10 yrs Stage III Still kickin'!

2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
Hello all you wonderful Semi-Colons!

Yesterday was my 10 year I HAVE LIVED BEYOND CANCER anniversary day. Just wanted to pop in here to give hope and encouragement to everyone on this journey.

I remember well the intense fear and foreboding that accompanied my cancer diagnosis, not to mention the feelings of isolation that come with being diagnosed with colon cancer at 39 years old. If it hadn't been for these boards, I honestly don't know how I would have walked through this otherwise.

This cancer gig has taught me a lot about living for which I am grateful. Life lessons worth learning come at a price. I have witnessed much from many of you on here....perseverance and resilience, grace and humility, kindness and caring, love and friendship.

The gift I want to impart on others is one of hope. If your doctors aren't giving you the answers you're looking for--look elsewhere BUT JUST KEEP SEARCHING for your answers. Exhaust other avenues--the alternative route is the one that worked for me to get me to this point. There are no guarantees in life, and I cannot say for certain that cancer won't get me in the end, but the quality of my life has never been better.

And how I got here is what I've been sharing on these boards for the past 10 years:

Juice your veggies
Say goodbye to processed foods, refined sugars and grains forever
Avoid stress
detox your life as well as your body
look into the gluten/intestinal cancer connection
balance your pH


eat as much green as you can

I lift my carrot juice to you all this morning and look forward to celebrating your 10 year survival as well!

peace, emily


  • plh4gail
    plh4gail Member Posts: 1,238 Member
    Thats fantastic :)
    Good morning Emily ...congratulations on the 10 years and thank you for sharing your wonderful words. They are so encouraging and leave a smile with me.

    peace love & happiness, gail
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    Thats AWESOME
    You go girl, cant wait to actually meet you in October! It will be a blast!!!

  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
    dorookie said:

    Thats AWESOME
    You go girl, cant wait to actually meet you in October! It will be a blast!!!


    The sign your baby girl is holding says it all "YOU ROCK" I'm with Beth on meeting you at CP9...can't wait! Congrats and take care...

  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member

    The sign your baby girl is holding says it all "YOU ROCK" I'm with Beth on meeting you at CP9...can't wait! Congrats and take care...


    Hi Emily, this is indeed
    Hi Emily, this is indeed great news and gives me a lot of hope. I also opted for the "GREEN" way and I feel great. Although I am just starting out on this road.
    In 10 years I hope to write something along these same lines.
    Thanks for sharing,
  • toyfox
    toyfox Member Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks Emily
    Ive only been on the board for a few months, but have learned so much from you, Scouty and others. My husband and I started changing our diet a few years ago. We changed our diet even more since reading all the posts. We think our diet has made the side effects from chemo much easier for my husband. Please continue to keep the information coming.
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Congrats Emily!
    If I had any $$ green $$ left I'd eat it!
    I've very happy to hear about how long you've been in the game and how well you've done. You are living proof that there is more than one way to beat cancer. Like you said (and John and others have said it too) "If your doctors aren't giving you the answers you're looking for--look elsewhere BUT JUST KEEP SEARCHING for your answers."

    There are no things that are certain in life other than taxes and that other one, but we all can cheat on our taxes and cheat the other one too. A lot of the advice you give is good for anyone really. I'm not sure about giving up ice cream but the others are good. I've been enjoying plenty of nice fresh-grown veggies from my garden this summer.

    I'm very proud to call you a friend and again, VERY happy to hear how long you've been ahead of the game. Let's see, a little quick math...lived 10 years beyond cancer, 39 at diagnosis...so you'll have your 20th anniversary of your 29th birthday!
    Aren't birthdays the best!
    I hope to read this again from you in another 10 years.
    you may go even longer if you stop kickin people!
  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    Hugs Em
    A long and healthy life my friend,you certainly do rock. Ron.
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    You are an inspiration to us all. Thanks for sharing that with us.

  • thready
    thready Member Posts: 474
    Lifting our glasses to you
    I lift my orange carrot juice glass to you! You have inspired many of us to move forward! You have given more than juicy juice information, you gave many of us hope.
    TO YOU!
  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    It is wonderful to hear from you (always). Congratulations on your joyful, healthy living the past 10 years. It is great inspiration to read your story again.

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Hey Girlfriend

    Congrats and I can't believe we get to celebrate together this year.

    I don't think I will ever be able to find the words to thank you for helping me save my life. I do not think I would be alive today if it were not for your consistent threads on doing healthier things to fight the beast.

    My sister has my juicer right now but I have been burning up my blender. Just finished putting up my blueberry perserves and syrup sweetened with stevia. Raspberries are next.

    My sincere thanks and love to you my dear friend,
    Lisa P.

    PS. I love being able to say "see you soon"!!!
  • dmdwins
    dmdwins Member Posts: 454 Member
    scouty said:

    Hey Girlfriend

    Congrats and I can't believe we get to celebrate together this year.

    I don't think I will ever be able to find the words to thank you for helping me save my life. I do not think I would be alive today if it were not for your consistent threads on doing healthier things to fight the beast.

    My sister has my juicer right now but I have been burning up my blender. Just finished putting up my blueberry perserves and syrup sweetened with stevia. Raspberries are next.

    My sincere thanks and love to you my dear friend,
    Lisa P.

    PS. I love being able to say "see you soon"!!!

    I couldnt be happier for you Emily! You gave me a welcome and inspired me when I first came to the board. Wishing you many,many, more years. I will see you in Chicago!

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Congrats, Emily!
    Hi Emily,

    Congratulations on 10 years- wow! Thanks for sharing it with us and giving people hope!
    I just got back from a week long cruise where I broke every food rule, had lots of beef and rich foods & enjoyed every minute of it. Now, back to reality and eating right again! I checked my ph this morning and was amazed it's actually still pretty good. Probably from all the stuff I was doing/taking before my trip.
    I have now also incorporated taking chlorella daily and had that with me on the cruise also (broken cell wall chlorella for maximum absorption). Taking that and spirulina I believe is what has kept my blood counts and platelets at such a good level (completely in the normal zone in spite of continuing chemotherapy- my onc has been amazed at how good my levels have been!).

    Cheers, Emily!

    Lisa :)
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    lisa42 said:

    Congrats, Emily!
    Hi Emily,

    Congratulations on 10 years- wow! Thanks for sharing it with us and giving people hope!
    I just got back from a week long cruise where I broke every food rule, had lots of beef and rich foods & enjoyed every minute of it. Now, back to reality and eating right again! I checked my ph this morning and was amazed it's actually still pretty good. Probably from all the stuff I was doing/taking before my trip.
    I have now also incorporated taking chlorella daily and had that with me on the cruise also (broken cell wall chlorella for maximum absorption). Taking that and spirulina I believe is what has kept my blood counts and platelets at such a good level (completely in the normal zone in spite of continuing chemotherapy- my onc has been amazed at how good my levels have been!).

    Cheers, Emily!

    Lisa :)

    Thanks Everyone!
    I plan on celebrating with many of you in Chicago! YIPPEE!!

    Lisa--when I had my initial pow-wow with a woman who cured her son of his "terminal" cancer through juicing, I'll never forget what she said in regards to diet, "sometimes you have to feed your soul as well." We all have to feed our souls from time to time as long as it's not a daily habit. No one surely can fault you for wanting to go on a cruise and enjoy a "normal" diet.

    Keep juicing everyone!

    peace, emily
  • sasjourney
    sasjourney Member Posts: 395 Member
    You REALLY do rock! You have been such an inspiration. Can't wait to meet you in person and share a juice or two.

    Hugs, my friend,
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member

    Just looking at your healthy, happy face always makes me smile. So thrilled for your many years of health!

  • biz
    biz Member Posts: 60 Member
    Being newly diagnosed stage III at 41, I LOVE your post. Thank you! I'm already on board with veggies, whole grains, no sugar, etc., but I need to find out what the pH stuff is about. I'm learning so much. Thanks for sharing.
  • fedester
    fedester Member Posts: 753 Member
    wow 10 years !!!!'
    that is awesome.
    glad to hear you are well
    here's to another 10 years and beyond.
    all the best
  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    fedester said:

    wow 10 years !!!!'
    that is awesome.
    glad to hear you are well
    here's to another 10 years and beyond.
    all the best

    That's wonderful! I am
    That's wonderful! I am following in your footsteps girl! Thanks for the inspiration!
  • keystone
    keystone Member Posts: 134 Member
    Praise the LORD!!!!!!!
    Praise the LORD!!!!!!! Thanks for your inspiring words Emily. I'm ordering a juicer for my husband today!!