New Here from Wisconsin
I am so happy to have found this board! I am a 52 year old woman and on Fri July 13th I went in for my first colonoscopy. I had had some changes in bowel habits in the past few months and have had rectal bleeding off and on for many years that I (and doc) always attributed to my ongoing hemorrhoids. I was awake through…
Traveling with a bag
Hello there! Tis will be my first time to travel in the USA after being NED for 2 years from rectal ca. Are they strict at the airport with THE BAG. I really fear being pat down and being questioned by the airport authorities of my bag. I have travelled in Asia but they don't even ask about it or even frisk me near my…
Free Fly Fishing for Men with Cancer
Quick update: I am still NED after liver surgery in January 2011. The surgery was after 7 years of NED from Stage 4 diagnosed in 2004. Now to the topic: I just returned from a fantastic retreat put on by Reel Recovery. It was a 3 day retreat including fly fishing (many had never fly fished before)and some group…
Stent in right urterer
Hi everyone. I havent been on here in awhile. Went yesterday (Fri) for my stent exchange, and I already prepared myself for the outcome. That the urterer is completely damaged from the radiation. I was mad when the dr told me. I go back in 2 to 3 weeks to have a lasix scan done to see how the kidneys are working. Then at…
I’m now a Bagger!!
Hello my friends. I know it’s been a long time since my posting but I’ve had a lot going on a lot of changes with my fight. After 2 years to pooping problems (as most of us Colorectal Cancer patients have) my Ostomy bag was put in last month and so far so good. Last week I took my 6 year old son to see a movie. I haven’t…
Some thoughts on treatment options... (IMHO)
Not trying to re-open a can of worms, but I’m well aware that there are 2 primary schools of thought here on treatments: Western vs TCM. Both have their plusses and minuses; each will work for some, and not for others, and unfortunately, we can’t always know which is our personal best option. I tend to lean towards…
my new clinical study FFMMCC I think the author of this study is a genius or insane
FFMMCC case studies and clinical study ( first draft ) Focused functional medicine for metastatic colorectal cancer. draft notes for a clinical study. This will happen one day very soon. I propose to use my case study as a template. With a rising cea time is precious. So here goes, the approach here is my focus, not the…
Phil64 - how are you?
You haven't posted in a while. I've been following your journey (similar to mine) so I was hoping you'd check in. Hope all is well.
Starting LDN therapy today, yes another one and a quick update
hi friends, just a real quick update. feeling well, a bit jet lagged. my cortisol levels way to high, need more meditation, not work stress alas. seeing 4th onc tomorrow for a review and to get paperwork to access retirement savings and solve all these demands i get from creditors. yes, put going to the conference and…
Control the Beast
Someone from CSN asked me recently regarding my treatment that has kept me going to this day and I would like to share my journey with you. A little brief background information is as follows which applies to me only and I do not wish to influence anyone with their treatment. This information is provided purely for your…
I just had my port removed. I know a lot of you have left them in after treatment. I wanted to be free of it since I am very active and have a history of DVT's.
breathing time - NED for now
Phew... Husbands colonoscopy and ultrasound last last week were clear. If there isn't anything wrong with the blood count we will finally get some breathing time after this eventful 10 months. Next checkup will be CT in 3 months. So we will finally start traveling again: Thursday we will be up and away to 3 weeks in…
just published research on nutrients,genes and cancer:
medicalxpress.com/news/2012-08-documents-links-nutrients-genes-cancer.html (original pub isn't free,so far, so this is a report on it)
partial vs. total removal of rectum?
I was diagnosed with rectal cancer in early July. I had a malignant polyp removed and the pathology report indicated that the cells are poorly differentiated. The subsequent PETCT and ultrasound showed no further traces of the cancer. I have met with two surgeons. One wants to remove my entire rectum and do a J-Pouch. The…
Hey guys I just drop in to say hello. And I also want to say how sad Iam about Jennie everyday it gets harder .Hugs to you all Tina
life extension hitting cancer from all sides and my update on my newest therapies
Some great news from the alternative universe. Warning this news contains opinions and facts that your oncologist may deem inappropriate, stop reading if this would cause you any distress. now so you have kept reading great, this lef story is what i am into in principle. it comes coincidentally just a few days after i…
Met to pelvis and adrenal gland
Does any one have experience with thus? Onc wants to see if chemo will rid of them instead of going straight to surgery.
Update on Doc Hawk
Ray went to the ER for his weekend entertainment due to rising temp and very bad cough. They determined he has pneumonia. They gave him the choice of accepting their hospitality or going home. He chose home and is now on antibiotics to help kick this stuff. --------------------------------------------------- He asked me to…
very encouraging CRC genetic test
Go to news@ccalliance.org. click on Vast gene study raises hopes for colon cancer drugs. The link takes you to a NY Times article after you sit through a Starbucks ad. The study is VERY encouraging.
Something different
When I was searching about liposomal vitamin C I came across this site, it's on facebook. Just wondering if anyone has seen this "The Eden Prescription" ....there is a book but facebook site is interesting.
Spinal Mets, I Need some encouragement and want to pass on some thoughts
Hi, Not sure where to start except to say I hate cancer. Three years ago my wife had Stage IV colon cancer. They removed her ovaries and all of her parts. Chemo and a year free; then mets on ureter. Then chemo. Supposedly her last scan indicated that she was NED (this was in May after CT scan). She complained about back…
Type of anesthesia,cancer surgery and recurrence risk
While this article discusses how the kind of anesthesia (regional vs general)used during liver cancer surgery may contribute to recurrence, nevertheless,here it is: sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/01/120131121241.htm "Types of Anesthesia May Affect Recurrence Risk After Liver Cancer Procedure"
scan results
The results of my PET scan last week are currently hazy. It was done at a different facility than my scan in May so they didn't have the images for comparison. Also, m onc is out this week, so I can't get his input for two weeks. It does appear that there is progression of the tumors in my lungs and I have an "atypical…
Tribute for Jennie
I was kinda thinking that Sunday at the kick off of the Rams @ Dallas game, those of us who can view might raise a toast to Jennie. Just and idea to say farewell to a sweet lady and special friend.
Hi mates it is FRIDAY ,any interesting plan for the weekend?
I'm still on the beach but started 4th round of Xeloda and Avastin yesterday so...again headaches ! Hope gets better as I pretend boating on Saturday!. What about you mates?
Post Treatment questions
I haven't posted since April, just trying to survive and function. But I have questions. I was diagnosed in April 2011. I have chemo/radiation for 6 weeks. Healed from that and had my entire rectum removed on August 16th last year with a permanent colostomy. That was followed by 8 of 12 chemo treatments with 5FU and…
My mom was diagnosed with Rectal cancer the week of Christmas in 2008. She was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in the beginning of 2009. She had surgery to remove the Rectal cancer and a Lumpectomy on her breasts. She is now a breast cancer survivor, but the rectal cancer came back, She was re-diagnosed The week of Christmas…
Peritoneal mets
I've had these mets since December 2011. I've been on different cocktails of chemo and am currently on a trial drug. If you have these mets, can you answer a few questions: what kind of pain do you experience? what do you take for this pain? do you have fluid build up on your abdominal cavity? if yes, how does your doc…
First scan this AM since starting UPDATE
trial study. ..Keep your fingers crossed. No results for a week (WHY is that???), altho' I am hoping maybe the doc will stop by infusion room and give us a clue as to what, if anything, is happepning. Wishful thinking on my part. Angela
I need a little encouragement
I just read that idlehunters passed away and I'm devastated. We have emailed each other and more or less, our cancers took the same paths. I'm a Stage IV survivor since late 2006 but...CEA seems to be going up about 50% every month (now 76), have mets to lungs and lymph nodes. It's not good. I'm on Xeloda alone and it…