Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to my csn family and a Happy New Year all the best wishes in 2011 hugs Tina and Jorge
Merry Christmas!
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! and a Happy New Year! I hope that we all have a better Year. Thank you everyone for all the wounderful Christmas cards they are all awsome. I am so thankful to have all of you in my life.. Merry Christmas frome Me and my family.
Winter Marie
here's hoping that Marie is doing well. hugs Tina and Jorge
Post from LoveandHope
double post... how did that happen? ;)
FOLFOX #4 UPDATE only 8 to go YIPEE!!!
Got pumped today, went well, had a lovelly nap and a really good chat about the week long retreat and my ER stay over the weekend. Saw ONC and surgeon yesterday. ONC threatened to drop the dose. I thought over my dead body, but then I realised she could probably easily arrange that so I just listened. Got some sexy…
A final farewell
It is not just cancer that sucks. I am going to see an old fishing mate this afternoon. I have known Ray for thirty five years. I am probably one of the only true friends he had. He is a vietnam vet and has had major depression problems for many years. There was nothing much I could do about that except to be there when he…
Thanks for the cards!
Hi All, I'm just popping in to say THANK YOU to all of those who included me in their Christmas Card maiings this year. I have really appreciated receiving them. For the past few years I have sent out "Pollock Family Christmas" in lieu of cards. You are welcome to visit there to find family updates, Christmas videos,…
Merry Christmas, it's CT time!
Hi everyone, I am scheduled for a CT scan tonight at 9:15...bah humbug! Why didn't it just get scheduled on Christmas Day; it couldn't be much closer! I will get the results in January.
Good News
Hi All A little good news for the holidays for me to share. Results of my 6 month CT scan, liver lesions are holding stable, opinions are they are benign, cysts or hemangenoma (sp?) . CEA good. Going to yearly on the CT now. 6 years out and holding. Just my every 2 year scope to go in Jan or Feb, no sweat. Best wishes to…
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate the holiday. I've been struggling with treatments, keeping up with business and getting ready for the holidays. So I haven't been here to post much. I do think about all of you and wish for you wonderful times spent with family and friends as we round out 2010, and move into a…
Dennis Is Home From Hospital..Merry Christmas
Hello all, I just got the best Christmas present of our 41 years being married, Dennis is home from the hospital. What a tough ride the last seven days haven been, from thinking that we were getting IRE Nanoknife and going home in one day. The doctors did do the IRE Nanoknife, what an awesome procedure for people with…
CT results...Merry Christmas....
Thought I'd drop in and say hello and Merry Christmas to everyone, and fill some of my friends in now. Saw my oncologist yesterday for the results of the CT scan I had a couple of weeks ago (and for those I didn't tell - that was an experience in itself - the woman who schedule me - did so for a liver biopsy AND a ct scan…
Merry Christmas to all!!!
I wanted to wish all of you a wonderful Christmas and thank you for all you prayers, support and encouragement this past year. I am so thankful for this board where I have learned so much and received so much love and kindness. I pray for a better 2011 for all of us and for a cure to this disease. I try hard to focus on my…
Happy Holidays!
Just want to personally wish you a Happy Holiday! Hope my cards made it out there, some of them were returned. Sorry! I had help with the stamps and some didn't quite make them on there or didn't have enough. My granddaughter the little elf!
Update on LoriS son
I just talked with Lori (7pm edt) and she is at hospital with her son. They have not been able to do operation yet as his blood plateletts are too low. They have inserted a chest tube and have him on strong pain meds. Please say prayers for his recovery.
sexual life after rectal cancer
I need your advice/recommendations/referrals, anything that could help me with the following: I had rectal cancer and went through radiation, chemo, surgery to remove my rectum and J-pouch done, temporary ileostomy, reversal, and consequently all-the-time bowel movements problems. As a consequence of the radiation i went…
As if there was not already evidence enough...smoking...."thirdhand" danger...
I was at a Christmas party and talking about my mom's smoking with a doctor. She said "have you heard about thirdhand smoke?"..... http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/thirdhand-smoke/MY00591 I'm talking to mom today....smoke outside, etc...no, she's 87 and will not quit....sigh... Hugs, Kathi
Finished my 5 weeks of radio and 5fu! We had to stop it two rounds before
due to swollen stomach and guts! But not a problem as per my docs as normal dosage is from 40 to 45 Gy ,and I already have 42.5Gy, so now wait and pray until end of January for scan and Pet results! Well one month of holidays not bad!. Hugs!
Had to go for MRI
On Wednesday after getting disconnected. I had to go get a Brain MRI. My doctor was worried about how dizzy I Keep getting. (Even laying down in bed the room spins.) He said he just wants to make sure it's nothing.( I hope so). He also put me on meds for dizziness.
News from the doctor
The doctor called us today to tell us Jorge's CEA count is down to 2.6 .so can someone tell me if the CEA count is down the tumors should be getting smaller. thannks Tina
Reading Room: Does Vitamin D Improve Colorectal Cancer Survival Rates?
Featured Post by World Renowned Surgeon and Oncologist Dr. Charles Balch Does Vitamin D Improve Colorectal Cancer Survival Rates There's a lot of controversy about the effects of Vitamin D on survival outcome for various forms of cancer, including breast, prostate and colorectal cancer. Several recent articles associating…
Field dressing and skinning a deer
A big female deer was hit in front of my house and died in my yard at 12:30 am. The guy that hit it didn't want it andI called at least 10 friends to see if they wanted it. I even called a friend of a friend that has fallen on hard times and could use the meat for his family. nobody wanted to get it. Well I dressed it and…
Mom finished chemo today
We got her a pink feather boa some travel brochures and lots of I luv yous. Oddly enough she wants me to help her bake hummingbird cakes so that is what we are doing right now. I thank God for all his glory. Ktz
looking for advice on severe burning sensation in lower rectum
As I have reported before on my husband. Colon cancer 2 years ago, surgery 2 years ago removing 14 inches of lower colon/rectum, bag for many months. Reversal last April. His problem now is that he has severe burning just inside his rectum. Has anyone had this problem and if so, what could it be. I beg him to go have…
LorisS may be away for a few days
I got this message from Lori. Please offer up your prayers for her son. ************************************* From Lori: I wanted to let you know, since you are my buddy Ms. Marie Kitties, that I am very occupied with my son's health right now. We had to take him into the ER last night as he couldn't breath. He has pleural…
Item in today's Winnipeg Free Press:"Canada has high ranking in survival for 4 cancers....." (Aust
in a study comparing six countries (Canada, Australia, Sweden,Norway,Denmark and the UK).One cancer type mentioned was colon cancer, tho the only specific citing was "Colon cancer five-year rates have gone up in Canada and further rises are expected....." tho no figures given..... Australia, in same study, did even better…
Winter Marie Update *** New update***
Hey Folks, Marie's husband reports that the surgery has gone well. It was a bit longer than anticipated, but the surgeons are sewing her up now and she is fine. Don't know any details. Lori and I will update when we know more. So take a short breath and send some more prayers, good vibes, strong thoughts and sparks her…
This morning (22 Dec 10) I listened to a very important radio conversation on my computer called The Power Hour with Joyce Riley. It will be easier to find todays discussion going through Joyce Riley archives on gcnlive . com This very empowering 2nd and 3rd hour discussion concerned cancer and treatment. If you take the…
A little humor - YOU KNOW YOU ARE LIVING IN 2010 WHEN:
YOU KNOW YOU ARE LIVING IN 2010 WHEN: 1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave. 2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years. 3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3. 4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you. 5. Your reason for not staying in touch with…
Cancer has changed me, in a crazy and wild way
I cannot beleive it, I just booked airfare to London! A friend of mine is temporarily relocating there for 6 months and I am going to go visit! I never would have done this before I got cancer, I would have never even thought to hop on a plan all alone and fly that far! I would be a fool to pass this up, free place to…