Goodbye & Thank You
My wife Patricia died this week after a very rough year, having been diagnosed with Stage IV last November. Sad to say, but the best part of this journey, from a humane medical perspective, was the round-the-clock care & pain managment provided by Hospice those last 5 days. Before signing off from this forum I want to…
Survivor Questions
Hi! I am a 57 year old female. I was diagnosed in April 2011 with stage 3 colon cancer. I had surgery removing 1/2 of my colon and 12 rounds of chemo the last being November 12th. After my surgery I did very well with my bowel movements. Very loose stools and I was going many more times a day. As time went on becoming more…
First CT results are in....
I was diagnosed in June with Stage 4 mCRC (had to have colostomy done as well) and started chemo (FOLFOX + Avastin) in July. Due to a bile duct blockage, my first chemo tx was only 50% of normal and with no Avastin. Second tx was 80% with Avastin, and have since had 3 full tx with Avastin. Had the CT scans done Monday, and…
Chemo #37 - you can teach an old dog new tricks
I was dreading going back on chemo, but it went much better than expected. A little tweaking, going on faith worked out. CaringBridge Chemo #37 updates
Unplanned Scan + Set My New 'Clear' Record
There has been quite a lot of sad news recently. Tragedy seems to come in waves in this part of the world – during my time here, I’ve seen over 250+ fellow fighters fall by the wayside as the war on cancer continues to mount. Many of these folks were dear friends of mine… The impact of losing the friends I’ve shared with…
Free Wigs to a good home!
Hi everyone, my best friend Cheryl passed away 18 months ago from colorectal cancer with metastasis to the liver and lungs. It was a terrible and devastating blow to her beloved husband and children. She had just turned 50. So next weekend i am going to Oklahoma to help Paul take the final step of gathering Cheryl's…
This might be useful
http://www.patientslikeme.com It's a bit like a forum but people compare and rate their treatments. Seems good for people self medicating or experimenting too.
Arthritis-like pain following folfox/folfirinox chemos
HI all: I have finished 14 treatments of folfirnox (oxaliplatin + irenotecan + 5FU) did last one in May (and then 3 months in hospital). I didn't have neuropathy, cold intolerance, or joint pain while in treatment but have recently developed the neuropathy and severe arthritis-like joint pain. I get very stiff and sore…
For those that are taking MCP, how much do you take. I've increased the amount I take and I find it to be "stick to your ribs" filling.
Radiation recall
I had radiation for a breast met several weeks ago (who gets breast mets from colorectal cancer?!?). Just finished 3 days of chemo yesterday. Noticed I had a VERY red 'burn' on the radiation site. According to my oncologist (whom I texted last night and saw this morning) it's something called radiation recall. Chemotherapy…
starting deathcap mushrooms, anyone else ? any thoughts ? be kind !
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3151460/?tool=pubmed from the conclusion This therapy does not affect the activity of somatic cells, especially the immune cells. Amanitin stops the activity of the tumor cells, and then they lyse and migrate. Thus, homeopathic dilutions from A. phalloides offer a strong tool for…
Scan results and chemo break
Well, my mom had the cicle 12 of Folfiri + Cetuximab and the scan results are of "no progression" a little shrunk on the largest lesion of liver but still multiples on liver, lungs and peritoneal. At least she recuperate her liver function. Now the onc suggest to do a chemo break for two months and then continue. She…
Its 9 am CST here in AR where is Pepe
and our weekend plans! I hope he is still enjoying the beach and just hasn't had time to come in and hit the computer!
Well here I sit again, drinking the contrast waiting for yet another CT scan. My life these days forward. Wish me well. I am hoping for a clean and clear scan, yet ready for other results. I just came off 4 rounds of chemo (Xeloda with Avastin) Mike
Anxiety - what do you do to stop it?
Hi All, just curious how many of you have gone with medication to help with anxiety? If not, how do you deal with it? I was always somewhat anxious but since the cancer dx last year and menopause, it is so much worse now. Just comes up suddenly, many times I don't even know why I'm anxious, and it can stay for several…
Immunotherapy - NK Cell Therapy
I am thinking of undergoing Autologous Immune Enhancement therapy. Has anyone got treated this way? Kindly share your experiences.
Thank you.
Again you have all put us right, must have a drink tonight to celabrate how good things are.!!! And enjoy each day. Thank you. Take care. xxx
Pain and Quality of Life
I was on MS Contin before without any issues. Now MS Contin is causing constipation and urinary issues (bladder valve is not under control, hard to empty bladder). I switched to oxycodone and oxycontin, the symptoms with constipation and bladder has improved but these pain medicines takes out all energy, makes me sleepy…
at least 20 lung mets in both lungs
So scared. I just read my CT/PET scan and am terrified. i have had three lung wedge resections with only one or two removed by vats surgery. My last episode has been going on since last year when I had 3 1/2 ribs removed on my right side due to tumor seeding from prior surgery. With this last surgery (4/24/12), the surgeon…
Just a quick hello
... from Avignon, France. We are passing a great time and so far, everything is going fine. Although this is about our 6th oder 7th stay in this region we discovered soooo many nice new things (thanks to geocaching (->ask wiki) - e.g. caves, old mines, waterfalls to bath in, cute old villages and so much more). Hope this…
Steved - can you post your picture before surgery?
We all need a image of you before your surgery. Just been thinking about you and would love to see a picture of you and family. Sandy :)
doing something for Avastin breaks?
Reposted and extended for discussion. The Avastin molecule attacks VEGF molecules. We attenuate VEGF by other means. So far my wife has not been forced off her immunochemo by her surgery or dental work. If she were to temporarily stop the UFT (oral 5FU derivative), she would still be doing cimetidine (anti-VEGF) and IV…
Free scarf for those with hair loss
I just wanted to let you guys know about a great organization that provides free scarves if you or a loved one is experiencing loss or thinning of hair as a result of illness or treatment. The scarves are made from soft, silky, breathable fabrics and they have various designs to choose from. Just a heads up, it took a few…
Date and plan
Back from meeting with a roomful of surgeons, oncologist and various hangers on and finally have a plan for surgery. For those that don't know I had rectal cancer in 2004 with recurrence last year. After various treatments was told there was no curative options and moved onto a palliative regime. Then a new publication of…
To steved
Wondered if you checked out the clinical trial that is suppose to begin this year at either Leeds (or Bradford) university. It was news for a while when they announced it. Has to do with the Autumn crocus plant and a molecule that they already discovered to use with it........etc. Is that just a hoax?
I'm law abiding...really,
but, I was tailgating at a football game yesterday and got into a conversation with a guy who's had brain cancer for 12 years. They gave him 3 months, so he's very happy to have proved them wrong, of course. But he told me if I have any problem with nausea that pot has been his saviour. He said that just a few puffs and…
Cancer Cure video
Cancer Cure? A stranger walked up to me yesterday and told me about this Youtube video on this cancer cure. I've never heard of this. There are dozens of videos but this is the movie Dr. Oz linked to.
MOM. stage 4 recurring mets to liver/lungs
First off, we reside in Ottawa Ontario Canada..so any advice would be appreciated. My mother is 54. She was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in September 2010 with mets to the liver. She had undergone a right hemicolectomy on her colon that fall as she had to go into emergency due to the risk of blockage/busting her…
Homeward Bound
Well, the insurance company, secure in it's knowledge that it knows my medical condition better than my doctor or myself, decided it was time to go home yesterday. So I was discharged with a fever of 100.7, oxygen level of 85 on room air, a persistent case of diarrhea, and with metabolic readings still out of whack. I'm…
high b12 and folate reading
Should I be concerned about a reading of 2000 pg/ml b12 and 24 ng/ml folate serum on last blood test? Read somewhere elevated b12 could be indication of not such good news to come? 4th infusion today of 5fu/oxy