Surgery or more chemo?
My last scan in August showed mets in my lungs, both sides. I have been doing some research on the laser assisted lung resection initially offered in Germany by Dr. Rolle. it has pretty good ling term remission stsatisitcs if all mers, regardless of size and amount, can be removed. it is now also offered here at my…
Xeloda Pill and other Medication Disposal
Hi, I have 42 Xelodas which will expire on Dec 10 that I have no use for. Does anyone know how to safely dispose of this stuff aside from driving it to the nearest drop off which isn't so near? Maybe the hospital would dispose of them for me? One day when I'm home I'll remember to call them to ask. I have so many bottles…
Scan Tomorrow Morning
I'm having my scan tomorrow morning and asking for you to please pray, send good vibes, send out wishes for a normal scan. Like always, I'm so nervous. It just seems I'm always anxious when anything medical comes up. My doctor's appointment is next Wednesday. You are all always in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs! Kim
Judy (wawaju04976)
How are you feeling? Noticed you've been quiet lately. Are you feeling any better? Chelsea
scan result not good...
My wife and I just received the results of her scan. She has had 11 rounds of folfox, which wasn't working. They then gave her 10 rounds of folfiri. The dr. just told us it was not working. In fact the tumors on her liver have actually gotten bigger. He also said seven lymph nodes look like cancer. She did not have her…
Needing Advice
Im new on here i was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 had 16 rounds of chemotherphy im in remission been 3yrs. But im needing advice im having problems with my colon they dont know yet if my cancer has spread to my colon . But if you dont mind i was wanting to hear from you of what symptoms you experienced.Their not…
Shocked about Stage IV diagnosis
Hi everyone. My mom is 66 yrs old, not overweight, with controlled hypertension and was just diagnosed with colon cancer with mets to the liver- 4 spots in scattered areas so can't be resected. Then only symptom she had was some blood in the stool and feelings of not completely emptying when using the bathroom. Based on…
Bi-annual scan results.......
I got an "all clear" on the abdominal and chest CT's today. All other tests have been clear also. I am 1.5 years NED. Yeah! I am making my new-normal. My best to everyone. This fight never ends.
Not the results I was wanting
Well my friends it has been a very long emotional day for me. The scans show that the tumors in all areas, rectum, liver and lungs have grown and liver and lungs have got several new tumors. The chemo was having now effect so sadly after over four years of almost non stop treatment I'm going to contact hospice tomorrow. It…
Is Surgery Worth It?
What experienced members seem to be saying here that life extending surgery, even if it's partially successful, is worth it and the best way to go. Does this come from the traditional prestige and the physicality of surgery or it is really the best way of extending lif? What about the recovery and the side effects of…
Bad night, bad day!
As you all know I'm waiting for my full resection surgery in about two week. Everything was going well, I stopped Xeloda last Monday. I was fasting like 16 hours for a liver ultrasound which really weakend me. I was eating good after that, but suddenly my stool turned very pail then became a watery diarrhea all night long…
"I Need a Show of Hands" - Upcoming Coping Magazine Article - "The Legend of Big Billy" *** Last Ca
Thank you, Marie for opening a post about this subject. I'm finally on my feet on after another tough cycle and had wanted to open this post for awhile now. We'll tie it in to the one you opened, but I wanted folks to hear it from me. This is a big day for me and I want to enjoy some of it this time:) First, it should be…
Chemo / Rad after Surgery
Hello Friends, I am about to start my Radiation treatment nearly after 2 months of my Rectal surgery. I will have to go through 28 Treatment fractions & will be on Xeloda throughout the treatment, then more Chemo (Capox - 8 cycles) Would like to know from friends who had undergone this treatment, about the side effects &…
Pain relief
I'm sure at some point on this forum during my latest tumor growing in my colon I wrote about the emense amount of pain I was having. Here I am a week and a day post surgery and I can remember having the pain, but not about how bad it was. I am happy to say the surgery took the pain away, only get an occasional "stitch"…
Second opinions
People are often told that they aren't candidates for surgery; 2 months ago we reached a critical point, tumour causing blindness and more, our surgeon didn't want to even try, second opinion said just radiate for palliation, our original surgeon decided to try after pressure, alas he failed and caused severe memory loss…
Irrinotecan and 5fu pump
Is there anyone who like me has had both these treatments. Eg hour and half infusion at clinic at then a take home cad for 48 hours. What I am wondering has anyone stopped taking home the 5fu pump and if so any adverse effects ?
A question or 2 about Chemo pumps
I have recently been diagnosed with bowel cancer and therefore am new to this site. I am due to start radiation and chemo in just over a week, the doctor explained the procedure for inserting the port and told me I would be back each week to have the pump replaced. The main question I have at this time is, does anyone…
fever and lung pain when breathing, as side effects of chemo
Dears, following the second Folfiri treatment (there were 6 Folfox sessions, but due to new mets in the liver, the chemo was switched from Folfox to Folfiri), my mom is having fever and pain in her lung when breathing. She hasn't had any fever until now. Nor has she had any issues with her lung. Has anyone had similar side…
Mom had her port removed
Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Mom had her port removed on Monday and did well. It was scheduled for a week ago but they saw a problem with her EKG and wanted to compare it to an older one. It checked out and they went ahead with the surgery yesterday. It was just an out patient procedure. I think the…
High Blood Pressure
Just wondering if anyone has had blood pressure issues while receiving chemo? Pat's blood pressure has been all over the place lately and today his oncologist sent him to the ER to get checked out because it was so high. Last week he had 2 injections of Neupogen (Filgrastim) to stimulate the growth of white blood cells but…
Junkie girl or grumpy girl...not sure which is worse.
Sooo...here I am, going off my pain meds for the second time in two years. I really got nailed by the long-term side effects with the last chemo I did. Nasty joint and muscle pain that has been going on for over two years now. I took Vicodin during and for about six months after treatment, and then kicked the stuff with…
Runny nose and teary eyes after saline?
Each time I got Folfox IV I got constant runny nose and constant teary eyes for a few days. I thought it was the side effect of one of the medicins. Since the last Folfox I only have my PICC line flushed once a week with a 100cc saline and after each flushing I get this runny nose and teary eyes for days. Feels like…
Fasting for chemo
I am starting folfiri and avastin next week. I have come across some research in fasting before chemo which indicates that it can help in reducing side effects and increase the effectiveness of the chemo. Does anyone here do this? If you do, what is prior schedule? Do you take the steroids on an empty stomach?
Ileorectal Anastamosis
I am 50 years old and last month I went to the doctor because of cramps, vomiting and bleading. During the colonoscapy they found a large tumor and ulcerative colitis. It was decided I needed a total colectomy and, if all went well during the operation, I would have an ileorectal anastamosis. The surgery went very well.…
Mom most likely to be diagnosed with Stage IV Colon Cancer
So let me begin by saying I am terrified. My mom is my best friend and I am afraid to lose her. I brought her to the hospital on Friday morning after about 6-8 weeks of off and on vomiting & diarrhea. After an abdominal CT we were told she had a small bowel obstruction and a small cystic lesion in the pelvic area. After an…
Got into my room (Update spoke with surgeon)
A couple of hours ago, they came took blood pressure, temp and left. Have'nt seen anyone since. Doing great when first woke up, was in great pain as the epidural wasn't in place they were sticking all kinds pain killers in IV. The anesthesiologist showed up and moved it annd INSTANT pain relief!!! But fell back to sleep…
Colorectal secondary sacrum tumor
Hi There, I have been gathering some good information on these boards and can see that there is a good community here, thanks for having me! My back story- as brief as can be - is that my father had a stage 3/4 low down colorectal mucinous tumour 4.5 years ago. He had his max amount of radiation therapy before have a…
"Personalized Cancer Treatment and the Myth of KRAS Wild-type Colon Tumors"
For those whose treatment is based upon Kras wild status, this article,by Barbara Parsons can be found at discoverymedicine.com from 4/26/13. In a recent post mention was made of Kras wild actually being mutant as one reason certain treatment(s) start to no longer work; this article is worth reading. (don't have direct…
Scared for onc appt today
The past couple of days I've been doing things to just keep my brain preoccupied. I get my ctscan results back and I'm at the end ofchemos that are available. I've been on one foe three months and this will be the first scan. I might be too pesstimetic but I have that bad feeling. I pray it's good and I can continue. I…
Being relatively new to this, but I start to see that, as many of the veterans said it here before, the surgeon has to lead the treatment as long as the surgery is an option. Chemo and maybe even radiation is only an adjuvant to removal of the cancer. Don't want to reduce the significance of these adjuvant therapies, but…