OK...gonna get me another cup of coffee...BRB.......
OK, Im back...I got a short story to tell on myself and its not very glamorous to me but im gonna tell it anyway. Mainly cause none of you are here to see me face to face. ( I get real brave when Im talking to my computer screen). I am sitting here running my tongue over what use to be my teeth's place of residence. You…
OK, someone somewhere has got to know his last name...I did find out what his Miracle Dr was by posts and I do have an email sent to his office...I don't know if I will hear anything or not out of it...This is getting kind of aggravating...Anyone out there have any other ideas ???
impactzone..........Chip, how are you after surgery..........
Can you give us an update....been on my noggin for a while, haven't heard from ya in a while...Hope this finds you well.............buzz
Jorge is seeing the rediation doctor today
well guys today we go and see the rediation doctor to see if Jorge has to have rediation .has anyone had rediation done in the lower part of the colon and if so did it work?thanks to all of you hope you all have a great day .hugs Tina
Butt Glue
As a result of the surgery my cheeks are glued together. Anyone know if this is permanent, or will the glue come off with time?
Promising news about Rob
This came from Rob's daughter. I'm so glad for Rob and his family! *hugs* Gail Dear Family and Friends, Dad's doing well. He has been moved from ICU to the spinal care centre. This is very good news. He met with a physiotherapist today and we are looking forward to the next stages of his recovery. As of right now dad is…
red blood count ???
Hello my friends :) chris had a check up today and was told they wanted to re check his blood count.. They said his red count went way up. What does your red count mean?? Boy cancer is such a learning process....lol Loves, Mel
Finally some good news in my life!
We just got approved for home modification.. we had not made a payment since July 2010. Paying two cars, a kid in college,my salary was cut in half with the employers disability benefits and my spouse could not land a job, after he was layed off without collecting any money.We had exhausted all our savings paying mortgage…
A Dutch treat...
Yesterday I was reminded of how small The Netherlands is...lol... Saturday morning we left home early to go to a new snufflemarkt in Enschede. Not too far drive, about an hour Southeast of us. Found some great stuff...but oddly I heard many people speaking German as well as Dutch. So, I looked at a map...only 6 kilometers…
Has anyone heard how her liver resection went? I believe she was supposed to have it on the 7th. I haven't seen her on the board, just wondering if any has heard or seen her on the board. Many thanks for any info. Winter Marie
bad side effects already
I have been on Xeloda for 10 days now and am having terribel side effects...i don't have the naseau but am very constipated. my mouth is sore and feels more like side effect of oxi than xeloda. the one that really bothers me is, I seem to have trouble focusing (with my eyes) has anyone ever ehad this side effect with…
Hello everybody it's FRIDAY here ! anything interesting this weekend?
As usual Friday dinner with friends and Cinema on Saturday, Sunday with my mother and siblings lunch! Hugs!
21 hours to go
We drove to STL yesterday - the old gut feel said to. Down on the farm the snow be coming down heavy today. I go in at 5:30am. My gut says I will be able to post from the nurses station by Friday. If I can't that is ok to. At the least, I will check out with my boots on. Kerry (old guy that puts a lot of trust in his gut…
I'm three years old today!!
Three years ago today I had my colon resection which in my mind saved my life... Although I had two reoccurences, I know the most important surgery was the first one... I am thankful and a very happy three year old today!!!!!!! Your Friend-in-Penn
Lisa, Nana b, Gail and Sara
you ladies have a blast today, and post pics if you can on here or fb. Hugs to you all
Newly Diagnosed
Hi everyone My husband was diagnosed with Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of the colon last Friday. He is 33, no family history and otherwise fit and healthy. He went to see his GP two weeks ago because of some pain & change to bowel habits. So its been a whirlwind fortnight. We still dont have a plan of attack. Our initial plan…
Goodbye and good luck
I don’t think that this is the place for me. I need to be in a place where ideas/information is free flowing and people support each other. I would like to thank everyone for the responses to questions that I had and getting me through the beginning of this nightmare. Good luck to all on your cancer journey. Dharma girl
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Has anyone had any experience with the Cancer Treatment Centers of America? I am looking in to it for Jim. I guess they say they treat mind body and spirit and have naturapathic Doctors and nutritionists all working with you. I wondered if any of you have had expecience with them or have heard about them? Thanks dear…
naturopath battles, take care
This is my real life experience with naturopathy so far ...... Met a naturopath in a vitamin shop and had an hour long consult about 10 days ago. she recommended about $300 of extras on top of current supplements. I was kind of convinced but also suspicious. finding a really good cancer focused naturopath was in my dreams.…
i need to whine
yes i feel i need to whine,cry.hit something.i have got so many emotions going on and i dont know where to go ,what to do.i feel as if i am in a tunnel spiraling down out of control.i went to my main surgen monday and he had me do another cat scan because the one i had done on jan.19 was not clear enough(not enough mega…
Good News for Me!
Thought some of you would get a lift from good news. I was first dx Sept '06. Thought to be stage II, had colon resection and no follow-up except monthly blood tests. 18 months later with a rising CEA and not feeling great, I insisted on a PET. Guess what...Stage IV, mets to liver and lung. (think they were there all along…
Delays, sweet happy delays!
I have had a rough few months. To say I've been miserable really doesn't accurately describe how bad I've felt. This whole mess started with food poisoning on christmas eve which led to dehydration and then a kidney infection. The meds I took for the kidney infection aggravated my pancreas which is compromised by a poorly…
I am new here and scared to death
Hello My mom just turned 58 years old. She had a liver enzyme test done in Nov. 2010 and this showed elevated liver enzymes. She then had a CT scan which showed mets to liver (3 large tumours) and a colonoscopy. On Jan. 7 2011, she was diagnosed with colon cancer following the results of the colonoscopy. She had a colon…
Colonoscopy preps
Hi all. I am due to have a colonoscopy and was given a choice of preps. I usually did the Golytley but I am considering the OsmoPrep Tablets. I was wondering if any of you did this OsmoPrep. If so, please let me know how it went. Also, can you drink lemonade or 7 Up with it instead of the water? Appreciate any feedback.…
Supplement suggestions
Since I am now off chemo and can start back up on a supplement regime I am looking for some suggestions on what everyone would recommend. Thanks!
What is CP9 and what is the format? Does it involve presentations and social activities? Booths for information or what? HoW do you register?
Questions about the pump
I start my first chemo treatments on Monday and will be having Folfox and Avastin. They said I will be getting a pump, I wondered what the pump is like and how long I will have it for. I am very scared, I have no idea what I am facing, this is the first time I will have chemo. Thanks for any input. Tausha
Question on reccurrence
My sis was dx with stage 4 colorectoal cacner a year and a half ago. She had suregery to remove part of her colon, did chemo, finished last May, had half of her liver removed in June to get the tumors out, and cancer markers have been and still are below normal, but just had a ct scan and the doc said she has spots on her…
Haven't seen you. You doing okay?
stereotactic treatments have begun
I had my first treatment of stereotactic radiosurgery, which is directed radiation, also known as gammaknife, cyberknife, etc. depending on the part of the body being radiated and what equipment is being used. I have been worried, since this is my first experience with radiation, but it went rather well. I have 3 more…