folfox #11 went well, one more to go
Anyone doing folfox at the moment ? share your stories here got a call early this morning from chemo ward. where are your bloods ? i said, I don't need them as onc said my bloods are perfect and never change. The onc nurse said bit we want them anyway, come in asap. So, I dropped the kids at school and watched keith get…
Hi, Read on the colon club you had a regular scan on Friday, and you won't get the results until next week. Just wanted to say pray your results come out well for you.
Home. One of the great 4-letter words!
After a 2 hour train ride, a 10 1/2 hour plane ride, and a 2 hour car ride, we are home. Well, our other home. I had started a headcold the day before, and so my immune system was compromised enough to let in the flu bug flying around in the plane. I had planned on hitting the ground running, so to speak, on Tuesday…
still here after 7 years
Hi Everyone, I have not posted for long time, but thought I would today. Today it is 7 years since I was diagnosed with rectal cancer which eventually metasticized to my lungs. I have been in treatment more than out of treatment for the last 7 years, but I am still going strong. I just finished some cyberknife and will…
Patient with No help or caregiving support
A coworker of mine is undergoing chemo for colon cancer and is having a time of it with driving herself, cooking, etc. She has no caregiver. Does anyone know of an organization or group that can help?
Alcohol Cleaning Pads
Did anyoine else read this article: http://www.aboutlawsuits.com/triad-alcohol-prep-pad-problems-confirmed-17143/ Triad Alcohol and Iodine cleaning pads have bacterial infections. Yes, you read that correctly the pads we use to keep things clean have a bacterial virus in them. Best Always, mike
colon cancer and xeloda pill
hi i unfortunately have colon cancer type 2. i'm having chemo at the moment i have the drip at the hospital and take the xeloda pill 1800mg twice a day. i was wondering if anybody knows if i can have jus the drip on its own or the pill.... and what effect that will have i have tried looking on the net but cant seem to find…
Reading Room: Top Ranked Hospitals for Cancer
As per special email I just saw from medpagetoday.com "APP Pharmaceuticals has recalled five lots of irinotecan hydrochloride, used to treat metastatic colorectal cancer, because fungal contamination was found in one lot" Do not know how large a "lot" is,lot #s involved listed in brief newsflash..... Concludes:"No adverse…
ct scans
Hi, my husband had a ct yday after finishing his 8 cycles of chemo 18th march. We have and apt to see onc 7th april for the results. My husband is coping very well, im so scared! Just want this nasty journery to be over.
A little kindness goes a long way....remembering those who exemplified it.
Hello you wonderful Semi-colons! I want to share my appreciation for those on this board who showed love and respect to me and others over the years. Many of you have challenged me in ways that forced growth and understanding, but you did it in such a kind way, or humorous way, that connections were made and friendships…
Update - My mum is out of the operation theatre!
Dear all, Thank you very much for all of your support and prayers. My mum is back to the general ward. The surgeons successfully removed 2/3 of her liver which included all the tumors. She looks very pale and throws up a lot ... and is sleeping now. I am finally feeling a bit relief! Without your support, my past 8 hours…
Had a great Weekend.
This weekend was A really good weekend. I finished my last Chemo treatment, I turned 38 today. and my family threw me a party with lots and lots of food. (and my husband spring cleaned my Kitchen BONUS lol) I go for my CT scan tomorrow so hopefully everything go good. I am very blessed to have such a great family. Can't…
waitng game continues!!!
Hi all, I had my 2nd colonoscopy done last Tuesday. Doctor stated he did not find any malignancy on the specimen he biopsied but still thinks it could be cancer by what he saw. He went ahead and took out the tumor because of the size (golf ball)which was not his initial plan and will have results for me on Wednesday when I…
OK Herdizziness, it,s time to spill the beans!
First, how was your son's wedding, + second HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wishing you many more! (birthdays)
week 2 has started
hey guys Jorge has started his 2nd week of radiation and his 24 hours 7 days aweek chemo getting a little scared now for the surgery each week down its just one week closer to surgey oh my lord hope you all have a awesome week hugs to you all .Tina
Lori, Gail Bellish, phil, msccolon, John 23 , checking list! How are you?
"Acrylamides" , found in a number of foods, like bread and cereal, potato or corn chips, french frie
tho I can't vouch for the actual validity of what was written as it came from one of the exercise sites I subscribe to with not too current references (and the author pushes products to be bought), nevertheless,for your perusal at your leisure at www.truthaboutabs.com/acrylamides.html called"Are You Being Exposed to These…
Friday Riddle Answer
RIDDLE: Decapitate me and all becomes equal. Then truncate me and I become second. Cut me front and back and I become two less than I started. What am I? ANSWER: The word Seven Seven Even (equal) Eve (2nd person, according to the Bible) V (Roman numberal five; two less than seven)
OK...Time for Musical Chairs again...Who has "GOTCHA" this weekend and week.....and still holding Vi
I got the last one on Sunday evening...That gives everyone a full week of special attention from someone...I will take any after that as well...AND WE'RE OFF !!!!!
Dora, I am thinking you and your Mom as she has her liver surgery.
It's been a while Update**
Hello, I have been in the background checking on everyone but thought I would say hi and give an update. We had very premie twin grandsons born last November thankfully they have done well and as of the second week of Feb. they went home. Both little guys are at 9 lbs now and all seems to be going well. Like so many of you…
heard of collagen implants to stop hernia in stoma reversal ?????
Hi everyone, Anyone heard of this ??? Is it common. My surgeon gave me the impression this is not widely done but will do it for me. I beleive he is as good as he says he is. I mentioned this today at bowel cancer support group and noone had heard of it, not even the facilitator whose been running the group for 7 years and…
lar =low anterior rescection, how they do it, gory details
Hi everyone I found this today while surfing. It describes the operation. I found it pretty intersting. http://www.rcsed.ac.uk/journal/vol44_1/4410012.htm another slow surgical advance, they call it the gold standard. funny that the surname for my surgeon. "darren gold" cheers, Pete
Need opinions on delaying chemo treatment
Hello, Some of you may have read my post regarding me developing a blood clot, and now taking daily shots of Lovenox. Today will be my fourth injection of Lovenox, and I am feeling approx 25% better than I did before I started injecting myself. Anyhow, I get Folfox with Avastin every 2 weeks. I emailed my doctor to see if…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO googling or searching the Internet allowed and good luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: Decapitate me and all becomes equal. Then truncate me and I become second. Cut me front and back and I become two less than I started. What am I?
Looking for another stage 4 colon cancer person - needs advice
I have posted before and am helping my dad. He is 60. He cannot join himself due to a shaking disorder which makes it impossible to type. Anyway, he is very unaware of things to do with cancer, he has not known anyone in his shoes. He knew he had stage 4 cancer but just realized a week ago that there is only 4 stages. He…
If those so much more learned than us can;t agree, if
researchers, scientists and others investigating all aspects of the multi-fanged monster we call cancer,if all those studying the theoretical cannot come to agreed upon conclusions, how are those putting theory into practice, our oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, surgeons,etc ,going to provide the most effective…
Liver Resection on 28th March
Dear all, Time flies, it seems like yesterday when I was asking about liver resection (about 1month ago). My mum will have liver resection on 28th March (US time 27th March evening) ... the surgeon said, they are going to remove 2/3 of her liver plus some wedges. Please pray for her and the surgical team. I'm scared to…
It is official, the powers that be have dicided that I am disabled. While I am happy that it will relieve some of the burden I have placed on my wife /family through this battle, it also hurts. I know I shouldnt look at it like "I" caused the problem it was the disease but I cant help that and thats not the issue here. I…