Merry Christmas
Hi All, Just wanted to pop in and say HO HO HO. I hope you all are doing well and enjoying the Holiday Season. Work has been busy for me and planning for an upcoming surgery has taken all of my time lately. Surgery was cancelled twice and I now have a new surgeon who seems to really be good. With any luck I will be bag…
My brother in law isnt having much success with treatments... he has had avastin with folfiri.. i think the doctors are giving up on him does anyone know of any other treatment he may try? Any advice with be appreciated
Merry Christmas :0)
Merry Christmas from across the pond to my csn family. This the third Christmas I'm celebrating with you, and it's an honor and a privilege that I am with such a wonderful extended cyber family. Hope you all have a wonderful day, and that you get all you wanted and more off Santa. :-) Btw thank you to all who have sent me…
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope everyone has a healthy, happy holiday season! I promise you that my cards are going out sometime very soon! Consider it a Christmas present that might come a little late! *L* Sorry I've been so erratic with posting here. My new job is VERY busy this time of year. Hoping to settle down some…
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Thank you to all of you faithful CSN friends who have sent Christmas Cards/Holiday Greetings again this year. It is so cool to get mail from all over the US and even parts of Canada. Several years ago a began a Christmas Blog as a way of updating family and friends of happenings around the Pollock household and of sharing…
Dad's Side Effects
My father is having some side affects that we haven't been able to resolve. The heartburn after eating a few bites even when using Pepcid, burning from nose and sore burning buttocks from diarrhea. He was recently discharged from the hospital after 5 days due to dehydration and not eating because he developed shingles in…
an apology and Chrismas wish
Dear friends, I have not had time to write Christmas cards this year, I'm sorry. To those who may have sent me a card from the list given here, I apologize even more since I have not had time to see or open them (my daughter has been getting my mail and putting it in my house for me). Thank goodness bills can be done on…
Wishing everyone an early Happy Holiday
I haven't been posting regularly but do read daily. I have been so sick from FOLFIRI with non stop vomiting ( sorry if TMI). It has been so overwhelming that I almost gave up on the "standard" treatment because I have way more sick days than good ones. My oncologist immediately shut that idea down stating that I really…
How many days were you in the hospital?
Question: If you or your loved one had a liver resection, how many days was your hospital stay? dec 16 is the tentative day for my husband's resection surgery. doctors say 5-7 days hospital stay they are usually off because Tony always has complications. to top it off, my youngest daughter's birthday is the 16th and my…
*************CSN*****************can we get a Natural Remdedy Discussion Board????????????
There are many of us would love a discussion board where cancer survivors that are battling cancer can come to and speak freely about their natural remedy journey. Is this possible? Other then other.......
Does anyone remember Linda Imliess
Haven't heard from her in a long time and went to write her a PM and it said that she doesn't exist anymore. Anyone know how she is doing. Think last I've read that it spread but it has been awhile ago. She found out she had cancer around the time of mine. Just wondering. Kim
information leak
hi all and merry Christmas, I have discovered something quite by accident. I was fooling around with the computer and typed in my email address. Up came posts i had made on this site. Now I know when someone is in the site they can read them. but my family does not come here so i can vent ad not worry about them seeing it.…
New here and scared too
Hi. I was just diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. I didn't have a clue that I was ill - it is apparently growing fast. Doctor is starting me on chemo after the holidays. Trying to stay brave for my 19 year old son. I'm not sure what my journey will be like but trying to stay positive. Does anyone ever go into the chat…
Round three and the hair is falling
OK, I was hoping to keep my hair during the 12 rounds of FOLFOX but I might have been wrong. Started the third round on Monday and today I noticed the hair coming out. Oh well.... Now it's just a question if it's a little bit or enough to warrant chopping it all off and going bald. How did you fine folks deal with this ? I…
hello all
Hello all hope everyone is doing well. I've been away very busy with all going on now my first born is now sick with her kidneys there saying she may need a new kidney and she is also having a new baby .and my dear Love jorge is not getting chemo right now the doctor just wants to watch him with blood work and I'm just all…
Unfortunately: brain mets!
Thank you all for the prayers, warm wishes and loving thoughts while I was waiting. Unfortunately, I do indeed have brain mets! Sigh. So, here is the good news! 1. I got the results about 1 minute after my MRI finished! (my oncologist is a star - with good connections in the radiology dept!). 2. I had meetings with my onc…
CEA Didn't Register
My Onc told me my CEA was really low even when I had tumors. How does this impact treatment, does it make a difference? April
buying some organic coffee beans ? i don't drink coffee. strictely over 18, enter at your own risk!
Dear crc's , checkout my blog for my anticrc adventures. Its about to happen, i am joining the coffee enema club, anyone doing this and can say so publicily ? the research well its compelling. and my old coffee machine now has a use. do your research on coffee and enema and colon colorectal and join me. now when my friends…
oh the fun you can have when your cea just starts to rise
some wait and enjoy christmas ? and one did something else, i got my christmas presents early!!!!! they are expensive but i think worth it! so far just the new things, all the old stuff is still happening! iscador, artisiane, vit c, avemar, zinc percolate, coffee enemas, thalidamide coming tomorrow or soon. some of these…
I hope its ok if I ask this group for some input......regarding a permenant ostomy
Good morning! Well since my cancer is anal, I usually communicate with that 'group'. But a few suggested I ask for some input from you all because I do have a few questions about an upcoming surgery....& a major 'life change'. In July 2010 I was diagnosed with stage 3 anal cancer. I went thru the 'traditional treatment' &…
Juicing recipe's
Please share juicer recipe's with me? Or if you don't juice, maybe you have an idea for something? I am going to buy a juicer after Christmas and really don't know what tastes best, what I should not want to use, just any advice or ideas would be much appreciated :) plh4gail
Merry Christmas
May peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through. May happiness brighten your days, prosperity greet you in your ways, and success be with you in everything that you do. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for your support and guidance throughout the past few months. - J
Lung resection questions
I have an appointment with my oncologist to discuss a plan for radiation and then a wedge resection surgery on my left lung. What questions should I ask? Concerns with radiation on the lung? How long for recovery? ( I read a note of 8-weeks recovery???) I have had liver resection surgery and it was a BEAR! How will lung…
Onc. appt. scan results
Spot that onc. was suspicious of is showing calcification. No spread. I asked him what calcification meant...he said when the body heals it deposits calcium in those places, and with it showing calcification it's much less worriesom. He said we will scan again in March. Like a dumb a$$ I started crying. He looked at me and…
Radiation induced lumbarsacral plexopathy
Looking for someone out there that has have pelvic radiation and years later was diagnosed with Lumbarsacral plexopathy. It is from having radiation to the pelvic area. Your legs start to become weak and you slow are unable to function. A doctor from Baylor has diagnosed me only after I went to MD Anderson who indicated…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I Just wanted to wish Everyone a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! Prayers go out to all of you everyday. And I am truly blessed to have all of you as friends.. it makes life easier.
For those who find stuff like this interesting, here's some interesting stuff from internet:
Unfortunately, nothing that follows is of any practical use to anyone today or tomorrow..... rawstory.com/rs/2011/12/19/scientific-community-abuzz-cancer-breakthroug/ healthcanal.com/cancer/24802-Tissue-structure-delays-cancer-development.html sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/12/111216174446.htm (scientists may be able to…
Christmas BAD news
UPDATE: I let my wife and kids know and what a pleasant suprise. They embraced the news and offered up their support to get through this next chemo adventure. I guess my concerns were unfounded...whew! I will tell my extended family later as the treatment plan comes together and I have answers before the questions. Thanks…
Need your help Mates! How many of you are having Ativan?
Can It elevate liver enzymes ?. Winch is your daily dosage ? . I'm having up to 3 pills of 1 mg a day but not working very well for my anxiety!. Hugs.
Saw Onc Today
I thought it was my last time, but he wants to go thru January, so 2 more infusions of Oxaliplatin with xeloda. Plus a cat scan to figure out if there is something going on in my liver. I have to inject myself, he doesn't want me to use cumadin (sp) He says cumadin doesn't work if you have tumors and I've had blood clots…