IP - 6
I was wondering if anyone has any experience or info on this herbal drug - it has been highly recommended by some friends - it comes from Japan and is processed rice husks
#36 of 36 radiation treatments finished! I am done! I get a 6 week break from all treatments until we scan again. I haven't been on the boards much during radiation. I just haven't had time. It has been easier than chemo for me, but way more time consuming. Having to get ready and travel to radiation each day since the…
Hi mates it is FRIDAY ,any interesting plan for the weekend?
Nothing here just still recovering, will do some christmas shopping . Hugs!
Second opinion
How many of you have gotten second opinions? My husband keeps getting people telling him he should get a second opinion for the surgery. The surgeon he has right now is supposed to be very good. Should he get a second opinion and if so what does he need. Just his records? Will they do more tests on him? Does insurance…
Survivors Please Help! 29 yo Rectal Cancer Patient
Hi, I am 29. It started with IBS like symptoms in Dec 2010. Lot of stress before that. Lost my mother to HCV and Liver Cancer in April 2010, was married for 6 months (Jan - Jun 2010) and got separated in July 2010 and divorced in April 2011. Lot of emotional turmoil + diagnosis of cancer. Cancer was low in rectum, and was…
Brant Walton Memorial Fund
Last year, a few friends created The Brant Walton Memorial Fund/Dream Hope Believe Foundation in honor of my husband. For those who are newer here, my husband died almost two years ago at the age of 34 from colorectal cancer. The fund is now accepting grant applications to provide funds for children who have lost a parent…
Dopamine added to 5-FU?.....interesting article
medicalxpress.com/print242316296.html "Neurotransmitter might improve cancer treatment:study" and two similiar articles on tumor/genetic sequencing: medpagetoday.com/tbprint.cfm?tbid=29952 and medicalnewstoday.com/releases/238482.php
Lower back - dull ache
After about 15 minutes of house cleaning, my lower back, I mean low,, like above the gluteus, starts hurting. Like a dull pain. I don't know if it's bones, or what. But this has been going on for a long time, over a year, It makes me sit down and rest until it passes. It could be bending, mopping, a lot of walking. I am…
Cardiac Toxicity after treatment with 5FU
I've just had my first cycle of 5FU for stage 2B colon cancer. ( Tumour broke through the bowel wall but the lymph nodes are clear). I developed symptoms similar to an attack of Angina with the arteries going into spasm.I have Lynch Syndrome. Has anyone else had this rare side effect? After how many treatments? Was the…
New here and scared to death. Would appreciate input?
Hi, just found this site. I had a colonoscopy on Friday after some blood in stool the week before (no other symptoms) and a malignant polyp was discovered (what's the difference between a polyp and a tumor?). Doctor said it was the size of the tip of his thumb?? ANYWAY, going back to doctor tomorrow for more details and…
Article on Dr. Burzynski
I know nothing about the author but thought this was interesting: http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2011/12/personalized_gene-targeted_cancer_therapy.php?utm_source=networkbanner&utm_medium=link The clickable link genie is more than welcome to fix this link!
my juicing just got better, acai berries added to the daily routine
dear juicers, i am adding a couple of scoops of berry mix to my veg juices, yes i spent $550 on 5 x 700g acai berry powders. having the first juice right now! anyone else doing acai ? http://www.naturalnews.com/025403_acai_cancer_berries.html from the article Acai May Kill Cancer Cells A study at The University of Florida…
I could use some help /diet/colostomy
sorry to trouble you.....my best friend is in dire straits with uterine and cervical cancers. she has a fresh tumor that has completely shut down the very low part of her colon by pressing from the outside of the colon. Eventually there will be massive surgery to remove everything including bladder but right now she is so…
Latest News on George:
We had a visit with the onc this week and the news is fairly good. George feels good, all side effects seem to be well under control, he has gained 7 pounds (patting myself on the back on that one) and his CEA is now 15, the lowest it has been since diagnosed in 3/09. It appears the cancer is under control and somewhat…
Hello, I am getting ready to have my first colonoscopy since completing my treatment. I was diagnosed February, 2010 with stage III colorectal cancer with mets to one lymph node. I had a sigmoid colon resection in May 2010. I went through 12 rounds of chemotherapy, which I received biweekly. I completed my chemotherapy on…
Sad time...
I had a plan to meet with my sister that I haven't haven't spent any time with in years last night and was so excited. My husband got the news on Monday that his friend lost his battle with lung cancer and wouldn't you know it his funeral was the night that I was driving to meet my sister (my sister understood completely).…
Has anyone ever had a false positive on a pet scan?
My husband will be six years from stage 3 rectal cancer diagnosis in Jan. He has always had hot spots in the rectal area on his pet due to inflamation biopsies have always been negative. Last week his pet scan was all clear except this area again but less uptake but also a small area next to the rectum showing a lymph node…
post-colectomy experience
It's been almost a year since they took 14 cm of my colon. I have had a few adjustments to make since then, the first being I occassionally end up with what feels like "kinks" in my colon. The best way for me to describe this is that I imagine it's like when a garden hose gets pinched, and then the water doesn't come out…
Scared about Scan
Hey guys, need some advice... mum has her first scan after 5 out of 8 chemo sessions. They are doing a PET scan i think it is.. pretty much whole area We dont get results back until christmas eve and the scan is next week prayers needed is this normal procedure? thanks for your support
Hello friends, i have just started my number 5 cicle of chemo with the 2 weeks of Xeloda and the infusion of 2 hours of Oxaliplatin every 3 weeks. In my experience the oxaliplatin is a terrible nightmare, my legs, feet and heands don't work proper, i can't drive them well, i can't drink not even room temperature water,…
Since my Stage IV diagnosis the doctor has said I would never be a surgical candidate, too many tumors in my liver. I have been doing chemo for 14 months. I know that I've responded very well to the chemo, as the doctor was actually noticeably excited by my last CT scan. At my last oncology appointment the doctor said "how…
Hi I'm back !
It's been quite hard one week at the hospital .It was a varicose vein hemorrhage in my esophagus due to hight portal pressure , already put rubber bands on the vein and some portal vein anti inflammatory pills . Hope this is sorted out forever . Hugs family !
all polyps benine yea but dr did say they were pre cancer so colonoscopy next year .One big worry not bad now whew take care michelle
Need advice on symptoms
Hello everyone and hope you all are having a good week! My husband had his liver resection on Wednesday and recovery has been hard. We are still in the hospital and he is still having lots of pain. The pain is so bad now he can not walk or eat. He has been up to walk seceral times a day but has worse pain today. They won't…
We're home from my little girls appointment with good news
I'm home! And with good news. The oncologist at the Childrens Hospital seemed to be very thourough. When we first arrived they repeated labs and did a chest xray (to look for suspicious lymphs?). He went over her labs, xrays, and CT. Asked questions about recent health issues and illness. Explained how a lymphoma develops…
Lynch syndrome/ stage 3 colon cancer
I have been diagnosed with lynch syndrome ( a hereditary form of cancer) I had a sub-total colectomy to remove my whole large intestine and worry that cancer will reoccur somewhere else. Does anybody have experience with lynch syndrome & colon cancer thanks RKSTR DAVE
I am from the Uterine cancer board but...
I have a problem I hope you guys can help me with! I have heard you guys are nice over here!!!! My moms mom was diagnosed with colon cancer at 48 and died at 49. My mom was diagnosed with colon cancer at 48 and died at 50. So, back in Febuary Dr.Rafiq did a colonoscopy and removed 4 polopys and 3 came back pre-cancerous. I…
Extreme Fatigue on Camptosar???
My dad was on oxalyplatin(?), then they stopped it for awhile and switched him to just lecuvorin/avastin/5fu, that combo quit working so now he is on Camptosar. He is extremely tired, falling asleep without warning, ect. His last chemo cycle ended last Wed. It is now Monday. This is his 2 round of this. Is this normal?…
Cant find much info....
My friend just called me with the name of her Cancer... "Adenosquamous" of the Colon. I cant seem to find much information on this. I gather it's a bit rare. Does anyone now anything about this "Villian"??? I would appreciate any info at all. Thank you so much... Liz
Ever hear of Dietmor Wittman MD
I read some articles about this doc and his organization openabdomen.org. My husband has mcrc with an open wound, hernia, and fistula. Was wondering if anyone knows anything about this guy. We are desperate to get this closed. Thanks all.