Coping everyday
I was diagnosed early November had the surgery November 30th had a port put in for chemo December 23rd. Chemo should start jan,9th, but I don't have my insurance debuctible payment. I am blessed because I made it off the table, I try to keep a smile on my face for the most part but, sometimes it's hard. I know I'm not…
To Surgeons, Oncologists, Nurses Who Have Not Had Cancer - Part I: The Waiting
Thank you for all your help and time. But there are many things you can do to make our lives better and relieve some of the stress that comes with this. While some patients will react in different ways to being told initially that they have cancer, the "shock" of such diagnosis, especially the second time or more, starts…
Tumors Die... CEA go up???...or Down?? What U Been Told?
Hey All, I had a visit with the Onc today. Since I just got done with Cyberknife a few weeks back I figured he would NOT want to do a CEA because I figured it would not be accurate with all them cancer cells dying off like that from the Cyberknife. When I told him that he just sat there staring at me.... LOL... I was…
It's one of those hard days
The night before, my wife went to sleep on the bathroom floor, because the headaches and nausea pinned her down. I threw a blanket on her and checked on her every ten minutes until I passed out. When I woke a call came from the local ER, she didn't want to wake me, but I raced there and four hours later the x-ray showed a…
FORTY SEVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm only 4 years ned but 5 years diagnosed and so to all I say THANK YOU! Thank you for getting me through the absolute hardest part of my life. When I got diagnosed, I promised I would celebrate 47 with a party if I made it and here I am! The terminology was so confusing, the fear was outrageous, the anxiety was beyond…
Low platelets, uterine bleeding, chemo damage
This will be tmi for some. I'm posting the topic to see if other women have experienced the same and to warn / inform others who might find themselves in this situation ... I stopped taking chemo ( Xeloda) on 11/13/16 Because I was sick of the side effects (headache, gum / tooth pain, fatigue, skin sensitivity) and needed…
Intro - Husband has Stage IV
Hi everyone- I've been lurking for a while...with courage to post tonight. I find it wonderful that everyone has the humor and wherewithall to call themselves the "semicolons"! Anyway, my husband, 37 yrs old, was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer in mid-September. He had 18 inches of his colon removed. He's got several…
Missing my brother
He smiled through every chemo. Every time we went for his infusion, he brought chocolate chip cookies to the girls. He always smiled at them and never complained, even when he was uncomfortable. This was my brother, a sweet, dear, kind man who I miss so much. I always thin of all of you and keep you in my prayers. I keep…
Window Sticker for my Car Ideas
It used to bug me when people drove around with cancer stickers on their vehicle. Like the ribbons, there was a lot of that. I felt like they were wallowing in it when they should just move on if they'd survived. I know, what a horrible thing to think. I thought you had it and then you either survived or you didn't and if…
My husband has stage 4 colon cancer
On December 5 I took my husband to Vanderbuilt hospital ER with sever pains in his stomic area. He had seen a hemotoligist on Decemebr 2 due to our PCP's suggestion. My husbands hemoglobins were ar 6.4 and we were told to go to the ER. The ER did a CT Scan and admitted him right away. The next morning the floor doctor came…
New to board - stage IV colon cancer diagnosis
Hello everyone, I was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer in Feb 2015 (I had just completed treatment for breast cancer in 2014, having undergone left breast mastectomy in 2014) I was having some abdominal pain but nothing too severe. My oncologist noted that one of my lab reports (Alk Phos) was elevated and after CT scan…
The emotional moment
Well, I hit one of the major points in my life. Had surgery to remove tumor out of my intestine November 4, 2011. Diagnosis on the tumor came back as cancer, visited Oncologist to find out I was stage IV. Started my journey December 19 2011 meeting the staff on the Cancer Clinic and discussing how the next few months would…
Partner has stage 4 rectal cancer with one small met to sacrum
Last February my partner was declared NED after over a year of treatment for what we though was a stage 3 rectal tumour. A couple of months ago a PET scan revealed a small tumour in the sacrum that apparetly was just visible in the original scans lest year but was somehow missed. Bloodwork still shows no evidence of…
We're All Tough!
I was watching a new show tonight with my daughter. It involves people who are trying to get through similar training to what soldiers go through. It's really hard and I'm really impressed with how tough these people are. Then it struck me. If they were told they'd have to go through some of the things we here on the board…
Jeopardy contestant Cindy Stowell dies of CRC
The winning contestant on Jeopardy these past few weeks, has passed away from Colrectal Cancer. I think she will be a good reminder to people of what the face of Cancer looks like. And I mean, you don't have to look like you're dying. She was so very young. Oh, how I hate this disease. Any disease actaully. All of her…
Taking Vitamin D? How much? And Turmeric/Curcumin?
I've been taking vitamin D every day for a few years now. I take one tablet which contains 400 IU. I was at the cancer retreat last weekend and the nutritionist advised 2000 IU. She did not have any information that was cancer specific and some of her other information was out of date so I looked up what a person should be…
Today is my lifeiversary!
Two years ago today I had the pulmonary embolism that should have taken my life in an instant if it weren't for the intervention of some fabulous EMTs and emergency staff once I got to the hospital. Seven cardiac arrests is what I now understand to be true from what I've been told. One here at home, five in the ambulance,…
After the APR...
Hi everyone, it has been a while for me since I visited this forum. You folks are great though! I appreciated the feedback and support as I was here before the surgery...writing and worrying and asking questions. i lost track of my password and everything, and I just sorta faded out of existence. That is just how it is for…
another cea question
so i have had stage 4 cancer for 3 1/2 years and it dont want to go away or in remission been throught all the fun stuff but my cea always is around 0.4 thats in the normal range i keep growing tumors in my groin so somthing is going on...im on my 3rd chemo and i know im spelling this wrong but its erbatux and it gives you…
Stage II chemo decision - MSI-H and ONCOTYPE-DX
Hi, I recently posted about my dad being in stage II grey zone where its not clear chemo would be helpful. After reading a bit I found that there are two tests that can help make a better decision in this situation. One test is the MSI-H (microasatellite instability H) and the other is ONCOTYPE-DX. Has anyone had these…
How to deal with Rectal seepage 18 years after completion of Chemo-Radiation-Surgery
Developed rectal seepage - Most of the time it is slight - However it becomes painful chapping - Need tricks on how to handle it - Neither my Gastro Doc or Surgery Doc know how to handle it - Told it is caused by scar tissue from radiation and that this develops at 15 to 20 years post treatment - I am 18 years since…
13 years NED and a new mass ..... Feeling angry - UPDATED since surgery
Hi all, it's been awhile since I have visited this board and now I'm back and just as frightened as I was back in 2003..... I really hate even posting this for the ones just beginning this journey. I've never stopped being worried for the last 13 years and now I'm dealing with this crap again. It all started in August when…
Heartburn meds and Xeloda/capecitabine
you might want to run this by your onc/regular doc: www.medicalxpress.com/print401108457.html
Please anyone. I just had a bunch of blood work done I am 59 years old. I have lost 40 lbs over the last 8 to 10 months. My Liver, Kidney,Panceas,tyroid all within normal limits. I do not have hepatisis or Non Hopkins lymomia. I have a ct scan with contrast results nothig. I am wiaitng for authorization for my coloscopy…
To chemo or not to chemo ?
Hello, My dad has undergone a colon resection surgery to remove a baseball sized tumor from his sigmoid colon. They removed 14" of his colon and removed 16 lymph nodes. The good news is that there was no sign of cancer anywhere else. And all 16 lymph nodes were clear. The oncologist says we are in a grey area. Normally…
I need to sign a consent for Vectibix
I went to dr on friday.. no KRAS so she is starting me on Vectibix along with my Folfiri on tuesday.. Is Vectibix as scary as it sounds.. I am not going to say I am beautiful but my skin has been my best feature for the last 48 soon to be 49 years. is it really going to change.. I know that may sound vain but lets face I…
anyone been treated with Vectibix
Has anyone been treated with Vectibix. My mother is starting this on Monday and just curious.
**HELP** Folfox Chemo - What to expect?
Hi everyone. I hope everyone is doing well. I come from the breast cancer group (dx at 32). I have a strong family history of cancers, and recently, an uncle was dx with colon cancer (with mets to the liver). He will be getting Folfox (and Erbitux?) for the chemo regimen. I've been told the infusion is for 48 hours, every…
hi everyone
been gone a while. yesterday finally got my port out, had it since apr 2014. it's good, just wish my wife was here to celebrate it with me. she passed last dec of cancer. hope everyone has a good xmas
Mucinous adenocarcinoma with signet ring cell
hello I've recently been dx with the above. Surgeon has said it's confined to pelvic area, originating in my rectum. I've got crohns disease and have had a recto-vaginal fistula for years. I'm expecting to undergo ileostomy, hysterectomy and possible vaginectomy very soon. Anybody out there had/have this and can share…