Hello from a Stage IV (my over-due, wayyyy over-long, opinionated intro)
Hi, This is a lengthy, not very well-rounded and perhaps too opinionated first post, but I’ll justify it by saying I invested a lot of time reading Emily's deleted thread, and the article she linked to. ;-) I was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer in 2007, with at least seven metastatic tumors in and on my liver. Yikes,…
I need some info from you beautiful heroes!
My dad was dx stage 4 in January of this year. Started chemo had complications with clots on in April on avastin. Now on oxiliplatin and 5fu pump every 2 weeks. In August back to hospital after fever after testing and some meds sent home cell count was 4.1 then Here we are again today at the hospital after dad was shaking…
I'm new and have a colonoscopy question
Have any of you had cancer show up in a colonoscopy after clean scans and a good cea level?
My Five Year Doctor Visit
Went to the oncologist to get the results of my blood tests and CT scan. I'm pleased to report that my scan was clear and the blood tests were all good. The only problem with the blood results is that my white/red count are still below normal. She told me that they probably will never go back to the normal range and should…
Winter Marie and Sundanceh-how are you guys doing?
Haven't seen too much from either of you lately. Would love an update if you are feeling up to it. If not, just remember we're thinking of you and hoping things are going ok! Lots o' love~AA
Why cetuximab may not work while vectibix will:biomarker S492R mutation in EGFR
www.digitaljournal.com/pr/1530586 and an item on another nano approach to CRC http://phys.org/print301131024.html while a US-Russian collaboration is developing something called entolimod,CBLB502(some might also want to delve into OncoVax or TAS-102 or U3-1565 or labetuzumab)
Bone Biopsy
So, my husband is still in the hospital, but at least they are controlling the pain pretty well now. They did cultures on Tuesday through the port and after 2 days they started growing something. Yesterday they wanted to take more cultures - some from the port and some through a vein. None of those have grown anything yet.…
We haven't had a picture thread for a while,
so here goes! Last time we did it, some posted personal pics, others got photos off the internet that they liked. It was fun, so let's do it again! And thanks to Ketz for mentioning the idea of pictures in another thread. I've been meaning to do this, but kept forgetting. Here's how you do it when it's a photo on your…
How long to take Cimetidine, L-Arginine
How long after surgery are we supposed to take Cimetidine and L-Arginine to prevent metastases? Thanks, Laz
Please offer your strength
Dear Friends, I found this site when I was diagnosed with a rectal tumor and it has been a lifeline to many thru the years. As some of you may know, I have been trying to help my sister who was diagnosed with stage 4 endometrial cancer last October...mets to lungs. I have been going to doc appointments, chemo treatments,…
CT Scan - update
Just back from the hospital. We met with the oncologist yesterday because my husband's pain has gotten worse and he can barely walk at this point. Mostly hip pain that he has thought was a disc issue, as he's had them in the past, but he's popping pills and in so much pain that we have to figure out what is going on. The…
Powerful experience today
I was getting chemo today and there was a former patient visiting and talking with the nurses. She was Jamaican or maybe African (not good with accents). Anyway, I'm not the most religious guy in the world but my wife is a devout catholic so I go to church with her and the kids. Back to the story. This lady was walking by…
Update update from Laz
Dear Friends, I'm back amongst the living again. Or shall we say amongst the awakened. Yesterday the sungery lasted between 11 am to 9pm. Everything went really well, I barelly had any nausea and the pain is minimal. I sleep a lot, but they always wake you for something. Everybody is so kind an professional. This afternoon…
Update on sister
Sister begins 10 raditation treatments today...one each week day. Doctor hopes to get enough early results to get her home early next week and then I will just take her back daily for the remainder of the treatments. The morphine is making her a bit loopy and she is really not eating much. I did speak with the doc and as I…
Hi Everyone. Im New to this Site.
Hi Everyone. My husband was diagnosed in July 2010 with Stage 3 colon cancer (he was 49 at that time and our daughter was 1 1/2 years old). They removed 10 inches of his colon. He did 6 months of chemo and presto we thought we were in the clear..... Well then in 2012 one of his scans showed a spot on his liver. His doctors…
Happy Turkey to Us Canucks.....update
I know.....it's weird but yes!!! Canadian Thanksgiving is this weekend!!! roll out the pumpkin pies.....if we waited for the USA date we would be under 10 feet of snow.....just kidding..... I love this holiday...so much to be grateful for when you are a cancer warrior.....hold my hand my friends.....(still waiting for this…
Genetic vs. genomic vs. chemo sensitivity test.
As I understand it there is three types of testing done on cancers. 1. Genetic test to determine whether you have certain genes that increase the possibility of cancer in you or your relatives. This can be done on a healthy person with family cancer history too. 2. Genomic testing is performed when you already have cancer…
Mom's Petscan is today
Hi Everyone, I'm just trying to get mom some good vibes today. She's having her Petscan as we speak while I am home with Vertigo. I'm as nervous as a cat so I can't imagine how she is feeling. Just needed to verbalize this. I hope everyone is hanging on there. Just wanted to say that it's mom's 72nd Birthday today and I am…
Seeking opinions about my dad's oncologist, please help
Hello, New member to this forum, second post. I'm am seeking advice for my dad. Hope somebody can provide her/his insight. Quick background: In September'12, my dad went to ER for massive fluid build up in his stomach. After he was released from the hospital, he refused to go back for any followups. When December'12 came…
Wondering how your daughter is? And that cute grandson?
News on RENW's blog
While I may have missed recent post here by Renw, I went to his blog to see if it had been updated since his aborted surgery. He has posted there... http://www.mcrc4.com/ He is sounding pretty discouraged but still making plans for getting more treatment while he can. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he…
Needing Hope
Hi, I'm brand new to this as a discussion board member. For years I've been involved as a volunteer and I guess never thought I would be typing this. 10 days ago our lives were turned upside down. My Dad was having some stomach problems so decided to have a colonoscopy. They found a tumor and when they did the CT scan…
Post-chemo, is this normal for my bowels?
Hey, guys. A tiny bit of background. I'm a 26 year old female who had stage 3 colon cancer found mid-January this year. I had a partial colectomy and have 40% of my colon left and hooked up normally (no ileostomy or bag). I was on FOLFOX and completed 10 of the 12 treatments, albeit not always on schedule. The last…
proud mother
hi everyone just wanted to share my daughters new blog , family and friends encouraged her to write her story and share her recipes ,so that is what she did her blog is BETHANYWITHACHERRYONTOP.BLOGSPOT.CA
When I was diagnosed I got plenty of "second" opinions, but I believe these were not incompletely independent second opinions. I had my oncologist and my radiation oncologist of the same institution, which is good as long as it is just routine chemo. As soon as you have options of different chemo drugs or type of…
Narrowing of stools during Rad
Hello Friends, I completed 10th day of my Rad & enjoying the 2 days off. Another 18 more fractions to go I took the advice of Coopercent & drinking Lemon juice daily. So far no issues in passing Urine & not sure whether it is too early to comment on that. But I am experiencing a narrowing of stool & a mild burn when I go…
I'm new here... stage 4 colon cancer Good News!
Hello everyone, I Have been reading this forum since I was diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer after having my 1st colonoscopy at age 42, just over a year ago. I finally decided to join so I could give others hope. Soon after my stage 2 diagnosis I was called in for more tests... ultrasound, MRI, and a liver biopsy (ouch!)…
Leaving hospital today.
I have been here a week and as it has been planned they are letting me go home. My brother is coming to get our stuff since my wife has been here with me the whole time we have some laguagge. She will drive us home that will take about two hours. Have to make stops cuz I can't sit yet, so ill be laying down on the back…
some interesting articles of late
http://eon.businesswire.com/news/eon/20131014005426/en/oncology/biomarker/EGFR http://online.wsj.com/article/PR-CO-20131011-908185.html http://medicalxpress.com/print299932834.html http://ecancer.org/news/4575-licorice-compound-offers-new-cancer-prevention-strategy.php…
Update on Zach/BigmanforChrist-UPDATED
I just wanted to let you know that Zach is in the hospital today. His wife came home yesterday afternoon to find him on the couch, unable to speak or move. He is doing a little better now, a little more responsive, and is having an MRI done to check for tumors pressing on the spine or brain. I'll let you all know how he's…