Sun sensitivity???
How sun sensitive do you become from Chemo....it's a beautiful sunny day, want to pull up a lawn chair and soak it all in after all the snow we had this winter.....sat down then remembered oh, sun sensitivity!!!!
test time!
Well, it's that time again. I have my mammogram tomorrow. Hoping the spot we've been watching for a couple of years is still nothing to look at! Then I go upstairs for a blood draw. They're doing the c-met. Who can tell me what that means? I can't make much out of what I've googled. On Monday I see the oncologist. Routine…
Happy Birthday Kathryn in Minnesota!!
Hope you have a wonderful Birthday!!!
Annabelle .C Dixon,Cheryl .LoriS. Any news from them?
Any good stories to share for stage 4 colon cancer patient with no options for surgery?
My dad saw the doc today and got a wake up call on a couple of things. Doc said that average colon cancer survival is 23 months. I dont believe that is exactly accurate. Ive seen many posts on CSN of people with several years and still going strong. Anyone have stories on this. Doc also recommended getting up and active to…
Question about Sigmoidectomy
Okay - this is comming up soon. I was told 4-6 days in the hospital, then home. Is it reasonable to think I might "go back to work" by the beginning of the 3rd week post surgery? I can't see the forest through the trees at this point - so here's a poetic contribution to the boards for today: "A family is like a forest,…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO googling or searching the Internet allowed and good luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you behead a word, you remove the first letter and still have a valid word. You will be given clues for the two words, longer word first. Example: Begin -> Sour, acidic Answer: The words are Start and Tart. 1. Small piece broken…
PET/CT tomorrow............***UPDATE: GOT RESULTS***
Finally here..... tomorrow is the big day.......... I have 2 teams of docs and neither could come to an agreement on my status since I developed radiation pneumnia. There were 4 spots and top right lung had the pneumonia as seen on scan that was done 2 times ago. The last scan showed pneumonia clearing up good...1 spot…
vitamin D in the news again
Good health to all, Heard this on the radio this morning. More good publicity for vitamin D. search on diabetes babies vitamin D. Where their is smoke their is fire. they say. It was suggested on this forum that vitamin d is not backed up by evidence and science for us colorectal. I quoted 75% reduction in recurrance rate…
maybe too soon but I think I have good news too
we have all been taking some hard blows here lately. that frightens me..... I finally got up the nerve to phone for CEA results yesterday and they were 3.0...up from 2.9 in Dec but still I am going with that Today was my CTscan.....the waiting room was crammed with cancer patients all drinking our contrast…
wish me luck, playing ct scan roulette UPDATE
I AM CLEAR AS A BELL, THEY COULD NOT ANYTHING ON THE CT THANKS EVERYONE FOR YOU PRAYERS AND KIND THOUGHTS. IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME. pete posting from my mobile as i sip ioscan gicat scan concentrated solution. It tastes horrible. Got 2 more saches to go at 20min interval and in an hour i can really start my turn on ct…
Preliminary Allergies to Food
I was tested for 65 foods by an allergy specialist and the following is what I am sensitive to and had quite a reaction to tomatoes. I love tomatoes!! :( She wants me to stop eating these foods, and introduce them after a 4 week abstinence, to see what kind of a reaction I get to each. Some may just be sensitivities. I…
Pete ! you gonna be on line this 2 weeks ?
Strawberries - Buy Organic
------ ---Strawberries may be a superfood—but they pose a potential risk unless you go organic. In addition to having up to 13 pesticides detected on the fruit, according to an Environmental Working Group (EWG) analysis, conventional "strawberries have a large surface area and all those tiny bumps, which makes the…
I am so emotional
I have been so emotional since I was told in Jan 11 that my cancer is back in my liver. I feel pretty good physically but I have never been this emotional about anything. I cry at the drop of a hat, (when I was first diagnosed with stahe 4 colon cancer on 2007 I wasn't very emotional, I could talk with people about my…
News on KERRY...... Not Good :(
Hey All......... This is part of an email I received from Kerry's wife Susie. This breaks my heart. She wanted me to share it with all of you. Jennie Hi Jennie. Things have been going downhill over here. ****, the friend that was staying with us the past 3 weeks had to leave. By that time Kerry could not support himself on…
Thought of the Day
“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” ~ William Arthur Ward
Question on Chemo with blood clots plus info on clots
Hi everyone, I haven't been on here for about a week. I got thrown into a project which has required me to be away from home for most of this week, and I am exhausted from it. Anyhow, I developed blood clots from Avastin, so I am on a 2 week break from Folfox chemo. My question is that I will resume chemo starting this…
Still extremely sleepy - Normal?
My dads onc took him off of the Oxyplatin he was on and started him on a less toxic chemo about 2 weeks ago. He had a severe allergic reactions after his 8th treatment on the oxyplatin. For the past 2 weeks or so he is falling asleep constantly. He falls asleep drinking coffee, having a conversation, even smoking ( I know…
I got my Triumph magazine...see me on my expression page!
It is a great article, and talks about all of you, as well!!! BIG hugs! Kathi
Just don't understand
I have been distancing myself from this board for awhile, I cannot stand the attacks on each other, this board was meant to support one another. Damn it, this is a fight about Cancer, this is a place to share your experieinces, where you go for help, a hug or even a kick in the back side. I miss so many of you here, but…
Not so good news today
Went over recent scan with onc today.Some good news is the largest tumor in my liver is shrinking but one of the smaller ones is growing. My chest and lungs are clear but the scan showed a pelvic mass and my CEA jumped another 100 points, On Dec 1st it was 23.7 it is 228.2 as of today. Onc wants me to do one more round of…
Dumb question here
Ok can anyone tell me about this thing called OCMP it's a drink that is made up of minerals with some other nutrients that is so effective at alkalizing cells .i also would like to know if you take this would it mess up what the chemo is doing thanks to you all hugs Tina
Looking for Craig's/Sundance Angel
His anonymous angel last year for scans. Need to run something by you. please email me at peggy.luckey@am.jll.com thanks! Peggy
Is that your wedding picture as your avatar? It looks beautiful!
American Milk: Colon and Breast Cancer Risks
Dear American Friends, This could also be important. I am looking into IGF of late and found this warning, seems reasonable. I have been off dairy for 9 months, except for a couple of icecream binges. Which now I seriously regret, gelato for this guys from here on. Lots of other studies re IGF and cancer risk. It maybe…
rough weekend
If you don't mind listening, I'll tell you about my crappy weekend. It started off great. I coached my 11 year old's 2 soccer games Saturday morning. I knew we would be missing some players, so I had my 9 year old suit up too. It was really fun to coach both of my kids on the same team. My 9 year old is a total butt kicker…
Good news here as well , I come from onc and after my first control Cea has dropped from 15 to 12
At least we know Chemo is working since my last 4 consecutive controls was rising 3 points every time! So after first control aftet chemo we stop it and droped it! CEA is been always very reliable, nearly mathematic for me . Well after some hard weeks,it seems several of us are bringing some good news to the board!. Hope…
colonrectal surgery
I am having Surgery next week in Philadelphia to remove precancerous polps from the ileocecal valve region. Has anyone had any experience with the SILS procedure where they enter through the naval. I am elderly and this is my first surgery, My husband died of stage 4 colon cancer 12 years ago so I know how horrible this…