Naked Dancing
Pet and CT Scans were all clear. Liver looks great. YES! I am om yearly scans now. Thanks for the great vibes and prayers!
hello all
Sorry I haven't posted. I am back teaching and coaching and living and keeping the kids and wife happy... I did get a CT scan and will know what is up on the 27th. Bad case of scanxiety but otherwise OK. Life aftr the third lung surgery has been good. No real issues at all but I have had a cough the last 2 weeks and that…
Can't Catch a Break........PET Update
I am feeling so good. Thrilled with my office visits last week. Handling the Xeloda nausea great, no hand - foot so far. At the Carolina vs Alabama game with my family enjoying life despite the circumstances. Back up at Duke for treatments # 9 - 13. I met with the Onc's PA and she went over the blookwork. Everything looks…
Xeliri-hair loss-cramps
I just had my second treatment of Xeliri on Friday. I have lost almost all of my hair. I had thinning on Folfox. This has been really hard to deal with. It looked so bad today that I couldn't go to work. I teach 7th grade. I have a wig ordered and it will be here in a couple of days. I know the hair loss should not be a…
Goede vriend KathiM :
Why keep us impatient about your experience in Texas, are you a bit sadist? LOL, you ! that use to post so many pics! what unmentionable things you got to hide?LOL. Tot later!
I am considered stable :)
I saw my oncologist today + she gave me the results of the CT scan I had done 2 weeks ago. My previous scan (July) showed minimal growth, so I was worried that this one would show more growth + I would need to change chemo (I am currently on folfiri + avastin). I am considered stable + I will have another scan in ~ 2…
New study: Risk of Endometrial Cancer for Women Diagnosed With HNPCC-Related (Lynch Syndrome) Colore
Risk of Endometrial Cancer for Women Diagnosed With HNPCC-Related (Lynch Syndrome) Colorectal Carcinoma HNPCC-Related CRC Associated With Increased Risk of Endometrial Cancer A Obermair, DR Youlden, JP Young, NM Lindor, JA Baron, P Newcomb, S Parry, JL Hopper, R Haile, MA Jenkins . 2010 Dec 1 Risk of Endometrial Cancer for…
We're just not sexy
I can't but help notice, It's Breast Cancer month, I give at Safeway, and last month, again, I gave at Safeway to Prostate Cancer. Some how, we; COLON CANCER, we're just not sexy enough. WE have to get ourselves out there, we need research money. My ex-father-in-law whom I love dearly has prostate cancer, a slow cancer,…
How are you doing with the huge bird? still cooking it? Hope you got a wonderful day tomorrow.
1st Chemo tomorrow, getting Cal/Mag, thanks Doc for listening!
Met with new ONC today. Really nice, patient man....actually asked if we had any questions, gee, imagine that. (yes, being sarcastic) He had NO problem with hubby getting the Cal/Mag outside of the study. Wrote us two Rx (just in case we need them) so that we can go ahead and get them filled while we still have our…
really good news
My mother's CT scan and blood work came back NED! She will finish her chemo in December before Xmas. Thanks for your prayers! Ktz
C3 - Colon cancer Coalition
This is a good site I came across. I actually used their "ask a question" and got an email with an answer or suggestion in my case. I find it very helpful, thought I would share, as it is only for colon cancer. http://fightcolorectalcancer.org/ Hope everyone is doing well, I hope to post some Palooza pictures soon, but…
Anyone heard from or about
Eric Impact Zone Winnie I have been thinking about them today? Catherine
Are you doing well?Keep us informed about your post surgery! Hugs!
The IRS has changed the Medical mileage deduction for 2010
The IRS has changed the Medical mileage deduction for 2010. It has dropped from $ .24 per mile to $ .165. For us this drops our mileage deduction total year to date from $819 to $563. Yep, when I drive into STL for a test and doc visit this week, I will drive 220 miles. My cost just for gas this year is $ .115 per mile.…
2 years post chemo update
Well almost 2 years! After my first TX, July 08, I woke up the next morning with my left hand sorta asleep. The feeling that I had slept wrong on it. This persisted, over days, then weeks. It follows a pattern of the ulna nerve being compressed- it is the little finger, half of my ring finger and about 1/4 of my palm. My…
visit with gastro
So, I've been dealing with a lot of pain lately and it's finally gotten to a point where SOMETHING has to be done! I moved recently to live with my twin brother and his family, as it's getting harder to deal with stuff on my own. It definitely has helped tremendously having them around and not having to worry about where…
visit to liver surgeon
well yesterday we went to see the big chief cheese liver guy. He is a very very nice guy but he always has residents who come into the room first, examine you and then report to the chief. Well yesterday my youngster was a complete pill...sort of devil may care, I don't know the answer....I usually really like these kids…
Chemo starting next week, have some questions
Hi Everyone! Hubby supposed to start chemo Wed. It keeps getting postponed for stupid reasons IMO, but looks like Wed is finally the day. He was asked to do a Calcium/Magnesium study. He has gone back and forth on if he wants to or not...until I read the thread on here where Craig was telling about the possible benefits of…
Congratulations Luv3jay!
Sheri, I just wanted to post a new thread as congratulations to you on your wedding this weekend. I am hoping that the weather is spectacular for you and that the day is perfect in every way. Your new husband is so lucky to now have such a beautiful wife, one who is beautiful both inside and out. I admire you so much…
How can a CT miss something?? Or how can something grow in 3 weeks?? I am soo confused. Chris has been extremly sick since last Sat. Horrible headache, body aches, and just in alot of pain. Went to the onc thurs and his CEA is 18.. went from 1.8 a month ago.. what can all this mean? Loves and Thanks. Mel
Thankyou Craig and Don for your outstanding work. Magazine
Has arrived to Barcelona. I'll take it with me to my surgeon next week! You are great guys!
Scan results :) UPDATE - "see you in 2 months." :)
Dear Friends, I am very pleased to say that ****'s scan report read, "No evidence of recurrent or metastasized colon carcinoma." "normal". We have shared this good news with our families and friends. More than a few of them burst into tears when we shared the good news. **** meets with the onc on Friday and we find out the…
News on Eric
Hey All!!! I went to see Eric today and Craig went with me. He was awake... very alert... and waiting on us to get there. His Mom had told him we were coming and he was excited. As soon as I walked in his room...there was that wide eared smile... he winked and said "hey Jen" ..... oh my God.... I about started crying... I…
A year ago
A year ago today I went to my family doctor with what I thought was a pulled stomach muscle. He immediately sent me to a surgeon who promptly sent me to hospital admitting. It is 8:00 PM here...about the time I was taken for a cat scan last year.What a horrible, horrible day that was!The rest is history...a fist sized…
Hey Pepe
I am reading a book called "Spanish Lessons" by Derek Lambert. It is the memoirs of a British writer. He moved to Spain with his Canadian wife + son. There is a character named "Pepe. So far, it's good!
Incontinence and Mom
Hi everyone, Mom has been feeling really down about the incontinence she is experiencing. She is wearing the Depends and really hates it. We were told it was from the radiation. The home health nurse tried to get her to do those Keegle? exercises but she said she can't do them. Do you think with time this will go away or…
Roger & Greybeard (Chris). ..on my mind
Anyone know if they are okay? Been strongly on my mind. -Pat
Friday Riddle Answer
This week's winner is goodwitch. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: There are these two twin old men that go into the same bar everyday. The bartender at the bar hates one of the twins, but the only way he could tell the difference between the one he hates and the one he likes is because the one that he hates…
Good news and not so good news..
Good news: My son and his girlfriend became engaged today. We love her, and are thrilled to make her an official member of the family. Not so good news: a fellow appendix cancer buddy has had a recurrence in her sigmoid, and will be starting Folfiri in 2 weeks. Her onc is encouraging, but she's already hit many more…