para aortic lymph node biopsy?
3 weeks ago my 46 yr old husband went in for a colonoscopy thinking they would say hemorroids. So the surgeon came out and said it was cancer...likely story it seems. He was immediately sent for blood work and ct scan. Later that week he went for a pet scan. 2 weeks ago we met the oncologist who told us stage 4 - that…
odd update on my Aunt
Hi everyone, it's been a few months since I've been here. I hope, and pray that everyone is doing fairly well, at least that's my hope. The Dr. switched my aunt to Avastin from Oxiliplatin (sp?) because the Oxiliplatin was giving her numbness and tingling in fingers/feet and he didn't want to make it "worse". Anyway, she…
you got to laugh about this "happy tree story"
has the irony of this made you chuckle. think of all the great tcm debates. of all the great alternative debates. now we have had a few here, i never researched this before, and a blinked many times. hangon to your chair if you decide to read on. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irinotecan…
skip a chemo round??
hey guys , again im asking for your advice, hope you are all not tiered of my questions, i want to skip a round of chemo for a week, my kid has 2 football games and i want to go to the opening day of the bucs game, since its a holiday everything would be pushed back a day and i know i would still feel crummy for the…
Has anyone had a colonic stent procedure?
Hi all, By any chance has anyone had a colonic stent put in? If so, was it a quick day surgery (I hope the answer is yes...), or did you need to stay in the hospital overnight? Any info. is appreciated since Rick is going in on Thursday for this procedure due to continuing bowel obstructions. At the moment, he can't even…
User: michealhalbrook
Is this user for real or what? looks like a spammer on this forum and Lung Cancer. Have flagged the administrator to look into this.
colostomy alternatives
Hi, My mom was just diagnosed with Stage III signet ring rectal cancer. She has a 6 cm mass at the beginning of treatment. She has started 5 1/2 weeks of chemo/radiation to be followed by surgery that will result in an colostomy. The PET scan showed the cancer in one lymph node but they say they won't know how many lymph…
Not Home Yet Perforated Bowel and Chemo
Hi all: Just released from 3 months in the hospital following an emergency trip to hospital with a perforated bowel. Was on life support for two weeks and came to paralyzed from the nose down. Has taken awhile but I can now walk with a walker and move most of my "bits". I'm sure that the perforation resulted from the…
Update 8/28 on Doc Hawk - Doc added update 8/30
Our friend did get to the hospital this morning and was admitted. Blood tests and CT scan show that along with the mets in the right lung he has pneumonia in both, and blood clots in the upper lobes of both lungs. He has his laptop with him and said he will keep us updated. Prayers for good meds and good care to help aid…
Article worth reading--"Colon Cancer Research:Time to Learn From Mistakes"
Hi mates it's FRIDAY! Any interesting plans for the weekend?
Just resting on the beach I finished my two weeks of xeloda avastin and I feel a bit tired! What about you?
Is this a good juicer? Please share your juice recipes
Been reading through lots of posts, but between the new news that my husband has rectal cancer and trying to take care of a teen, pre-teen and baby - my head is spinning. So any advice is much appreciated. I'm looking at the Omega J8003 on Amazon. All the juicers have really good reviews and then really bad reviews...so…
First scan results Trial TRC 105
Well, it was a mixed bag... One lesion was stable, the big one shrunk by a cm or so, and then there was this little 1 cm "spot" that was new, and they can't be sure what it is. Clinical trial nurse implied that Robert would not be continuing the drug, but doc said since it isn't for sure the spot is a progression, to keep…
for the UK'ers on board
Have any of you heard anything about George Ladas, a consultative thoracic surgeon, at Royal Brompton Hospital? Apparently he does laser lung surgery on multiple lung mets like Dr. Axel Rolle in Germany. I'm considering sending my stuff to him for a consult and wondered if I was wasting my money. Thanks, Tricia
New Here from Wisconsin
I am so happy to have found this board! I am a 52 year old woman and on Fri July 13th I went in for my first colonoscopy. I had had some changes in bowel habits in the past few months and have had rectal bleeding off and on for many years that I (and doc) always attributed to my ongoing hemorrhoids. I was awake through…
Traveling with a bag
Hello there! Tis will be my first time to travel in the USA after being NED for 2 years from rectal ca. Are they strict at the airport with THE BAG. I really fear being pat down and being questioned by the airport authorities of my bag. I have travelled in Asia but they don't even ask about it or even frisk me near my…
Free Fly Fishing for Men with Cancer
Quick update: I am still NED after liver surgery in January 2011. The surgery was after 7 years of NED from Stage 4 diagnosed in 2004. Now to the topic: I just returned from a fantastic retreat put on by Reel Recovery. It was a 3 day retreat including fly fishing (many had never fly fished before)and some group…
Stent in right urterer
Hi everyone. I havent been on here in awhile. Went yesterday (Fri) for my stent exchange, and I already prepared myself for the outcome. That the urterer is completely damaged from the radiation. I was mad when the dr told me. I go back in 2 to 3 weeks to have a lasix scan done to see how the kidneys are working. Then at…
I’m now a Bagger!!
Hello my friends. I know it’s been a long time since my posting but I’ve had a lot going on a lot of changes with my fight. After 2 years to pooping problems (as most of us Colorectal Cancer patients have) my Ostomy bag was put in last month and so far so good. Last week I took my 6 year old son to see a movie. I haven’t…
Some thoughts on treatment options... (IMHO)
Not trying to re-open a can of worms, but I’m well aware that there are 2 primary schools of thought here on treatments: Western vs TCM. Both have their plusses and minuses; each will work for some, and not for others, and unfortunately, we can’t always know which is our personal best option. I tend to lean towards…
my new clinical study FFMMCC I think the author of this study is a genius or insane
FFMMCC case studies and clinical study ( first draft ) Focused functional medicine for metastatic colorectal cancer. draft notes for a clinical study. This will happen one day very soon. I propose to use my case study as a template. With a rising cea time is precious. So here goes, the approach here is my focus, not the…
Phil64 - how are you?
You haven't posted in a while. I've been following your journey (similar to mine) so I was hoping you'd check in. Hope all is well.
Starting LDN therapy today, yes another one and a quick update
hi friends, just a real quick update. feeling well, a bit jet lagged. my cortisol levels way to high, need more meditation, not work stress alas. seeing 4th onc tomorrow for a review and to get paperwork to access retirement savings and solve all these demands i get from creditors. yes, put going to the conference and…
Control the Beast
Someone from CSN asked me recently regarding my treatment that has kept me going to this day and I would like to share my journey with you. A little brief background information is as follows which applies to me only and I do not wish to influence anyone with their treatment. This information is provided purely for your…
I just had my port removed. I know a lot of you have left them in after treatment. I wanted to be free of it since I am very active and have a history of DVT's.
breathing time - NED for now
Phew... Husbands colonoscopy and ultrasound last last week were clear. If there isn't anything wrong with the blood count we will finally get some breathing time after this eventful 10 months. Next checkup will be CT in 3 months. So we will finally start traveling again: Thursday we will be up and away to 3 weeks in…
just published research on nutrients,genes and cancer:
medicalxpress.com/news/2012-08-documents-links-nutrients-genes-cancer.html (original pub isn't free,so far, so this is a report on it)
partial vs. total removal of rectum?
I was diagnosed with rectal cancer in early July. I had a malignant polyp removed and the pathology report indicated that the cells are poorly differentiated. The subsequent PETCT and ultrasound showed no further traces of the cancer. I have met with two surgeons. One wants to remove my entire rectum and do a J-Pouch. The…
Hey guys I just drop in to say hello. And I also want to say how sad Iam about Jennie everyday it gets harder .Hugs to you all Tina
life extension hitting cancer from all sides and my update on my newest therapies
Some great news from the alternative universe. Warning this news contains opinions and facts that your oncologist may deem inappropriate, stop reading if this would cause you any distress. now so you have kept reading great, this lef story is what i am into in principle. it comes coincidentally just a few days after i…