Message from Paula G
Hi all Paula wanted to let you all to know that the Celebration of Life for John (JR) was yesterday. She said it was just great. Photos, stories, a nice buffet, rock and roll music which John loved...she was just so happy with it. She thinks of you all and sends her well wishes. She'll check in now and again when she gets…
idlehunters,Jennie , you got a PM !
I admire my 8 yr old son/follow up appt with GI dr today
Earlier this afternoon I had a follow up appt with my GI dr. The visit went very well. Since my GI dr was not in town last year when the colorectal surgeron performed my last surgery he is going to call him so he can let me know how much colon I have left etc. I have to call him on Tuesday so he can let me know when I will…
Jennie, Phil ,thank you so much, you know why!
That's a real family !
Hard time on folfiri this cycle
Hi everyone, This past week was my husband's 9th cycle of folfiri and avastin, his first cycle after a 8 month "vacation" where he was on 5FU and avastin. Last time he was on irinotecan he felt pretty good after three days, this cycle he had very bad diarrhea days 4-7. Just wondered if anyone else who used to "breeze"…
nearly finished chemo
Hello, read the posts often, try and pick up as much information as I can. Taking Xeloda 8 cycles on the 7th at the moment. Finish the 18th of march and looking forward to it with mixed emotions. Living in England and would like to go to Spain beginning of may, how long does the chemo effects last? Also have Ct and…
Oh My Gosh!!!!
I forgot to tell you all about the excitement of my day today!!! Now you all know, how I've been bragging about our wonderful California weather. Just last Sunday, I was in a sundress and sandels enjoying our 70 degree day. Today I went to San Jose, and coming back from there at the Summit on 17, it was SNOWING!!!! I got…
RFA and colon surgery
Hi everyone, Just got back from NY. Met with oncologist and surgeon. Since I have had a great response to the vectibix, the docs want to proceed with surgery. I never had the original colon site removed as I was so sick and the liver so full of tumors. I now have 4 small lesions in the liver, and the colon according to the…
I received a message on Cancer Compass from someone who frequents this site explaining that it(my question about Potocel)was all a misunderstanding. The poster also said that the administrator and members made a public apology me.I came back and look at my last post and all I can say is you guys are REALLY GREAT ! I would…
An amazing test at the naturopath's
I went yesterday back to the Center for Advanced Medicine (Encinitas, CA) to the naturopath for a post cleanse follow up visit and computer screening for allergies/sensitivities, metals, minerals, etc. I was really looking forward to this test because I have dealt daily with a runny/stuffy nose, itching, and asthma for…
Does it happens to you?
I'm in a rest of chemo since 2 months ago but there is a thing that drives me really uncomfortable!, I still feel clumsy ,awkward , slow, some problems of photo sensibility on my eyes and a bit of vertigo! unstable over all! . It's been more of 2 months since I am off chemo, does it happened to any of you?. Thank you for…
Rest well everyone and have a great week..........
Love to all of you ...........night.....buzz (with a zzzzzz)
Skipping a week of chemo and horrible arm pain..need help
Hi everyone...Jack asked Onc about waiting a week for his chemo, Onc said Ok. sigh. I just worry so much that in the end we will be right back where we started, since we've gone through that once, it's always on my mind. My real intent of this post is to ask about his arm pain. While on Oxal he had no neuropathy symptoms,…
Email from Susie.... Kerry's Wife
Hey All........I have copied an email I received from Kerry's wife Susie. I know they won't mind if I share it. Have a good day! Jennie I suppose you have heard from Brooks and read Kerry’s post. He is really having a hard time of it but I know that MY Kerry is still in there. He is now in rehab and getting stronger. After…
This is our 2nd time and they are adding Avastin, what should we expect. Last chemo my husband became very dehydrated,sinse then he has been eating and drinking like crazy so that wont happen again. On Wednesday we are meeting with a Radiation Onoclogist, did not know thier was a difference but I thought you only get…
How long does it take?
Finally I am NED and I am headed back to work after my eleven month battle with this disease. My question to you all is how long will it take before I will start to feel normal again. I know normal at least what was normal to me before may never come back but as normal as I can get from here on out would be nice. I have a…
Hi people it's FRIDAY..What are your weekend plans???
I'm going to an Italian restaurant today, and tomorrow cinema....Black Swan! Hugs!
Daughter's results are in
Two weeks my @ss. They called her today. Her cells are precancerous, she asked does this mean you burn them out (as they did with ex-husband's wife's)and they said no, they will just retest in 6 months. WHAT??? I guess neither of us understands cervical cancer, so studying needs to be done there. She also has bladder…
Something to think about................
I came in here about 30 minutes ago in a mad huff and had started a post on me venting and ranting and please excuse my language...I was mad at this disease and everything else that it had to do with. I was firing shots at Drs, Politicians, American Government, all about greed and America not taking care of America and it…
Post Surgery Update
Saw Onc again today, 3 weeks ago I started Avastin, before the Avastin I learned my CEA was down to 4.2 after surgery, with not having chemo for two months. So before I got my first dose of Avastin 3 weeks ago, they took my blood for another check. I found out today it was down to 3.4, again, that made it no chemo for 3…
Port Removal Party favors
I posted last week that as a stage IV (dx 9/11/06) I just had a clean ct scan 2 years POST chemotherapy. Well, I'm throwing myself a port removal party and made t-shirts for all my guests. Check out my Expressions page to see them...not a big fashion statement...but those who have been thru this journey with me will…
I'm gonna sleep ! it's 5 in the morning here , my God!
Sweet dreams to all of you! Good night !
Was wondering if anyone could tell me how long the occasional pain from surgery last. I have been getting some slight pain in my lower left side which obviously is where my colon surgery was. Of course my mind likes to run wild and assume the worst that the cancer is back in the colon but I know it could be so many things…
Cheryl : l come from Cinema , Black Swan!
You really like it? Upas! Sorry but is a mixer between The exorcist, The shinning,with music of Tchaikovsky!. Sorry but I didn't like it at all! Although I have to recognize Nataly Portman is scoring excellent!.Well maybe I was a little anxious today and it was not the best movie against anxiety!LOL. I needed a diazepam…
"Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M. (A Tribute for John 'snommintj' and Our Community
In my ever-going search for music and lyrics that can be “adapted and applied” to our cancer journeys, I have found another song that so perfectly fits and describes how we have felt at one time or another since we all started this mess. The message is poignant and still relevant – the words are very deep, strong, and…
Prayers / 3rd Treatment
Hi. My Mom had her 3rd chemo treatment yesterday. She did well during the treatment until she went outside to get into the car. She could hardly catch her breath, as a result of the chemo. She did develop the pins and needles in her feet and hands and very tired. Aside from that, she has been a real trooper. Please…
had liver surgery
I had had my liver surgery i got home from the hospital yesterday, i am doing really I am happy to be home. techically i am Ned, so if i did not hurt i would be doing the happy dance. for now i am just danceing in my head. Love, laugh and play Penny
folfox #8 today went well how are we all going on folfox ??????
Its was that time today, got my emend, dex, oxaliplatin, 5fu and locuvorin. Had a few special visitors like my mate dane who has visited every cycle so far. Old friends keep you close, while other keep distance as you cannot fit their plans. thats life, just an observation. Was 10 minutes late picking up the kids from…
Creating More Birthdays!!
We are doing it!! My friend Susan and I (both Stage III rectal cancer survivors) have the blessing and the backing from the American Cancer Society to start the first ever "Feet and Friends Fighting Colorectal Cancer" 8k competitive run and 5k fun run/walk on April 16 at Gallup Park in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Our dream is…
My day?
Ok, most of you know that since my APR surgery that I had an episode after they removed the drain, and some are aware that I have continued to have drainage issues. While we were at the surgeon's office today he re-opened the wound (on purpose) causing me to bleed all over the table, and restarting the pain. He wants the…