Are any of you taking part of this Clinical Trial by MD Anderson?
HI Cyn, how is Rick doing?
Hugs to both.
Genetic Syndromes
I was wondering if anyone here has a genetic syndrome that causes their cancer (like FAP or Gardner's)? I haven't had cancer yet, but I will at some point in my life if my treatment stops working because I have Gardner's Syndrome. I recently have started sharing my story. So far I have a blog, and have started to write a…
New Drug for Colorectal Cancer Shows Promise in Phase II Trial*
Full article on TAS-102. "A phase III trial to test TAS-102 in a large colorectal cancer population is already underway, scheduled to be completed by the end of 2014. The international RECOURSE phase III clinical trial began in June of this year. The trial is randomizing approximately 800 advanced, recurrent colorectal…
who juicers ?
this is a light hearted post about juicing. daily morning tea, with my champion 2000 beet, carrot, celery, brussel, brocolli, tumeric, ginger, garlic, spinach. sometimes with apple, red/black grapes and seeds, orange, pinapple. all my juices taste like crap. happy with juicer but i need extra attachment to do wheatgrass…
qigong free training course
I had an hours free private class with master yang. I am being trained with the intention of corrupting other gullible cancer patients into the black art of qigong therapy. its expensive, about zero dollars, so i should be able to retire on this scam. master yang, has some great techniques. i went to his house by the…
Sometimes life is just Good to you
Here I am flying somewhere over Colorado playing with my iPad, thanks to Southwest having wifi service on their planes! What next? Isn't technology great? My first flight the flight attendents gave me fee drinks (those "strong" must be over 21 kind),, then in Denver sitting in a restaurant a man grabbed my 32.00 dollar…
I just read on the caregivers board that Here4life's wife has passed
She passed last week her funeral was on Monday. There's was a love story to the end...I think we could all tell from his postings just how deeply they loved eachother. Here is a link to his posting... http://csn.cancer.org/node/245737#comment-1276061 Alex so sad today...i will be keeping Here4life's family in my thoughts…
Hospice Called In
My wife's three battle is coming to and end. She fought so hard to live life her way, and I am content and happy that I was able to help her do it. There is no more chemo. There is no more surgery, no more radiation, no more healthy eating, no more. Just the family, love, and helping her as she helped so many others in her…
A better tasting prep?
Ask almost anyone after their first colonoscopy, and they’ll tell you, “The procedure was nothing, but the prep was awful.” Now patients are reporting that combining MiraLAX®, an over-the-counter laxative, with 2 quarts of Gatorade tastes better and is easier to take than the standard 4-quart Golytely colonoscopy…
Bag Issues
Hi all: Now that I am a not-so-proud owner of a colostomy bag, I need some advice. I have had more embarrassing leaks and explosions than most people I think (or maybe not!). For example, I had a CT scan on Wednesday and had to drink 2 bottles of barium stuff. When I got back to the place I'm staying, everything exploded!…
Often I have trouble sleeping these days so I asked my doctor about taking ZZZquil the new sleep aid by the makers of Nyquil and he said it was fine. This weekend I got a lot of good and needed sleep taking it. Its not habit forming and it worked. Just thought I would share this in case others find themselves with a night…
Interesting MIT article on blocking tumor formation
I just came across this MIT article and thought you might like to read about new advances in the fight against tumor formation. http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2012/turning-on-key-enzyme-blocks-tumor-formation-0827.html Take care, Cyn
Question re prep for Sigmoidoscopy (versus colonoscopy)
I hope this question is OK to ask here, let me know if the questions isn't appropriate. So far I the biopsy have only come back stating precancerous. At this point I understand I don't have the worries that I am sorry most of you have. I have been on pins and needles twice, waiting for results. History: I had a large…
Update from 8/30 on Doc Hawk
Doc asked me to post his status from yesterday: It's been a pretty busy and hectic day. The respiratory surgeon came in and knocked me out, then ran a camera down my throat and into my lungs to see what was going on and take some fluid samples. Because I'm on blood thinners, he didn't want to do a biopsy. It's going to…
RFA experience?
Radio Frequency Ablation...wondering if anyone has experience with this procedure? I've been at this cancer thing for 8 months and have been considered non-operable. Have had 13 chemo treatments, and the onc wants to do one more, do scans, and then consider surgery on the primary rectal tumor, and RFA on the tumors in the…
A little on Onco-VAX vaccine for Stage II CRC (plus two new):
www.sacbee.com/2012/08/27/4760103/human-vaccines-immunotherapeutics.html Some interesting trials:TAS-102 medicalxpress.com/news/2012-08-drug-trial-patients-advanced-colorectal.html and avastin,temsirolimus and liposomal doxorubicin: clincancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/early/2012/08/25/1078-0432.CCR-12-1158.abstract
Y 90
Hi! I am new to this network but I was diagnosed in May of 2011 with stage 4 colon cancer. I have had a full round of Fulfox (?) chemo, then holiday for 8 months and am back on Fulfox. I am looking at having the Y90 radiation treatment for the humongus tumor in my liver and am wondering if anyone out there has had it and…
actually went on holiday!!
I have had to cancel so many plans over the past few years I hardly dare even think about them very directly. But, in the midst of a fairly brutal chemo regime, I actually managed to go away for a nine day holiday with my honey. IT WAS DIVINE! My oncologist (conservative!) was great in allowing me to go (and telling me I…
How are you doing? Praying that every day brings you improvement. Have you and your onc determined your new treatment plan? Please post when you can. Hugs and love and healing prayers coming your way. Marie who loves kitties
citrus pectin & galectin-3 & cancer
apparently elevated galectin-3 promotes cancer. Galectin-3 has anyone here had their blood monitored for galectin-3(G-3) or used anything to inhibit G-3? Over the weekend I saw some resaerch to indicate that modified citrus pectin can suppress G-3 MCP and G-3 All new to me although I think I recall another post mentioning…
Back in the hospital...
You know you visit the hospital too often when the ER nurses know you by name and give out hugs. So, yes, I was finally able to get Rick to agree to go to the ER. He was severely dehydrated and still in a lot of pain. His bowel is obstructed again, but since he's scheduled for the stent procedure on Thursday, the doctor…
Dearest Jennie (idlehunters)...Has Left the Building:(
This is the hardest news I've ever delivered here. I am in a state of shock and denial. I hope that I'm not out of line for speaking for Jennie, but we just received word from her daughter that Jennie has passed away this evening. Apparently, there were many brain mets and this led to complications and her subsequent…
Pathology Report - Deciding on Chemo or No Chemo
Hello everyone, I am brand new here and so scared and worried about my husband who was diagnosed with colon cancer on June 25th. He had surgery, a resection on July 6th. The oncologist has strongly recommended chemo, Folfox6. My husband was diagnosed with Stage 2a. The tumor was T3, but the surgeon said it was T4…
Riding that train again
Well, it appears since stopping Avastin due to the heart medications, has allowed the tumors that were being nicely suffocated and in check, to roam free long enough to increase their sizes and be a problem. The report reads as follows: Impression: Interval development of suspected recurrent and metastatic disease with a…
Found neuropathy friendly shoes!
I had almost forgotten how nice it is to walk without my toes revolting on me! Found two pair, a black pair and a brown pair on sale. .... Eurostep at famous footwear! I am so excited...granted they aren't business suit wear but I remember an actress who tennis shoes with her ball gowns! :) so I'm going with it! I am a…
Pete - Give me an update
So, we both had our CEA rising, I went on chemo and you didn't, how are you doing? Is your CEA coming down? I get my CEA checked tomorrow, but won't know anything until next week. Really thinking of stopping chemo if the CEA is below 5 again.
Hi mates it is FRIDAY, any interesting plan for the weekend?
Just beach, despite weather has changed dramatically , and cinema tonight. Tomorrow dinner with friends or siblings ! What about you?
Juice Recipe - Gerson Diet
We need to start a Juicing Blog for recipes. Pete, Nana, and several others have inspired me to do the Juicing and Vegan thing for a while. I am reading the Gerson Therapy, and have read several other books written after that use the ideas from the Gerson Therapy. I am inspired. I figure worse case I lose some body fat. I…
Does radiation treatment cause CEA levels to rise?
I am Stage IV and just finished number 13 out of 22 radiation treatments. I am also taking Xeloda during this time. My CEA level has risen at least 10pts since last week. I know alot of different things can cause a person's CEA level to rise. Does anyone know if radiation can cause it as well?