Hi everyone! My husband is scheduled to have rectal surgery in 3 weeks. He had liver surgery on 11-30-11. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice, things to expect, what to do or not to do. The plan is for him to get a temporary ileostomy also. I wondered if this surgery is going to be as bad as the liver surgery or…
Howdy all y'all! Last Saturday, I went down to Phoenix Arizona to visit my daughter and go to the Renn Fair they hold there every year. I asked her if she could put some sunscreen on me when we got out of the car and after we got parked, everyone forgot about it. I didn't remember that I needed it until way too late. In…
mets to abdominal skin
Has anyone had mets to the abdominal skin. My husband's cancer was in his transverse colon. Restaged 8/10 to stage 4 with mets to liver and lung. on chemo for 1 year, holding his own and then found out yesterday he has met to the skin above his transverse colon (or what used to be there) And to top it all off right above…
Fishing for treatment
Howdy all y'all! Awhile ago I had mentioned a fishing retreat for men with cancer and I wanted to post the information. It's called Reel Recovery and the website is http://www.reelrecovery.org physical address is 160 Brookside Road Needham, MA 02492 phone 800-699-4490. Any guys wanting to go on a retreat in their area can…
winter marie
I read your stoey yesterday while getting treatment. What a great story. You are just more proof that the doctors can't predict how long we are going to live and that we need to be in control of our treatments and doctors. It is awesome that you are now working on a degree.That is just another way of slapping cancer in the…
NIH Library of Medicine PubMed site
a good resource PubMed at NIH
what was my lucky number this test, when i played cea roulette ?
and after 6 weeks of no conventional treatment and intense alternative therapy the number is 28 now thats an increase of 11 over 6 weeks. i am seeing the onc tonight. my full bloods were exceptional, the best ever, so thats good news. and my blood pressure is back to 120/69/59 which is good and back to normal after being…
Check out this NEW site by the College of American Pathologists at :mybiopsy.org
Interesting.......site set up to help those with advanced crc,if you haven't checked it out,with updated,current info
Have not seen any recent posts from you and was just wondering how your daughter is doing. Hope all is going well. Luv, Wolfen
rising cea again!
Hi everyone, i am back, cause i am waiting again. After a good scan a few months ago my cea is creeping up again. from 2.0 to 4 in 3 months. bilirubin is up a bit 1.00 to 1.5. I am on the 7th round of xeloda with the last to be next month. now i have to go early on dec. 2nd for blood work so they have the next cea reading,…
Some heavy-duty articles
being that this is CRC awareness month alot of interesting stuff out there: cancernetwork.com/colorectal-cancer/content/article/10165/2044889 "Metastatic CRC:A Curable Disease" ecancer.org/news/2570 "A mutation in EGFR that confers cetuximab resistance in CRC" medicalnewstoday.com/releases/242796.php 5th item, on RAS -and…
Good scans!!
Well, picked up copy of my scans, these really had me on edge as it's been six months since I've had any chemo. So, now I suppose surgeon is gonna recommend colonoscopy.
stage iv survivors?
i know minni asked about the stage 3 ones that is gave me the thought, everyone i have talked to outside this board has said that stage iv is treatable and they can make you comfy whle your life lasts but it is not cure able i need to know that there is a chance to go ned and that some have gotten past the 5 years most are…
Bad News ? CEA Flare?
Stage IV with 12 threatments planned. folfox w/avastin after 6th chemo CEA is up from just over 300 to just over 500. had leveled at about 300 after 2nd treatment and stayed there until now. pre chemo was 1800. has anyone had a good outcome yet seen their CEA values go up like this during treatment? just got this news and…
Colonoscopy results
Well I was very nervous, all I could think of was the last time I had a colonoscopy in 09 I got the news that they had found a tumor. Even the consultant knew I was nervous, he asked if the prep had worked and all I could hear was polyp lol. Procedure was painful even though I had sedation. Apparently nurses said I was so…
Happy Birthday Brian
Today is my husband's 55th birthday, and although he is spending it in the chair getting his erbitux infusion, I'm just happy he is here for another one. Hoping for many, many more for him, and for everyone fighting!
10 additional months of survival when continuing with Avastin at progression, study suggests
This may be highly relevant to some of you who are stage IV and using bevacizumab (Avastin). From July 2011 Issue of Hematology & Oncology Title: Highlights in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer From the American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting June 3–7, 2011 Chicago, Illinois At the 2011 American Society of Clinical…
I feel like Job
Just found a lump in my breast. Very suspicious and my oncologist agrees. I'm signed up for a mess of tests on Thursday (mammogram, MRI, biopsy). On the one hand, I feel strangely calm -- I'm not someone with no history of cancer for whom this isthe first news. Also, I'm already in treatment -- this will just be another…
Social Security payments
Hi! It's been a while for me to post anything I hope and pray for everybodies health and Peacefulness throughout these struggles. I'm currently holding on in remission I still have Side affects but tolerable. I'm so sorry to hear We lost Lisa she was a great inspiration I'm very Happy she is at rest in heaven with our…
first PET scan for me. What to expect ?
Hi y'all ! I got the appointment set up -finally- and will go for my first PET scan next week to get some clear understanding of where I stand. This uncertainty has driven me bonkers and I am looking forward to at least knowing what I am up against after 7 months of this rollercoaster. However, as this is the first one, I…
I get so depressed.....
Hello Everyone, I've been lurking for about a week now and I've learned SO MUCH from you all, Thank You! This is kind of long but if you'll help with this problem I promise not to have long posts in the future, but I felt you needed to know a little about me first. I'm married to Jim, who is absolutely WONDERFUL dealing…
scan thursday-accepting all prayers
This will be my first scan since my wife has left me 2 weeks ago. Under a lot of stress past 2 weeks but hoping for positive results. I have a lot of friends pulling for me, but I know the people on this forum know exactly how I feel. thanks chuck
A doctor's rap on importance of colonoscopy:
Count Down to Lung Resection!
March 1st- thoracotemy to get rid of the tumor. It still seems surreal that I am going thru a big surgery and the ensuing recovery for a small spot and for something I have NO symptoms of. Am I being naive, that, compared to what I orginally went through, this is "no biggie"? It's like, I feel I should be far more diseased…
BUN question
Hi everyone..... Today Carls BUN spiked to 44 he isn't getting all the iv fluids he was before and they aren't giving him anything for swelling like before when this happened and it is higher than ever before. I noticed today they ran 3 extra tests than normal concerning the area. His urine is testing positive for…
Has anyone had a sore mouth/tongue as a side effect. I feel like I burned the roof of my mouth and tongue. It is sore all of the time, especially when I eat. Salt, viniger, mouthwash are almost unbearable. Your comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Jeff
Anyone have rectal resection and liver resection as one surgery?
If you have any experience, what should we expect? Thanks
My niece
I wrote here in October of 2010 when my 28 year old niece with a one year old baby was diagnosed with colon cancer that had metastasized to her perinea. She has been through two courses of the type of chemo that causes loss of sensation in the feet and hands, but you don't loose hair. She went in for another CT scan…
I'm back!!!
Hello all. I have not posted lately, but read almost daily. For those of you who do not know me or remember me, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 CC with mets to liver in July of 2009 at the age of 38 with an immediate colon resection that month. I then did 4 months of Folfox with Avastin. I was sent to Miami and was told I…
Colonoscopy tomorrow
Hugs family no news on my scan results yet, hopefully today or tomorrow might hear something as my main cancer nurse has come back from holiday. Tomorrow have a colonoscopy, last one I had was when they found the tumor in 09. I know everyone is going through so much, feel like a fraud for asking but appreciate any…