Strategy 2 was done a long time ago. I am blunt. They do not take responsibility for their actions in our relationship. 1 and 3 I am working on as soon as I get some rest. I would have never opened the bank except for extreme mergency illnesses.
It is 1/1/11 here! Happy year Hips!,Hips!.
Happy New Year, and thank you
Thank you to everyone here who has provided information, experience, and support along with sharing the joys, tears, and frustrations of living with cancer in 2010. And thank you to ACS for giving us this place to support one another, get information, and just to vent when we need it - where others understand. Best wishes…
Happy New Year
Hope everyone has a happy new year! Monday is also our 24th Wedding Anniversary, thing is, it's also my daughter Andria's wedding anniversary. No matter how convenient that date was, it was a mistake! I am presently watching her 3 kids for the week! (and one more) Hmmmmmmmm! And today is my Mom's 81st birthday!
Still here/Happy New Year
Hi All, I'm still here, just been fighting a cold for the last two weeks so I have not been on the computer much. As strange as it sounds, I'm grateful to just be dealing with the run of the mill cold. The really wierd thing is, while I was doing chemo I never caught a cold or the flu. I was really worried about that since…
Santa Craig!
Everything fine there?. Hugs!
Whomsoever it is Winter Marie buddy !
Do you know how is she doing at home? Thanks!
not the best news I'm afraid
Well, the Doctor told us the tumors are back and growing on Jim's liver. He has a spot on his lung which showed up on the CT scan but did not glow on the PET scan so we'll remain optimistic about that one. Dr said surgery would not be an option right now and Jim will need to change from the folfox (which obviously was…
Family matters, oh don't ya just love em.....I got em as well.....I got a mom that likes to be a controlling **** when she doesn't get her way...and uses one sibling against the other to try and accomplish her needs....OOPS, DO WE HAVE THE SAME MOM ??? My thing is when I feel like I have done all I can do I simply walk…
I can't believe it's been a little more than a year
since I was diagnosed with CRC. I know I don't post as much as I used to. I blame it on work, vacation, family life, and the holidays. It's been a zoo here. I try to log in every day to see how everyone is doing, but feel I don't offer much in giving advice anymore. There are so many more people here who are much more…
It's FRIDAY, HAPPY NEW YEAR! anything special tonight?
Hugs to every body I wish you a very very Healthy 2011,. Pepe.
Happy New Year
As the last minutes of 2010 slip away and we begin 2011, my wish for each of you and your loved ones: Peace in your mind Love in your heart Health in your body And much happiness. Hugs to all, Marie who loves kitties
Happy new year!
to my wonderful and beautiful online family have a great new years. hugss
Starting the NewYear off right!
Hi all. I haven't posted in what seems like forever. Good to see some of the old names still around. Sucks that there's quite a few new ones as well. Not that you've found this site, but the way in which you had to go about getting here. Got my CT results last week and all clear, 15mo. in remission and counting!! Hoping…
Has anybody tried "Questran" for diarrhea?
As you all know I have my Colonoscopy yesterday. Everything was fine.. NO CANCER OR ANYTHING ELSE> But the really good news is that I was telling the GI doc about my diarrhea problems and extreem cramping after I eat anything. He told me T call my primary doctor and ask if he'll try butting me on "QUESTRAN". My wife looked…
Scan Results
Good news today got my results from my CT scan on the 17th all clear. CEA 1.6 Next scan June 2011. Everyone have a safe and happy new year.
OT - surfing at the beach with the President
Hi, This is off topic for sure but cool. **** was surfing today and President Obama and his family came down to the beach. It is a small beach because it is on the Marine Corps Base so there were only a handful of people there. Secret Service all around but fun none the less. Not a bad day for a man who has been through 2…
Happy New Year!
Well made it throught christmas. It was pretty good. My loveing kids saved up their money from shoveling snow. And went out and bought me a heart necklace. The found it on line at Jcpennys and had their Dad take them up to buy it. (you can't ask for anything more than that) I just hope 2011 has better news for all of us.…
going home
Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. I believe I am going home today. I've been a bit silent still, but recovery is taking a bit out of me. I'll get there. Next day after surgery I had heart problems, not sure what they were, I was kind of out of it, they did an EKG, compared it to original EKG and about all I…
UGH! Did I say UGH? I don't know why but this round feels like I got a double dose or something. YUCK ... nausea even with Zofran and just so super duper tired. I'm sure part of it is worrying about my son but, I am really feeling this round something terrible. Just wanted to check in before I hit the bed early tonight. I…
C Dixon any new about her?
I know you can think I'm always asking about people but this is the way I'm .She was having some issues with Ascites and I'm a bit concerned. Hugs my people!.
my husband's colon cancer recurred and a new kind of fight starts
Hi, I first visited this site in Dec. 2006 when my husband was first diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon cancer and found it very helpful. He had 2 surgeries, since then, 2 series of Chemo (24 times). We were beginning to think that we're getting handle of the disease. But, We just learned that it disease spread around abdomen,…
**UPDATE** ..on meds for missing digestive enzyme...
The Onc gave me a script for some caps called CREON. WOW.... has it ever worked!!!! If any of you are having diarrhea problems...get your enzymes checked. It was the very last thing they checked on me and thats what it ended up being. I am shocked at the difference. How can 1 little enzyme make SUCH a difference??? Don't…
Doctor Appointment Today
Had my yearly checkup today. Pap smear won't know results for about 2 weeks but he said it looked fine then he said ok I'm going to change gloves and I said "are you giving me a rectal?" "Opps, yup that is left to Dr. Lee." Just didn't want that since just going through colonoscopy in June and seeing Dr. Lee on December 3.…
Six years
Six years ago today I underwent a laporascopic right hemi-colectomy for stage 2a colon cancer. Early on I used to frequent this discussion group but have not in quite awhile and wanted to give an update to those who might remember me, and try to give some hope to the newbies. I did not have chemo--not because I am against…
CEA test tomorrow!
wow, already time for my 6th month check! 2.7years NED, coming on 2 years of finishing chemo, 2 years since my colostomy take down, 2 years since I made the trip to Mayo and now tomorrow I get to go and see the oncology nurses, the lab techs- and we still exchange hugs and smiles. And then in a week I will see my…
very very depressed
I am so depressed. I have an appt. with psychatrist on 1/18 but so far off. I am on zoloft 200 right now but doc thinks i flatlined on it cuz been so long on zoloft. As yoiu have read from my earlier post i am colon/liver and have had a few things going on my in my life these past few months. Wel, on Tuesday, I landed in…
Pet scan
The PET scan report is sitting here on the table, Jim picked it up today, but I can't bring myself to read it. We'll see his surgeon at Loyola tomorrow and let her spell it out for us. I just feel scared it's not going to be good news. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks, April
Ok, so the lyrics don't apply...
This song always gets me moving and in a better mood, so each morning get up and listen to it and be thankful you are not in jail! Not good enough? Well, then just dance! Turn up your volume!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmZdvVnMXCc
Good news maybe
I just made my appointment for Nanoknife consultation. I just happened to mention that I also have thyroid cancer and the nurse said she thought they had done one recently. That would be supercool. I'm gonna be stoked if I can get my thyroid taken care of. I should be right in the window for treatment but might still be on…