Ex going to Dubai
My ex husband is asking me if I want any herb from Dubai...I have no idea what they have, but he said that they have a lot of fresh herbs and dried.......any of you know what herbs are grown there that pertain to cancer? I found a picture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Deira_Souk_on_9_May_2007_Pict_1.jpg
Hand tumor - UPDATE-
Ok can cancer spread to your hand? I know I'm being ott. Just really need to share with my online family. I got bitten by my dog on my left hand back in September of last year. Two months later a lump appeared, doctor said it was a gangolin cyst. Three doctors have felt it recently and said it did not feel like a cyst and…
Kidney Issues after radiation
I wanted to ask has anyone with Colorectal CA had any probelms with their bladder, kidneys and/or urteras(sp). I found out last year when they did a renal study, that my right kidney was not draining. So they put a stint in the urtera(sp). I was going back every 3 months to have it replaced. Then while being in the…
my big brother update stage Iv colon cancer with mets liver lungs
now what,,,,,,,,,well since the last post i made, there are several new things happening to my brother. first off i will continue with two trips to the hospital sunday and then again tuesday evening, both times diareah vomiting, very weak. swollen stomach..the hospital took blood tests and ultra sound. told us to see our…
Winter M. you got a PM!
Where is nudgie?
Do you know anything about?.
Its friday.
Apology to Sonia32, Dharma Girl, and the CRC board
Last week, Dharma Girl posted a question about protocel. A spammer replied. Sonia32 questioned the spam. I deleted the spam post and blocked the account the spammer had created. When I deleted the spam post, I didn't notice that Sonia's reply to the spammer didn't get deleted as well. This made it look like Sonia had…
Report on the ickiness and question about my pathology report (I know, give it a REST!)
Well, I'm crawling back to feeling human. Tuesday night was one of the worst nights I've ever had. Vomiting, diarrhea, PAIN out the roof. When I went to my doctor on Wed. morning, he was concerned I might have an obstruction, because I've had several since my resection. He sent me to the ER, so they could do x-rays and…
When is it OK to throw in the towel?
The last few months have been rough. I never once thought about giving up or throwing in the towel. But when do I draw the line? If things don't work out next week I will quickly become a burden to my wife and son. My 4 year old now knows that I am sick. He asks me everyday how I'm feeling. I don't want to leave him with…
I"m Back
Greetings all, I have not had the chance to catch up on the boards since gettting back home from London! My trip was amazing! I had the best time, and the highlight was to meet KathiM and Sonia in the city. We met at Waterloo station, then went for coffee and then to lunch . It was fantastic to be able to finally meet…
So I just had my surgery
Hi everyone, I don't know if you all remember but after radiation I had some " female" issue that needed to be fixed! Finally, I had my outpatient procedure yesterday morning (yay me!!) I'm experiencing some pain since they sent me home with a catheter and it's killing me:( I can't sleep and can't wait for it to come out…
A little bit of my info and lots of thank you's!!
Okay my friends, where do I start? Today I had my #6 Folfox of 12. I am halfway through. Yay! My counts are all a little lower, but not low enough to delay. I am having all these crazy and annoying symptoms with the Oxy. Usually the first few days after chemo I am the most tired and nausea. But it seems with the last…
For Sundanceh
I originally posted this in response to yours in the thread by Snommintj regarding when is it ok to throw in the towel. I have copied it over to here in hopes that you will see it: Dear Craig You said "You've got more to live for than I do - everyone on this board has much more to live for than I do". I wonder what you…
Cure Possible After Colon Cancer Spread to Liver
Cure Possible After Colon Cancer Spread to Liver Monday January 24, 2011 Receiving news that you have colon cancer that has spread to your liver is something nobody should have to go through. And many people who get this news have a horror story of well meaning, but insensitive friends or family members who bring up the…
Free membership to the YMCA for cancer pts.
Hello everyone, I just wanted to mention, that there is a free 3 month membership to the YMCA for us cancer folks. It includes a trainer to help you, and you get to mingle with other cancer patients. You must attend the class 2 days per week, but you are free to workout and attend as many classes as you want to, just like…
Pain after disconnecting
Hello, Today I got disconnected from my second chemo (5-fu, oxy, leuc, avastin). I noticed that both times, for the next couple of days, I feel pain in various parts of my body. Mostly in my upper lungs (It has spread to my lungs) but in other places too. So I am wondering if this is the chemo killing the cancer in my…
I just NOW got off the phone talking with Kerry’s wife Susie
I just got off the phone talking the “ Scary old woman ”Kerry’s wife Susie This is the update that I got. The surgery took longer than expected and Kerry was under for just over 10 hours. The surgeon said that they got about 85% of the tumor and believes that a full brain radiation can kill off the rest of it. He was in…
Cheryl is going to leave the building :)
Hi all! Just thought I'd report in. It is now Day 10 after the first Irinotecan chemo infusion. As you all know, I've had quite the time of it and although I had prepared myself for possibly a couple days where I would have to slow down and take it easy... I had no idea I would have 8 days of sheer misery. Yesterday and…
Lisa42 - Gorgeous picture!
Hey Lisa42.... just had to mention that the new picture of you and your little dog is wonderful! You have such a gorgeous smile, it just lights up your whole face. And your little darling on your lap looks like he/she is full of attitude! I love that in little dogs :) :) Anywho... I haven't read through all he various…
Hopefully this gives someone hope
Hi everyone sorry havent been on quite sometime yep ca is still here in bothe lungs but here is a short story I hope will help someone out there I was first dx about 7 years ago w colon ca had surgery folow up w maintance chemo stage II every thing was fine until about 3 yrs ago dx w stage IV colon ca had spread but it had…
5fu maintenance
thanks, tess
Hi there... Last year I did Xeloda with no real side effects. My rectal cancer came back after a year and the oncologist is going to put me on a Folfox which they say is more agressive. I meet with him next week but was wondering if it is always Monday-Friday that you get the treatment or is it 2 days on and then 12 days…
Drum Roll Please!
Our very own Buckwirth (Blake) now appearing on the CSN welcome page Celebrating Life pics along with our illustrious Old Coot Kerry S. Congratulations gents! Marie who loves kitties
Does it mean No Evidence of Disease? Sorry I'm still new - thanks :-)
Nicotine Chewing gum can rise CEA?
Yep I have to recognize I was a heavy smoker ! but since my last PET and Scan ( one month ago ) were completely clear I decided to stop smoking! and here comes my big surprise; I start to have Nicotine chewing gum , lots , and since I m having this and quit of smoking my CEA has raised from 2.5 to 4.5 do you thing chewing…
Brief article should be read, tho title more hype than called for:"World's first chemical guided mis
to wiping out cancer"......this date at physorg.com/print217158093.html
BUZZ (with a Z).....
Hey you...... How about a new pic..... where we can see your sexy perv face????? What you say????? I need to look into those eyes....schweetheart! Jen
Any golfers out there?
Hello everyone, I'm a newbie, 74 yrs, colostomy 12.1.10. Excellent health except for the "problem." Going through the, I suppose typical, adjustments of acceptance, schedule, leaks, clothing, etc. Assuming that I resolve or come to grips with these things, the question remains - what does one wear on the golf course? I…
Looking for support
My dad has been diagnosed with Stage 4 metastic colon cancer. It appears to be in his colon and liver. He is 60 years old and otherwise has been in great health. He has been going thru chemo for about 5 or 6 months. He has a 3 day chemo session going home with the pump and getting it off on day 3. One of his medicines are…