Update from 8/30 on Doc Hawk
Doc asked me to post his status from yesterday: It's been a pretty busy and hectic day. The respiratory surgeon came in and knocked me out, then ran a camera down my throat and into my lungs to see what was going on and take some fluid samples. Because I'm on blood thinners, he didn't want to do a biopsy. It's going to…
RFA experience?
Radio Frequency Ablation...wondering if anyone has experience with this procedure? I've been at this cancer thing for 8 months and have been considered non-operable. Have had 13 chemo treatments, and the onc wants to do one more, do scans, and then consider surgery on the primary rectal tumor, and RFA on the tumors in the…
A little on Onco-VAX vaccine for Stage II CRC (plus two new):
www.sacbee.com/2012/08/27/4760103/human-vaccines-immunotherapeutics.html Some interesting trials:TAS-102 medicalxpress.com/news/2012-08-drug-trial-patients-advanced-colorectal.html and avastin,temsirolimus and liposomal doxorubicin: clincancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/early/2012/08/25/1078-0432.CCR-12-1158.abstract
Y 90
Hi! I am new to this network but I was diagnosed in May of 2011 with stage 4 colon cancer. I have had a full round of Fulfox (?) chemo, then holiday for 8 months and am back on Fulfox. I am looking at having the Y90 radiation treatment for the humongus tumor in my liver and am wondering if anyone out there has had it and…
actually went on holiday!!
I have had to cancel so many plans over the past few years I hardly dare even think about them very directly. But, in the midst of a fairly brutal chemo regime, I actually managed to go away for a nine day holiday with my honey. IT WAS DIVINE! My oncologist (conservative!) was great in allowing me to go (and telling me I…
How are you doing? Praying that every day brings you improvement. Have you and your onc determined your new treatment plan? Please post when you can. Hugs and love and healing prayers coming your way. Marie who loves kitties
citrus pectin & galectin-3 & cancer
apparently elevated galectin-3 promotes cancer. Galectin-3 has anyone here had their blood monitored for galectin-3(G-3) or used anything to inhibit G-3? Over the weekend I saw some resaerch to indicate that modified citrus pectin can suppress G-3 MCP and G-3 All new to me although I think I recall another post mentioning…
Back in the hospital...
You know you visit the hospital too often when the ER nurses know you by name and give out hugs. So, yes, I was finally able to get Rick to agree to go to the ER. He was severely dehydrated and still in a lot of pain. His bowel is obstructed again, but since he's scheduled for the stent procedure on Thursday, the doctor…
Dearest Jennie (idlehunters)...Has Left the Building:(
This is the hardest news I've ever delivered here. I am in a state of shock and denial. I hope that I'm not out of line for speaking for Jennie, but we just received word from her daughter that Jennie has passed away this evening. Apparently, there were many brain mets and this led to complications and her subsequent…
Pathology Report - Deciding on Chemo or No Chemo
Hello everyone, I am brand new here and so scared and worried about my husband who was diagnosed with colon cancer on June 25th. He had surgery, a resection on July 6th. The oncologist has strongly recommended chemo, Folfox6. My husband was diagnosed with Stage 2a. The tumor was T3, but the surgeon said it was T4…
Riding that train again
Well, it appears since stopping Avastin due to the heart medications, has allowed the tumors that were being nicely suffocated and in check, to roam free long enough to increase their sizes and be a problem. The report reads as follows: Impression: Interval development of suspected recurrent and metastatic disease with a…
Found neuropathy friendly shoes!
I had almost forgotten how nice it is to walk without my toes revolting on me! Found two pair, a black pair and a brown pair on sale. .... Eurostep at famous footwear! I am so excited...granted they aren't business suit wear but I remember an actress who tennis shoes with her ball gowns! :) so I'm going with it! I am a…
Pete - Give me an update
So, we both had our CEA rising, I went on chemo and you didn't, how are you doing? Is your CEA coming down? I get my CEA checked tomorrow, but won't know anything until next week. Really thinking of stopping chemo if the CEA is below 5 again.
Hi mates it is FRIDAY, any interesting plan for the weekend?
Just beach, despite weather has changed dramatically , and cinema tonight. Tomorrow dinner with friends or siblings ! What about you?
Juice Recipe - Gerson Diet
We need to start a Juicing Blog for recipes. Pete, Nana, and several others have inspired me to do the Juicing and Vegan thing for a while. I am reading the Gerson Therapy, and have read several other books written after that use the ideas from the Gerson Therapy. I am inspired. I figure worse case I lose some body fat. I…
Does radiation treatment cause CEA levels to rise?
I am Stage IV and just finished number 13 out of 22 radiation treatments. I am also taking Xeloda during this time. My CEA level has risen at least 10pts since last week. I know alot of different things can cause a person's CEA level to rise. Does anyone know if radiation can cause it as well?
para aortic lymph node biopsy?
3 weeks ago my 46 yr old husband went in for a colonoscopy thinking they would say hemorroids. So the surgeon came out and said it was cancer...likely story it seems. He was immediately sent for blood work and ct scan. Later that week he went for a pet scan. 2 weeks ago we met the oncologist who told us stage 4 - that…
odd update on my Aunt
Hi everyone, it's been a few months since I've been here. I hope, and pray that everyone is doing fairly well, at least that's my hope. The Dr. switched my aunt to Avastin from Oxiliplatin (sp?) because the Oxiliplatin was giving her numbness and tingling in fingers/feet and he didn't want to make it "worse". Anyway, she…
you got to laugh about this "happy tree story"
has the irony of this made you chuckle. think of all the great tcm debates. of all the great alternative debates. now we have had a few here, i never researched this before, and a blinked many times. hangon to your chair if you decide to read on. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irinotecan…
skip a chemo round??
hey guys , again im asking for your advice, hope you are all not tiered of my questions, i want to skip a round of chemo for a week, my kid has 2 football games and i want to go to the opening day of the bucs game, since its a holiday everything would be pushed back a day and i know i would still feel crummy for the…
Has anyone had a colonic stent procedure?
Hi all, By any chance has anyone had a colonic stent put in? If so, was it a quick day surgery (I hope the answer is yes...), or did you need to stay in the hospital overnight? Any info. is appreciated since Rick is going in on Thursday for this procedure due to continuing bowel obstructions. At the moment, he can't even…
User: michealhalbrook
Is this user for real or what? looks like a spammer on this forum and Lung Cancer. Have flagged the administrator to look into this.
colostomy alternatives
Hi, My mom was just diagnosed with Stage III signet ring rectal cancer. She has a 6 cm mass at the beginning of treatment. She has started 5 1/2 weeks of chemo/radiation to be followed by surgery that will result in an colostomy. The PET scan showed the cancer in one lymph node but they say they won't know how many lymph…
Not Home Yet Perforated Bowel and Chemo
Hi all: Just released from 3 months in the hospital following an emergency trip to hospital with a perforated bowel. Was on life support for two weeks and came to paralyzed from the nose down. Has taken awhile but I can now walk with a walker and move most of my "bits". I'm sure that the perforation resulted from the…
Update 8/28 on Doc Hawk - Doc added update 8/30
Our friend did get to the hospital this morning and was admitted. Blood tests and CT scan show that along with the mets in the right lung he has pneumonia in both, and blood clots in the upper lobes of both lungs. He has his laptop with him and said he will keep us updated. Prayers for good meds and good care to help aid…
Article worth reading--"Colon Cancer Research:Time to Learn From Mistakes"
Hi mates it's FRIDAY! Any interesting plans for the weekend?
Just resting on the beach I finished my two weeks of xeloda avastin and I feel a bit tired! What about you?
Is this a good juicer? Please share your juice recipes
Been reading through lots of posts, but between the new news that my husband has rectal cancer and trying to take care of a teen, pre-teen and baby - my head is spinning. So any advice is much appreciated. I'm looking at the Omega J8003 on Amazon. All the juicers have really good reviews and then really bad reviews...so…
First scan results Trial TRC 105
Well, it was a mixed bag... One lesion was stable, the big one shrunk by a cm or so, and then there was this little 1 cm "spot" that was new, and they can't be sure what it is. Clinical trial nurse implied that Robert would not be continuing the drug, but doc said since it isn't for sure the spot is a progression, to keep…
for the UK'ers on board
Have any of you heard anything about George Ladas, a consultative thoracic surgeon, at Royal Brompton Hospital? Apparently he does laser lung surgery on multiple lung mets like Dr. Axel Rolle in Germany. I'm considering sending my stuff to him for a consult and wondered if I was wasting my money. Thanks, Tricia