Not the results I was wanting

Well my friends it has been a very long emotional day for me. The scans show that the tumors in all areas, rectum, liver and lungs have grown and liver and lungs have got several new tumors. The chemo was having now effect so sadly after over four years of almost non stop treatment I'm going to contact hospice tomorrow. It is surreal after all this time now knowing that the end is really close. I've been a real emotional mess having to tell my wonderful kids and family. Considering the original dx was six months and now four years later being able to see both kids get married and the birth of ourgrandbaby I m grateful. I asked the onc based on the results how much time and the first response being no one really knows but with my fighting spirit it could be 6 to 12 months. I'm going to give it my all. Everyone here has been so great. I will continue to pray for everyone. If  anyone wants update i will do that. Better get to sleep have to go hospital early tomorrow to havblood look transfusion...3 units. Good night all and bless you all.  Jeff



  • Dyanclark
    Dyanclark Member Posts: 296

    We will for sure pray for you.

    HUGS George & Dyan 


  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member
    Sorry to hear the news

    Jeff - That is the news we all dread getting.  I'm sorry to hear it. I'll be praying for you and your family.  Traci

  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    Keep Fighting the

    Keep Fighting the Dragon!


    We have cancer.  We have a personnel battle.  We have a group that gives us strength!   There are answers out there. They are not always what we want to hear.  The answers are not always correct! As a group we add strength to each other;s battle.

    We can helpeach other find answers and fight more battles.


    We are sending our thoughts and prayers for your strength!


    Best Always, mike

  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Dear Jeff,

    Truelly sorry for the news and allow us to share your sorrow.

    Take some time to digest the news and as Craig says, repurpose your life. As far as posting, do what's the best for you, but want you to know we would love to hear from you.

    If I may suggest something. Now that the doctors cannot help you, have you considered looking into the Chinese herbs that John has been suggesting? You seems to be in a good spirit and maybe should give that a chance. He says no side effects and it's not really expensive. I would not choose that as the first choice, but I would definitely try if had no other options. And don't forget, believing in miracles at least helps to lift the spirit!

    Wish you and your loved ones the strength to make the best of all the time you spend together.


  • myd
    myd Member Posts: 40
    I'm sorry

    I'm not on the forum a lot.  My wife is the one with cancer.  I'm very sorry for your news.  I'm happy that you were allowed to enjoy such great moments in your children's lives.  God Blessed you with those memories and the ones to come.  I would consider you a fortunate man.  I know that going through something like this was never in your plans, but you seem to have made the best of a bad situation.  May God watch over you and your family. 


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I am so sorry Jeff. You

    I am so sorry Jeff. You remember about this time last year I said you were a hero. That is still true and I truly believe you when you said "I am going to give it my all". Your are a wonderful person with such a great attitude and perspective on things.

  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    Jeff...I'm so sorry that you received this news. You really are a fighter and I hope you continue to fight for a long time. Of course we want updates to how you are feeling. I continue to keep you in my prayers.
  • BusterBrown
    BusterBrown Member Posts: 221 Member
    jen2012 said:

    Jeff...I'm so sorry that you received this news. You really are a fighter and I hope you continue to fight for a long time. Of course we want updates to how you are feeling. I continue to keep you in my prayers.

    Sorry to hear the news.


    Sorry to hear the news. Prayers coming your way!  Peace...


  • johnnybegood
    johnnybegood Member Posts: 1,117 Member

    Sorry to hear the news.


    Sorry to hear the news. Prayers coming your way!  Peace...


    hey jeff

    i truly appreciate you coming here and giving us this have been a true fighter and i know you will still contine to fight in your own are at that cross road that so many of us will be.please dont leave the board but live your life to the fullest and check in when you feel you can.we will always be here to support you....Godbless...johnnybegood

  • tommycat
    tommycat Member Posts: 790 Member
    Aw Jeff.....

    I can only imagine how unreal it all feels. So very sorry to hear your news....

    will you drink the champagne anyway, and celebrate life???? These very moments are precious.

    My heart goes out to you.

    god bless

    your friend incalifornia,


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    So sorry that you didn't get better news.  You will be in my prayers as you try and take in what all is happening.  Please let us know how things are going for you. 


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    This hurts to read.

    You've always shown such a courageous and cheerful spirit here, Jeff.  Despite all that you've been through, you've never complained, always just kept going forward and appreciating the important things in life.  I hope you get plenty of time to enjoy your grandbaby, and share some more special moments with your family.  We are here for you too, as your "virtual family",  no matter what, so if you want to, please always feel free to share whatever aspects, good or bad, of the journey to come.  If you need a shoulder to cry on, we are here, and we understand at least some of the pain, as so many of us will join you at some point.  We all walk this path together.  You're just a few twists and turns ahead of us.

    Lots o' love~AA

  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    Oh dear, Jeff, I'm so sorry


    Oh dear, Jeff, I'm so sorry to hear this news.  As others have said, enjoy your grandbaby and loving family each minute of every day.  But take time to watch the sun rise and fall, listen to the birds, sit by a waterfall and feel the peace of the earth surround you.  Somthing that we all should do more often...

    All my best, take care,



  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Dear Jeff

    I am so very sorry that you got this news. 

    I hope that being off chemo will allow you to feel some better.

    Please do stay in touch, and allow us to offer you whatever support and love we can from a distance.

    You are a special person, and I wish for you comfort and ease in the time ahead.


    Marie who loves kitties

  • chp
    chp Member Posts: 29

    Dear Jeff

    I am so very sorry that you got this news. 

    I hope that being off chemo will allow you to feel some better.

    Please do stay in touch, and allow us to offer you whatever support and love we can from a distance.

    You are a special person, and I wish for you comfort and ease in the time ahead.


    Marie who loves kitties

    You have my prayers for a

    You have my prayers for a peace that surpasses all understanding! 


  • Gavin63
    Gavin63 Member Posts: 98 Member
    Hello Jeff,
    So sorry to hear

    Hello Jeff,

    So sorry to hear that your scan was not good. I am new to this forum. But feel that everyone here is part of my family. Have faith & miracles do happen.

    As Laz said why not try the Chinese treatment ? You have nothing to loose, but everything to gain. You are in my prayers, So as all others who are fighting against this dreadful decease including me. 


  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member

    I'm sorry to hear the bad news.I will keep praying for you.You put up a good fight.

  • Luv2lunch
    Luv2lunch Member Posts: 270

    So very sorry about your news. We will be praying for you and your family.

    Linda and Mom

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Weeping now

    I am so sorry to hear this news.  I weep tears for you and your beloved family. 

    Remember, its not over until the fat lady sings ( I swear I'm going to ask a large lady to sing at my funeral).

    Enjoy every moment that you have with your family and yourself. 

    You said they told you six months and you are four years out from that; well, now they say 6 - 12 months, and who knows you may find yourself moving toward another four years.  

    I know its got to be hard to think positive at a time like this, but I pray that you can, and then help your body do what it needs to stretch out as much time in comfort that you can.

    You have touched out hearts, may we touch yours now and help give you strengh. 


  • marbleotis
    marbleotis Member Posts: 720 Member
    Sorry for this news

    Please take time and absorb the news then work on a plan that is right for you.  It is ok to contact hospice and get that behind you.  Then figure out some next steps.

    There are many options.  You are in shock right now.  Please get other opinions.

    Keep us posted.