OK....Here we go again...I will take the last to post up in here so everyone has someone to keep a constant vigil on.....OK...who thinks they can handle a Buzzard all week.....LOL... Love to all, Clift
Warm fire in the fireplace
Yes, it was said, that maybe snow would head our way tonight!! How excited we've been for two whole days, imagining snow, yes, snow in our yard!!! Wow, the pictures of snow upon my cactus would be a most fantastic picture!!! ALAS, the snow isn't supposed to drop more then the 500 foot level. We're practicably at sea level…
Bowel Cancer, secondary liver metastases
My husband (aged 65) was diagnosed with bowel cancer, secondary liver mets (two large ones in section 8 and smaller ones scattered) in July 2010. He's had ten treatments of folfox, large tumours 6cm and 5cm reduced by half most other ones disappeared. Now on path of surgery. Had portal vein embolisation over a month ago.…
A "Sitz" bath can be soothing for whats paining in the rear
Tho it gets mentioned every so often, with the recent spate of butt problems, suggest making use of a sitz bath, which provided me some relief when I still had my tumor while undergoing preop chemo and rad and my **** was killing me......Costs around ten bucks in a drugstore, its a basin you fill with warm/hot water thats…
A bit of America in The Netherlands....
We invited some of our dear dutch friends over for an 'American' meal... Well, at least for my family, in the spring... It was chicken taquitos with guac (appetizer), roast lamb, scalloped potatoes, green bean casserole, and persimmon cookies with ice cream...mmmmm! ....And I did it all myself!!! I'm soooo proud! What…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO googling or searching the Internet allowed and good luck!!!!!!!!! Daniel, my son, is exactly one fifth of my age. In 21 years time, I will be exactly twice his age. My wife is exactly seven times older than my daughter, Jessica. In 8 years time, my wife will be three times older then Jessica. How old are Daniel…
poo question
I am not constipated, nor is it diarrhea- but I am having some issues with stool. The consistency is great- I think any colon person would be pleased. However, I am not. I am wishing for a cleaner exit. I am going through various rolls of paper and/or wipes and still feeling like the remains are "glued" on. This morning I…
Toilet paper...ugh
Ever since my ileostomy takedown, i have not been able to use toilet paper to wipe with. I have to use wipes, or wetted paper towels, and a lot of them before i feel clean. I even have to carry a pack of flusable wipes in my purse. It's getting horribly expensive, and i'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions, or…
weight gain.
Hi again, while my husband is taking xeloda over 8 cycles, just finished his 7th, he has gained weight, onc said it was because he was not at work at the moment, but my husband feels as if its the chemo. Has anyone gained weight also ?
Work issues...
Hi, I'm new here. Was wondering if anyone here is dealing with work/disability issues and would like to chat about it. I'm pretty confused as to what to expect frommyself at the moment and would appreciate any input from anyone. Thanks!!
Thought of the Day
This is really CUTE I’ve bought a big bat. I’m all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!” ~ Dr. Seuss
What is mop-up chemo ?
What is mop-up chemo ? I did a Google search but didn’t have much luck. Thanks.
PET scan result
Hi all-haven't been on this site for a long time but got a lot of comfort from it when my husband originally diagnosed. The story is he had rectal cancer diagnosed 2004-stage 3 with pre op chemoradiotherapy,surgery and post op chemo. He has been well ever since with no problems until Oct2010 when he developed some hip pain…
Disappointed Low ANC Count
Just wondering if many others had this problem with a first treatment. I went for my first folfox treatment two weeks ago and yesterday returned for my second. Unfortunately, I was unable to receive the treatment because my ANC count was low. My white cell count was on the low side, but okay. They didn't give me the…
thankyou all
Morning all, thank you again for your replies, in this very difficult time for my husband and I it always makes this journey so much easier for us both, we still have load of hurdles ahead for us, ct and colonoscopy in April after the last cycle of chemo, but like you all out there keeping our fingers crossed.
khl8 very little about you since came back from London!
Kathy where are you?
Reading Room: Are Coca-Cola and Pepsi Guilty?
Are Coca-Cola and Pepsi Guilty? Caramel Color in Soft Drinks May Cause Cancer The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) believes that the caramel color used in Coca-Cola and Pepsi could cause cancer, reports ABC News. Yet, the soft drink industry denies that caramel color is harmful. CSPI is requesting that the…
TUTORIAL: How to see who your friends are on CSN site
Click here for image. This lets you see who your friends are as well as who has you listed as a friend. This way you can find friends you haven't even used yet! ;-)
Jorge is on chemo and ..........
Jorge got his chemo and on the first night of chemo i try to keep the kids away from Jorge becaues he's talks about how he feels about when the kids hurt him or lie about things .so last night Jorge started to talk to our daughter Celeste about how she leaves everything for me to do when it comes to her kids .my grandkids…
CEA is normal
CEA is 3.3, four months ago it was 3.1. Very good! Made my evening! Off to eat my home made chicken/vegetable soup, it is very hearty and soooooooooo good!
question about 5 FU
Hey all! My mom is on FOLFOX and she just started her last round of chemo (had 3 mos, then surgery, 6 weeks of radiation, and now her final 3 mos of chemo). When she was on radiation they gave her a low dose of 5-FU for the entire 6 weeks, but then she had 3 or 4 weeks of rest after radiation ended. During radiation she…
Suzanne Somers
Did anybody see Dateline tonight? They had Suzanne Somers on talking about her book and her "expertise" on cancer. Right...If anybody watched, what did you think? *hugs* Gail
Question about the site
Dumb question that has been bothering me awhile. How come when I go to send email from here, and I click on the list of my friends, it doesn't show them all. There are people that I KNOW are friends, because I look at their pages, and it says they're my friend, but they don't appear on that email list. What the heck?…
HH. GIOVANNI. XXXlll where are you ?
Naturopath/MD Visit
I had my visit and the first thing they are checking for are parasites and checkIng for metal allergies. Sent away the blood samples. I go back next week for another BMI test. I don't show a lot of toxicity. I am dehydrated, which is a big surprise. I drink 4-5 bottles of water a day. She put me on parabiotic plus. Hope I…
Why do the radiation ?
On 12/19/10 mom had emergency surgery, removed a bowel obtrusion and five lymph nodes. Colostomy. On 12/23/10 she was diagnosed with 3/c Colorectal Cancer. On 1/27/11 She had a PET Scan. On 2/4/11 We received the PET results, it came back “clean” “no hot spots” her blood work looked good as well. Her oncologist wants her…
Colon Cancer to Pancreas (Devistated Daughter update)
Hi everyone, sorry it's been a month since my first post, but it's been a hard month. We just found out last week that my mom's colon cancer is now in her pancreas. 3 different strands have come into the pancreas (i'm not sure where). Has anyone had this happen to them? She's in a lot of pain that radiates through her…
LIVER, 6 weeks of chemo and radiation plus the pills, liver did not respond to chemo, origial cancer
hi there, im here for a nephew who has colon cancer, the tumor was to big to take out, it has spread to sacrum liver lymphnodes. the chemo seems to have stoped all places with a report today. but doctors say in the liver cancer it has grown 20% any1 kno y its not helping in the liver. he had 7 spots on his liver and they…
Earth Fare Grocery Store
Hi. I do not know if you have an Earth Fare Grocery Store in your area but they provide healthy food ---- ---- Earth Fare!! No High Fructose Corn Syrup. Chicken without antibiotics. NO hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils (added trans fats) -- NO artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives -- NO…
help please re chemo suggestions ? any relevant clinical references
folfox for rectal or just 5fu ?? whats world best practice ?? My friend , a dad , with kids under 50 just had his t3 rectal tumour out with clear margins. 7 local nodes found positive. no other spread. his onc recommended 5fu only chemo and suggested 30-60% of being here 5 years. so I said we are pretty similair cancers…