February 12th, 2000 of complications from colon cancer. 2. Darryl Eugene Strawberry A former American baseball…
First Colonscopy
Hi Everybody: Haven't been on in awhile but so happy to read everybody's still pulling strong. God is good! I have a question: I am getting my first colonscopy tomm afternoon since last May when I was first diagnosed and had surgery I'm afraid he is going to mess things up inside that have healed. I don't want him to…
New to forum
Have stage 4colon cancer had 2ft of colon surgerically removed along with 5 percent of liver start chemotherapy for 2small spots on the lungs any advice