NOTICE that KERRY is posting alive and kicking in Brook's thread !
Icky and might be away a day or two
Just wanted to post a quick note saying I love all of y'all and will try to catch up with everybody soon. I am having possibly a very nasty stomach virus or a blockage or I don't know. Vomiting and diarrhea all night, along with the most excrutiating pain I've ever felt. I was literally out of my head with the pain for…
Bone drugs may reduce colon cancer risk?
Common Bone Drugs May Reduce Colon Cancer Risk 16 Feb 2011 An international team of researchers has found that the use of bisphosphonates - drugs already taken by millions of healthy women to prevent bone-loss - for more than one year was associated with a 50 percent reduction in the risk of postmenopausal colorectal…
everyone knows the drill....whomever posts below me has my back for the rest of the weekend and the following week, til about next weekend when I do it again....We had some great gestures passed around and I hope everyone felt the prayers, hopes, wishes, sparks, thoughts, vibes, whatever floats your boat, I hope you felt…
A little of help from you!
To all those which are still in Chemo since long time! , (more than 12 rounds), how is reacting your liver? how are your liver encimes?, not a problem long time chemeo for your liver function?. I ask that as my liver encimes are quite Hight since I stopped my lad chemo and I'm little worried! Hugs!
Another loss to this beast
I just need to vent. I am angry I am sad Don Miller is the brother of the man - Dr Walter Miller, who got me into Sloan Kettering/Dr. Fong, who performed my 9-tumor liver resection last March. Don was diagnosed with colon cancer a few months ago. Dr Fong couldn't help him. He went downhill fast and passed this Saturday. I…
Hi..... GUESS WHAT? ........
I went to see my Onc today and got CT results. I have had radiation pneumonia in my right lung from Cyberknife for several weeks now. It appears that has gotten slightly worse. Onc said I needed to continue with steroids but by the time I finished the first round of them my chest was hurting so bad I thought I was having a…
After radiation,chemo,and surgery,surgeon and oncologist were pushing follow up chemo. My oncologist then told me that a major Italian study was published last November/December. Patients with rectal cancer, either in remission or after successful surgery, 'received no perceived benefit from additional chemotherapy.' As…
liver resection march 10
hi everyone, i have not kept up with my peeps like i should, am feeling better these days as i am on a chemo break the month of february in preparation for liver resection in march. i have more energy, my nose is starting to feel better after being tender and having bloody snot from the avastin and campostar. my hands are…
Hugs to you.... That's all... just hugs.
Anyone interested in the vaccine approach to cancer might want to check out:
"Despite Setbacks, Therapeutic Cancer Vaccine Trials March On", tho not much yet for CRC, at internalmedicinenews.com which has some prety interesting stuff on their site.....such as another item having to do with ineffectiveness of Avastin for us stage 3ers....
Our group pic, the girls
Gail, Lisa, Sarah and I.
plh4gail ( Gail) Annabelle ( Kim) where are you?
Gabrielle...get your arse back in here..........................please
Yeah, I left when the last bruhaha went up for a while but I came back, Hell, I missed my family.....come on back in here, you need us , we need you, and your dad needs you and us...Come on, ........I'll buy ya dinner ? ...what if I get down on my knees and beg...you say no ? How bout please ? How bout a gift certificate…
Daughter's Biopsy
Well, the biopsy has been done. My daughter kept hearing the words, "We better get one there, that doesn't look good." She said she's laying there thinking "Hey, people I'm awake laying here, I prefer not to hear those words at this moment"!!! They took 5 different sections (don't know if that's right word)and we won't…
Any Stage IV c.c. survivors out there? Port problems?
I was diagnosed with colon cancer last October, had a resection and six months of chemo. Am starting another cycle on Monday (two defective ports later, I have a third one put in on Wednesday). Anyone out there a Stage IV survivor? Anyone had problems with their port-a-caths?
Kerry's picture is on the CSN homepage
In the Celebrate Life box. Has it always been so and I just missed it? The pictures seem to rotate, but his has been there every time I checked in today!
JOHN23.... where is he?????
Anyone have any info on John?????? Jennie
Nasty Nausea!
Oy vey... what a nasty four days this has been. As you all know, I got the first treatment of Irinotecan on Monday. I did notice a queasy/stomach upset while being infused but couldn't really determine if it was nausea or intestinal upset/cramps. So the chemo nurse did give me a shot of Atropin, which sort of helped.... so…
Hello all. I am new to all of this.. Any suggestions or comments on how to get around??
We are meeting with the colon surgeon
So today we are meeting with the colon surgeon and the radiation doctor to see what we are going to do before surgery and I will be asking about the radiation is it 5weeks or 5days and what about chemo .I'm hoping he don't need radiation so we would love some good vibes thanks everyone hugs to all Tina
Kerry ~ No news is good news
Hi guys... I'm Kerry's buddy and talked to him Wedensday late afternoon. He was in a great mood and was at his sons house so he can check in at 5am for his surgery. I wished him luck and to give me a call when he can. I also talked to Susie (Kerrys wife)and asked her that if anything crazy happens to PLEASE call me. So at…
why am I so sleepy???
I have been soooooo tired for the past 2 day. I sleep 10 hrs a night and move from the bed to the couch where I lounge the rest of the day. I am not physically tired but every time I lay my head down I fall asleep. I catch myself saying all the time "gosh, I'm tired" Man, whats up with that. My RBC is low...slightly anemic…
Gene therapy?
The tumors in my liver are huge and they aren't colon cancer...Upper/lower/mid has a tumor 5.2x4.3x6.8cm and the lower right lobe has 12.7x5.1x4.9cm. When my liver was checked July2010 there was nothing. Currently my other organs seem to be tumor free though there is a node and some tiny spots on my lungs that haven't been…
First let me say that I am so tired of posting not so good news and yesterday I kinda fell down that damn cancer blackhole a bit. I'm still processing and thinking things over. Good news/bad news ... No more FOLFOX for me .... ever . One good thing though is it looks like I get to bring my son home today!!! woo hoo I am…
Question addressed to those living in Australia:
Just read an article posted in your Tuesday's Adelaide Now, titled:"Unsexy cancer snubbed" which states that ".....Australian oncologists were still not able to give their patients access to a drug called Erbitux." Is that true?
Happy Valentine's Day
For my family and friends: It’s the gift of L.O.V.E. L stands for listen… pay full attention when your partner talks. Stop what you’re doing and don’t interrupt. O is for observe... make getting to know their likes and dislikes a priority. V is for value… value them for who they are…what makes them unique. And E is for…
OK...I gotta do this........Please take a peak in here...
For all of us that suffer through this disease and for all the caregivers, mom, brothers, sisters, BIL, SIL,Gramma, Papaw,GG moms, GG paws...anyone associated with cancer....simply (1) state your avatar or initials or first name or nick name.... (2) your role in this disease such as patient, caregiver to sister, brother,…
Tausha.....Hope that everything goes well today for you. You will do just fine! Remember to breathe! Take Care....Sending lots of energy your way! Barb
Happy Valentine's Day!
Wishing everyone a Valentine's Day filled with love, laughter, chocolate + improving health!