Off topic: Those wonderful hospice angels!!!!!
...moved my mom today from a skilled nursing facility to a private home board-and-care. AND the GREAT thing is that they also have counselors for we family members...SIGN ME UP!!! Unfortunately, all of this with momma has caused all the stuff from my younger daughter to bubble up...sigh...I LOVE that there are people who…
What Cancer Cannot Do!
Cancer is so Limited: It cannot cripple love It cannot shatter hope It cannot corrode faith It cannot destroy peace It cannot kill friendship It cannot suppress memories It cannot silence courage It cannot invade the soul It cannot steal eternal life It cannot conquer the spirit --Anonymous God Bless you all, Jan
hanging on
Hey guys. I'm still eating and drinking. I have an appetite and a sense of humor and direction. My mental capacity is down but hard to gauge by how much. Fatigue is very high. Which leads me to the reason for this post. My schedule is simply to hectic for me to maintain reliable contact here. I will continue to post but…
Neoplas - Dr. Cantrell ? Anyone??
I'm new to CNS. Don't even know how to PM...which I prefer to do. Has anyone been treated by Dr. Cantrell at Neoplas? Could you send PM, too. I'm newly dx. stage 4 with 15 tumors in liver. (Had colon tumor and lymph nodes removed by surgery......now just have tumors in liver). What are the chances I will be able to…
Solution to one neuropathy problem....
I've had problems with my hands, particularly driving, since chemo (Folfox). Gripping the steering wheel is painful. However, I recently purchased a sheepskin wheel cover, and I've had no problems since. I hadn't realized how effective it was until my husband pulled the cover off (he was driving my car a long distance, and…
Indigestion with Folfox 6 - is it common
I have received my 5th Folfox treatment with Avastin and I notice that after treatment, and lasting for about 7-8 days, I have a feeling of upper indigestion or food is sitting at the base of my throat. It kind of feels at times like something is stuck in there. I even get the sensation when drinking. I had a complete…
hot/cold flashes
Hi all, I've been having a weird sensation all over my body the last few days, has any one else experienced this? When I lie down and try and get some rest I feel like my body is burning up and have chills but no fever. Anyone else experienced this? Hector
Sir Spheres
Brochure was handed to me yesterday by a Dr. after doing a liver biopsy for probable liver mets. I see onc next Wed., could probably get results earlier, but they are pretty sure it is mets. Since I had such a tremendous reaction to chemo first time around, onc didn't start anything yet. He said surgery might be an option…
Announcing Colon Palooza 9
Hi semi-colons! Suzannchili, this years coordinator, is a teacher and is up to her eyeballs in the serious yearly testing so she asked me to let everyone the dates, hotel, and rates she has gotten us for our annual Palooza. Dates: Thursday October 13th - Sunday October 16th, 2011 Location: Embassy Suites Downtown Chicago.…
who determines who is a high risk patient
My husband was dx'd in June 2008. Stage 1, NO, MO. Had a resection. CEA's were in normal range. Everything I have read states if you are considered a high risk you should have a CT scan in 1 year. (Which he did not) What we want to know is who or what determines who is considered "high risk". We would welcome all comments.…
Recent Proctocolectomy
Greetings. I'm new here, but facing my second bout of colon cancer. 20 years ago I had adenocarcinoma of the rectum (cancerous polyp). I went through surgery to remove it, radiation and chemotherapy. Most recently I was diagnosed with a 5 cm long tumor extending from 2 cm above the anal verge to 12 cm - involing the…
Chemo in the hospital?
Well I finally get to my 12th round (folfox 5fu) and my Onc dr called me last friday to ask If I would mind doing this treatment in the hospital! Explained ins. (blue cross) would now only pay 3k of the the $4500 drug expense. Either I would have to pay the difference or he could admit me to hosp for entire treatment and…
Thank you
I just wanted to thank Idlehunters and Gracie2010 for "friending me". I am in hiding until monday. I go to the surgeon then to find out what he plans on doing. ct scan showed lesion on liver,"raising concern for metastic disease'. My onc did not explain the scan to me. So I wait. we all know what that is like. I thought…
Can't keep a good woman down for long!!!
When they are stressed, some people go shopping, others change their haircut, others still go to the spa.... Me, today being bored...I booked a cruise!!! Inaugural cruise for Celebrity's new ship....Hamburg, Germany to Rome, Italy....on my BIRTHDAY!!! YEA!!! And, even though it only stops in Barcelona, Spain before hitting…
I haven't seen any recent posts from you Phil. You have been on my mind and I hope you are enjoying the warmer weather. Amy
3nd week
Well its starts today the 1st day of his 3nd week . The last to 2 weeks was good but Jorge got up this morning running to the bathroom he poop him self and is upset about it and also told me that he hopes the next 3 weeks goes by fast . Hugs to you all Tina
Mum is home now!
Dear all, Mum is home now! Today is only the 5th day after the liver resection and the doctor let her come home this morning. We only learnt that they have also removed her gall bladder yesterday ... a big shock for all of us! She is recovering well, can talk, can walk, can do some light leg exercises, can eat (although…
I loved reading Anticancer by david servan-schreiber international best seller
These are my comments on " Anticancer A new way of life. " second edition. The president MD ANDERSON CANCER CENTER ( number one in USA ) supports the book and its contents. that is enough credibility for me. Read the first edition which I borrowed from my bowel cancer support group library only 3 weeks ago. I liked it so…
one per cent is worth it
peace to all. if all the alternative i do gives me a 1% increase in survival odds its worth it for me. out of 100, that just one life saved. I am selfish hopefully its mine. one of us here for the long haul not the short. exercise, turmeric, vitamin d, tcm. these options all have science that I have shared, be it not…
stent in liver
I currently have a cathetor (billiary drain)in my liver's billiary drain that is a real pain in my side, it may be time to use a stent instead. any info on the subject (pro/con) would be greatly appreciated
Trial and tribulations
Hey Folks Martin Luther King Jr. said "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." I read this somewhere today but I can't remember where. I wonder what it is when you take the first step and refuse to believe in the staircase that you see. I started the trial at Duke on Monday. The trial…
Wish me luck, I'm going to need it from Sunday through Saturday
The newlyweds are headed off to a honeymoon, when I was asked if I would babysit, I said of course, I was going on the assumption it was for 4 days. This is what they were discussing for two weeks. Turns out apparently, my son, said can you do the babysitting? and I said yes. He claims he said can you do the babysitting…
what would happen without chemo?
I am leaving on the 16th for my father's first round of chemo. He was initially given 9-12 mos, 6 have passed without treatment. He looks/feels/sounds good. Family have asked why is he going for chemo? What's the point if he's not having a problem and the chemo is only for palliative purposes. The chemo will make him…
Hi all, a bit out of the loop...but have some questions
Haven't been on for awhile. Will need to do some catching up. We went to the Cancer treatment centers of America on the 17th of March and Jim started treatment with them on the 21st. Here at home he had been on 5-FU with avastin and irinotican. He received four treatments of that before his last scans the first of…
Not the news I wanted to hear.
Went to Oncologist to get results from liver biopsy of 1 1/2 weeks ago....not the news I had hoped for. It was confirmed that I have mets to the liver. It is multiple lesions throughout. CEA level is 20....up from 7 in January. I will go to get my port on 4/7/11 and start treatments on 4/8/11. It will be 5-FU, Leucovorin…
O/T Springtime
Here we say the first sign of spring is a robin...Thursday afternoon, in our backyard + at the same time I saw a FAT robin (I thought they were supposed to be thin after a long winter!), 2 mourning doves (I think looking for materials to build a nest), a bluejay, a cardinal (male) and a squirrel. Spring has sprung!
1st onc vistit on Wednesday...
1st onc visit on Wednesday and am looking for questions to ask the doctor. Hector
Lots of "fun" coming up
Yay, me! I have a mammogram scheduled for Friday morning. I'd like to say I can't wait, but boy howdy does that hurt! And I get very nervous about them since I had an issue show up a couple of years ago. The biopsy was good, but I still get all nervous until they tell me it's good. And y'all know I saw my family doctor…
Commercial Time
Hi there.. This morning I am going to film a commercial for the hospital that treats me for rectal cancer. It is one of those public service types of commercials to educate people on colorectal cancer and to support the hopsital. Wish me luck that I do a good job in informing the public. I figure if it gets one person to…
lymphatic drainage and peripheral neuropathy
First 90 minute massage for lymphatic drainage and reflexology. Has anyone else tried this type of massage ? This is probably just a co-incidence but my peripheral neuropathy in my feet has almost gone, my feet feel almost normal. I just touched them. will try this again soon, best $80 I have spent. Now the maryann is…