The emotional moment

Well, I hit one of the major points in my life. Had surgery to remove tumor out of my intestine November 4, 2011.  Diagnosis on the tumor came back as cancer, visited Oncologist to find out I was stage IV.  Started my journey December 19 2011 meeting the staff on the Cancer Clinic and discussing how the next few months would go.  Final surgery to remove tumors in my liver was done June 28, 2012 and last surgery to put me all back together as "normal" (colostomy reversal) was November 14, 2012.  Had my 6 month follow up with the oncologist yesterday (ironically 5 years and 1 day after he first met me) and said everything looked GREAT...  Good numbers, no signs of anything.  Scheduled my 6 month LAST visit to get labs, CT scan, and see him.  As he stated to me, he consulted with the specialist in the UW Madison facility and said if the next visit is clear they will not monitor me any longer.  And to clarify the "IF", he said everything has been remarkable up to this point, and sees no issues with saying good bye to me in June.  That does not mean I have to stop visiting, and to stop in for a cup of coffee...  said well, you know me well enough to know I do not drink coffee so I guess I will have to stop in and check up on you all! 


All I can say right now is that I am totally relieved!  Feel very good!  I started this journey and to make it this far, feeling this good, not having any complications or issues...  I have a hard time finding the words on how I feel...  I am not stating this as any disrespect to anyone, nor doing so to make anyone feel like crap.... However...  as I have always stated on this site and in my personal discussion with anyone here... I never looked back.  I never thought of myself as "sick".  I (to be honest) was stupid about the whole thing...  meaning that I had no clue what I was up for.  My only assumption was hearing the word cancer meant death to me.  I never was close to anyone going through it, and those that I knew had it died shortly after.  I never knew the numbers associated with cancer, my fiancée at the time (now wife) did and kept it to herself and stayed positive to help me battle through this.  It was only after my very last surgery in December 2012 that I knew what I went through.  One of the nurses said, you are lucky to be here.  She was new to me, and obviously knew my history from the charts and discussions with the floor staff.  I said why do you say that...  she then went into everything about my diagnosis, and what "should" have happened.  I laughed at her, and said you know...   that is the first time I have heard that.  I never thought of this beating me, or winning.  I never let it get me down.  For me, to be 41 years old and never having been sick much less in the hospital to have 9 surgeries in one year was nothing to me.  I explained to her that it was really a cake walk for me.  Just doing what I was told, not really knowing why.  When the oncologist told me he was changing something I had no idea why or that it was not normal.  For them to be able to operate on me with 7 tumors in the liver after I was informed the surgeon does not operate on anyone with more than 3 was a miracle.  I guess looking back at it today...  maybe I was a guinea pig?  You know that I was that challenge and what did they have to lose.  Do aggressive procedures and see what happens.  I am glad I did not know what I know now then!  I may not have made it to the point I am now!  I only have to wait 6 months and my wife and I will celebrate!  Yeah, I could do so now, but according to everyone my actual clear... good to go date is 5 years from the last surgery to remove the cancer tumors.  So, come June 20, 2017 I will be the second happiest person on the planet...  who is the first you ask?????  My wife!  And without her help and constant pushing and not letting her knowledge of this situation get to her or myself, I may not still be here!


As I have always said, DO NOT let this get you down for one moment.  Any stage of cancer can be overcome; you need to have the right mindset.  It is not the end of the world.

Thanks to all that offered advice, information, insight, and positive feedback on this site.  I hope to do the same, and have done so in the past.  Let me know, I have not sugar coated any of my advice to others or hid anything personal.

Merry Christmas and a Happy and safe New Year!



  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Congratulations Scott! What a

    Congratulations Scott! What a great Christmas present for you! I hope that one day I will be in your shoes, also!


  • Colonchick
    Colonchick Member Posts: 36 Member
    Merry Christmas...What a

    Merry Christmas...What a wonderful way to start another new year!!!

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    Congrats Scott, sounds like

    Congrats Scott, sounds like your in a pretty good place in this cancer "journey". I don't think anyone could be prepared for an advanced cancer diagnosis, nor would any of us want to know all we would be put through, ahead of time. That would just make the trip exponentially harder, to me. Some folks seem to want to know all they can, I've tended to want to know just what I need to, the next step, the next plan. You've got a lot to be happy about this holiday season, I hope the good feeling stays with you for a long time.....................................Dave

  • sammer4u
    sammer4u Member Posts: 37
    edited December 2016 #5

    Congrats Scott, sounds like

    Congrats Scott, sounds like your in a pretty good place in this cancer "journey". I don't think anyone could be prepared for an advanced cancer diagnosis, nor would any of us want to know all we would be put through, ahead of time. That would just make the trip exponentially harder, to me. Some folks seem to want to know all they can, I've tended to want to know just what I need to, the next step, the next plan. You've got a lot to be happy about this holiday season, I hope the good feeling stays with you for a long time.....................................Dave

    Thanks all, and Dave you got

    Thanks all, and Dave you got it right..  I usually just knew enough to be dangerous at the time, and never really asked why or what if...  just did what the professionals wanted me to do and moved forward.  

  • Joan M
    Joan M Member Posts: 409 Member
    It is so great to hear your

    It is so great to hear your success story!  This is what we all hope and pray for. 

    You were probably smart not to look everything up.  I was very scared when first diagnosed and looked up everything online - scaring myself even more.    

    This site has helped me get a new perspective on my battle with Stage 4 colon cancer by reading the success others have had beating this dreadful disease! 

    It will be great to hear you are still cancer free in 6 months!