Stage IV with young dependents
It's been two weeks since we had the devastating news and I feel like I have been through all the stages of grief and back again. I hadn't heard of "Kubler Ross" until I desperately trawled the internet searching for anything that would ease the pain. I now understand why "bargaining" is part of grief, as I would give…
Been a long time...for many things
I became a member here when I was diagnosed with cancer, but am mostly just a "stalker". Now I feel a need to vent (if nothing else).I was diagnosed with Stage III rectal cancer in 2008, had surgery, radiation and 6 months of chemo. All my checkups, labs, scans and colonoscopies (polyps found and removed last time) have…
How fast can cancer come back after a good CT
My wife had metastatic colon cancer to her ovaries. Surgery then Chemo. NED for 18 months then recurrence. Went 6 rounds of chemo and CT showed NED. She has pains now (only 6 weeks after CT showed nothing). She went off of Chemo by choice. The pains are similar to a back pain, but like the pains she had when the cancer…
Stage IV - now NED
I haven't posted or read much on the message boards as I have a med-onc family member, but I recognize the value of this forum and the support it provides to so many - so thank you all. This is to those newly diagnosed - *THERE IS HOPE*. I was diagnosed with stage IV in March 2011 with one liver met. At the time I was 46…
New member from germany
Hi everybody, I've been reading on the board for a while now and finally decided to register and introduce myself. So, hello from Cologne, Germany :-) My name is Petra (43) and my husband, Thorsten, (44) was diagnosed in Nov 2011 only one week before our scheduled trip to India. So, instead of 4 weeks vacation, lots…
So thankful and happy
I worried for days before my husband's Cat Scan. My husband is the exact opposite...does not worry unless a problem comes up....glad he is that way. Said I worry enough for the whole family. Clean Cat Scan The blood clot in his liver is no longer a problem. No more Coumadin. I do think about and pray for so many of you…
karguy - sorry your back in the fight.
Sorry to read on the colon club that your cancer has come back as well. Your in my thoughts and prayers
Up coming ct scan and colonscopy
Hey Family, I'm still here as you know :-) Rather then ramble on about me these days try and help if I can. Ok appreciate any prayers/good vibes/wishes etc, I have my yearly scan tomorrow and I'm getting nervous. Then on the 13th March I have my colonscopy, I have not had one since my diagnosis in 2009. So March will be a…
(I see you are online). Have a wonderful birthday!!!
Pleural Effusion
My 82 year old father undergoing Folfox and Avastin, going on his 8th treatment, now has a moderate right pleural effusion. The doctor says he will need to have it drained and stay in the hospital for 3 days. Has anyone had anything like this? Wondering whether this will really knock him down. It's so difficult to know…
husband in pain - wife needs advice
My husband had colon cancer-operated on 3 1/2 years ago. 14 inches of colon removed-lower section very near rectum. In the past thirty days he has had severe burning and pain just inside the rectum. I can not get him to the doctor or hospital. Any advice on what it can be.
CEA results
My CEA went from 13.1 to 13.3. Didnt double like the last time. Changes? I went back on my supplements and drinking green tea. I also added all the berries back on my diet. We shall see. Talk to you all in a month. Next check m
Happy Sunday....!
So here I am starting my third week of a walk/run plan that my friend scouty motivated me to do. It's not as easy as I thought but I make the time to do it 3 times a week. In the last 3 weeks I have found the toll that treatment took on my body, although I'm not saying I regret doing it, just the changes it left. You all…
Self-Educated Patients
As an advocate for my wife (stage IV crc) i encourage all to view this Self-Educated Patients and The Future of Cancer Care Dr West of GRACE
Phil.....thank you
Please don't be uspet with me but I just can't take it....and you soo deserve it!.....Congratulations on 8 years! It is such an accomplishment and we all are here to either look for or give hope and reassurance. That is what it is all about. So there it is my friend...I did it. I said it. And it is well deserved! love and…
Hubby Update
We got home on Thursday after 10 days in the hospital following hernia surgery. Husband again is carrying wound vac and it looks like it is going to be around for another couple months. Recovery has been slow but yesterday he ate three meals and watched some TV. I am questioning whether or not we should've had the first…
colostomy reversal
Hi everyone, need some help. My sister had a liver resection, it went well, no bag. then the sutures burst, peritonitis, and now a bag. (this was last july) Healing well, the dr. told her she would reverse it when she was stronger. THEN, she has seizures, diagnosed with brain cancer, cyber knife, and 10 rounds of full…
Anyone experiencing random head sweating? ( Back of head)
My dad is stage 4. He was on chemo for about a year. Every 2 weeks. He has decided to stop chemo for alittle while. For several months, he has been spuratically getting sweating in the back of his head. Usually just one side. Sometimes, he doesnt even know it is happening, he just goes to scratch his head and finds that…
NYU Cancer Institute Presentation
For those with Advanced Colorectal Cancer here is a very good presentation which gives an overview of the available drug therapies and the rationale for their use NYU Presentation
KRAS Mutation Implications?
My wife is stage IV (diagnosed thanksgiving weekend 2011, spread to liver) with colon tumor biopsy indicating KRAS mutation. I am only recently becoming aware of implications during research this weekend as ONC did not mention. I will take it up with her next week. Other than making EGFR inhibitors ineffective, are there…
The latest on oxi and neurotoxicity:
hemonctoday.com/article.aspx?rid=95014 "Calcium & magnesium supplementation may reduce oxaliplatin-induced neurotoxicity" Quite informative.....
Hi mates it is FRIDAY ,any interesting plan for the weekend?
Dinner on Friday with friends . Saturday ...we will see. Sunday lunch at mum,s House. what about you?.
Fell down for the first time... anyone got stuff to share on Falls?
I'm 9 weeks in on my treatments. (stage IV, dx'd 12-2011, colon + multiple mets to liver, temp colostomy). Am taking Erbitux, Lucivorian, Folfox 6 and 5FU (along with some other drugs to combat the rash from erbitux, emotions, low iron + gout) I've been getting dizzy now and again, but today i got up to head to the…
Anyway Diane can come back on here?
She has posted on facebook they have found a spot on her liver, and her cea is 6.4. She will have a biopsy. I can't take that she has cancer, I can't.
lisa42 update has gone to heaven
passed away tonight
the bag
Hi, I havent been on here in awhile. But my situation is I was diagnosed with colonrectal cancer stage 3 in 09. Been thru so many surgeries on my colon, had an iliestompy bag (temp for a yr). went thru radiation and chemo. Had a feeding tube for a few months. Had a PICC twice and recieved TPN even when I was home. I wear a…
Liver Resection criteria for Stage IV patients
My wife is in the middle of her chemo regime. No surgery yet and do not know if she will be a candidate. In my search for criteria to understdand how she will be assessed for surgery I came across the following which might be useful to some... 2009 presentation by Dr Paty of MSKCC discussing why most mCRC patients should…
Maybe TMI, But I've become a tight ..........
Okay, I'll just say it. I presently have a temporary ileostomy. I am almost four months past my surgery. I still often feel pressure against my anus and sometimes do squeeze out a little thin mucous. I decided to check back there just to see what the area feels like and found that my anus has shrunk and the skin around it…
Carl update nearly 3 weeks in
Here we are nearly 3 weeks out and still no closer than square one. They are currently testing him for Hep B, yesterday found no traces of internal bleeding, They did discover an ulcer caused by the stints they placed so may have to go back and do something about those. Bili continues to rise, Albumin has slowly started…
Just a question .
Which has been your lowest platelets count while on chemo?. Hugs!