Friday Riddle Answer
This week's WINNERS are AnneCan and PGLGreg. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: Assassin is a popular game on college campuses. The game consists of several players trying to eliminate the others by means of squirting them with water pistols in order to be the last survivor. Once hit, the player is out of the…
Popcorn not very good for semicolons isn't ?
I just had a big bowl while watching tv and now my stomach is bloated like a balloon and it hurts ! My goodness! No more I promise !
Sleep Tight Semi's.........
The sun will shine again tomorrow......... :) Love to you all.......buzz
Pelvic recurrence advise
For many Stage 4 survivors here the experience is of distant metastases in liver and lungs but for myself the recurrence has been in the pelvis. The MDT are rather pessimistic about the likelihood of being able to offer surgery as it is on the side wall near nerves and vessels. They are throwing all at it- hopefully…
Who wants the ole geezer this week...I have results on my scan and blood work and will find out what all is up Monday ...1040 blood work and 1120 appt with Onc......whoever has me has their work cut out for them, again...I am a plateful.........love to all......buzz
Self Portrait?
The first time I watched this video I thought that this must be what I sound like on this board when I get on my soapbox about one of our controversial topics (religion, politics or CAM). The problem is I can't figure out if I'm the one on the left or the right! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zhFw2cfs9Q Have a great…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO googling or searching the Internet allowed and good luck !!!!!! Assassin is a popular game on college campuses. The game consists of several players trying to eliminate the others by means of squirting them with water pistols in order to be the last survivor. Once hit, the player is out of the game. Game play…
Co-worker - need to vent a bit
I apologize, but I need to vent for a minute and I am sure that some of you can relate. Anyway, I just finished my fifth round of FOLFOX w/ Avastin (one more round to go ... woo hoo) on Wednesday and had absolutely no desire to even attempt to climb out of bed yesterday. I send a quick email out to my colleagues explaining…
tumeric appears to boost folfox effectiveness, read this study and make your own decision
Good will and love to all. I have made my decision. To all on FOLFOX and thinking about natural supports. Please read the discussion paper below. Should this be a separate post as I want it to focus on folfox and tumeric. I think this post is at a tangent to the originating post re tumeric and aspirin and is specifically…
How to find professionals on this site
Anyone know if there is a way to ask questions of oncologists, onc RNs or other professionals on the CSN site?
chemoembolization vs resection
Dear all My sister diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer Nov,09. They removed tumor from colon and they did wedge resection on liver. Only one tumor with the size of 15mm left in liver. They did 3 session of chemoembolization and removed the tumor by laser. Last week the Dr. did second screening scan on liver(he was…
BEST probiotic I have found is ultrabiotic45 expensive but effective, its blows up the bag really fa
My naturopath just upgraded me to ultrabiotic45 , vegetarian based, milk free probiotic. claimed to be 45 times more effective than standard probiotics. well I took one capsule last night and one lunch today and my diarrhea has not occurred. ultrabiotic45 was supposed to help with this. the goal is to rebuild your gut as…
hey guys
hey guys anyone has any way to get to winter marie i just tried to pm her and she is no longer with us i know she has facebook but dont know what to look under .hugs all Tina
Some good news .... finally
Hi family! So, I've got some good news .... some rays of sunshine in my little corner. I am so happy to report the results of my onc visit. First, my brain scan came back as normal (ha! I'm going to use this to my advantage ... being declared normal by the professionals). Nothing abnormal appearing on the brain scans means…
Headache is it normal while on folfiri?.
It seems is coming from my sinus ,between my eyes,then goes to my head and back neck . did any of you got this kind of problems?. Thanks in advance!
Oh My Gosh Pete, I've got you figured out (well, maybe), here I am, asking Greta to delete my being in the Cancer Network, that I've let Bobby take my place and here you come and bait me with your ideas, you're a hell of a man, and I appreciate you, and am regretting already my decision asking Greta to delete my ever being…
New and looking for other young people.
Hi, I am new here and just looking to connect with others that are under the normal age for colon cancer. I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer on Feb. 4th 2011 when I was 32. I am now 33 and about to start chemo on Monday. I had surgery already to remove 2ft. of large intestine and 5 inches of small intestine. The…
Question to all who did or are doing Xeloda:
from what I've read here, regardless of your dosage, it appears that most of you have done Xeloda on a different on/off schedule than me.....Prior to surgery ,I did five doses of Oxi (on Mondays), once a week; twenty-eight days of radiation, Mon-Fri, off Sat/Sun and Hol celebrated then on Fri July 3 and twenty-nine days of…
Hi people it is FRIDAY anything interesting to do this weekend?
I got some relatives from Madrid , will take them to the beach house on Sunday , weather is really good here .
NO April Fools
This is an OMG moment! I HAVE LOST 11 POUNDS IN THE LAST TWO WEEKS. MY NATUROPATH HAS ME ON a no...WHEAT, DAIRY, FRUIT, OR STARCH. NO ALCOHOL AND THE WEIGHT IS MELTING AWAY! We are doing this for allergy testing and getting my liver working right (especially because I don't have a gall bladder). I knew I would lose some…
Aspirin and tumeric
Ok with the news I got the other day I am ready to try anything do anything to help destroy/obliterate these dirty cells from seeding and making any new growths in my body. My question is, I started taking tumeric and was wondering if I can also take aspirin with it?? I am juicing again as of yesterday ( I use to do it all…
Extremely tired after several chemos- Anyone???
My dad (stage 4 colon with mets to liver) inoperable & no radiation) would feel pretty energetic for a couple of days after chemo @ first. Now, he is feeling extremely tired before during and after chemo. He has trouble keeping his eyes open at times. He was on Oxyplatin but now is only on F5u which is suppose to be less…
update on my stubborn husband (o:
Jack officially (said to his Onc, not just me) quit chemo 2 weeks back...I can't remember if I already posted that....anyway, Onc ordered CT scan, it was done on Tuesday. We got the report today, couldn't wait until next Tuesday to see Onc...everything compares to last CT scan with no changes. Good news. He also slept the…
For Gail, Lisa42, Buzz and all my other csn family.
Firstly Gail I'm so sorry that you were attacked online by someone on my Facebook thread. You are so kind and loving, this person should not have jumped the gun without talking to you or me first. To all, it was over a bowel cancer thread, poor Gail just said there were to many semi colons running around in this world. And…
What do y'all think?
I've received an email a couple of times in the last few days, and I've heard the same thing before. Basically, it states that cancer is a strange cell, and that once you've had it, you don't get rid of it. You may be well for 20 years after being treated, but you will get it again eventually. How do y'all feel about that…
Article from Dr. Lenz
Hi, I thought you all might find this article by Dr. Lenz interesting. Here it is: -------------------------------------- Why Do the New Drugs Fail in Adjuvant Chemotherapy? Posted: 24 Mar 2011 09:50 AM PDT Some of the most surprising data presented at the GI Symposium in January 2011 in San Francisco was the negative…
Message from Mary " msccolon " to all of us.
I have come home and in the hands of Hospice as of Monday. Getting everything in order. I don't get on the computer very often now, but I will try to update everybody. The tumors in my abdomen have grown to the point of multiple partial obstructions, which can't be fixed using surgery since my prior surgeries have left so…
luvinlife2 (Kathy)
Does anyone know where Kathy is? She has not posted for awhile. Today I noticed she is missing from my friends list + all of her posts seem to be gone. I miss you Kathy!
Managing the Side Effects of Cancer Treatment - managing the day-to-day journey of colorectal cancer
Join Us for a Live Tele-Chat! Managing the Side Effects of Cancer Treatment presented by: Eden Stotsky-Himelfarb, Stage 3 Rectal Cancer Survivor and Nurse Cancer treatment can cause many side effects. Some of these are easily controlled while others require specialized care. This chat will discuss some of the most common…
Off topic. My mom update.
Today was bittersweet. I arranged the movers to take everything from mom's apartment back to her house. She had a glorious 3 months in her new home, October thru January, but that's over now. The staff were as warm and caring as usual. They all asked about her. It was then I went and visited with my mom. It was an altered…