I'm new and have been reading some comments. I went all the way back to july and saw a comment from snikkster that her bc had returned after a year. She was asking for support. Does anyone know anything about her or haw she is doing? I would love to heaar her story. I hope she is okay. May God bless her. Let's all pray for…
Hi, I'm new here.
I had a mastectomy with reconstruction for a small (no lump it was caught on mammogram)ductal infiltrating carcinoma on12/27/01. Woke up from the surgery with terrible pain in my elbow. Have had nothing but unbearable burning pain in axilla and chest since. I have been in PT since Feb. have had shoulder surgery for nerve…
Anyone up for a chat? 10:30 CST Sun nite!
Kat? Extreme pain?
Has anyone heard from Kat since she posted about the awful pain she was having. I've been checking for an update everyday, but haven't seen anything. Kat, if you're there, let us know how you are. Peace, Diane
S.O.S. Part II!!
Dear Sisters, Just to let you know that, my radiation oncologist saw me today and ordered a sonogram to check my lump which I will have Monday. As far as my wbc, we're considering a medication via injection to boost my inmune system. I'll keep you gals posted. Hugs, Jenn
Her 2 neu positive
Hi - I was diagnosed on Sept 11 with BC. I had a mastectomy on Sept 30. There were 2 tumors - Stage 1, no lymph nodes involved, ER+. I found out yesterday that I'm positive for Her2/neu. I will be having four treatments of AC starting next Thursday. I am scared stiff! The Adriamycin part really makes me nervous but I know…
I have a question ..I need help
Has anyone taken Tamoxifen or Arimidex and found the side effects too intense to continue? After bi-lateral w/ 2 lymph nodes involved in Dec. 2000,and reconstruction, 6 mos. chemo and a year and a half on Tamoxifen (arimidex the last 6 months), the side effects, especially the HOT FLASHES are uncontrollable. My onco had me…
Chat @ 10:00 pm CST Sat nite!
Hey Gal: Do you think a view from another man would help I could get my husband involved and it might help him. Tell him and let me know. Our personal email address is Ckelly6371@aol.com Let me know how it goes ok hugs kelly
Neurontin helps, nerve pain, artheritis, DDD
This has worked for me for five years,especially sciatic nerve pain, osteoarthritis, and degenerit disc disease. Black Kotash works for after menopose just for the benefits of the herb stands alone. Why take Remificin, which I tried, when you can go for the source? Hope this helps.
Chat time
I know its Friday nite but if anyone wants to chat I'll be on at 8:00 pm and again at 10:00 to check chat room. Hope some of u can make it! HummB
New Websites!
I finally got my web sites up and running. If you're interested they are www.hopeministrynet.org and www.conqueringcancerthroughchrist.com You have to type in the whole address to find them. Hope you approve of them! HummB
hair regrowth
I have my 6th and final treatment next Friday of AC and Toxatere(sp). I have heard many stories of hair coming in different color and texture. How long does it take and should you take vitamins that help hair growth? This website really has been a blessing. Bobbie Jo, Virginia Beach, VA
Hey Gal: Do you think a view from another man would help I could get my husband involved and it might help him. Tell him and let me know. Our personal email address is Ckelly6371@aol.com Let me know how it goes ok hugs kelly
Answerd Prayers
Hi All, I want to thank all of you so much for your prayers and notes of encouragement. I got a phone call today that my pet scan came back clear Praise The Lord he is so good to me.Just wanted all of you to know how much I appreciate you and this site.It is a comfort to know there are others praying along with you.Thank…
remember me
Will be having scans next week on Tuesday and will get results on Wed. Please keep me and my family in your prayers. Thanks Judy
Babette (Tram Flap) does Yoga
Thought I'd mention that I've started taking Yoga lessons. Today was my 2nd class... the day after chemo #5- eek! It went very well and I adore how I feel during and after. Last week, my first class, the instructor could not believe that I'd never done yoga before... it comes naturally I guess. *shrugs* My range of motion…
Permanent implants replace expanders
Hi all, I had a bilateral in Feb this year with immediate reconstruction. Expanders were put in, the expansion process took about 4-5 months and at times were very painful. The expanders were not natural lookin at all and very hard and uncomfortable. For any of you going thru what I did and are awaiting your permanent…
Diep Flap
Hi, I had my breast cancer surgery 16months ago but now see I need to do reconstruction. I have read all I could but would like more input on the Diep Flap. I want to do both breast so they will look almost the same. Any advise?
Chanel.. er... Chemo #5 today....
Hello dear ones! Today is #5 of 6... not nearly as nervous. (This does not mean that I am NOT nervous, mind you! *grin*) Somehow, Chemo #5 just doesn't sound as pretty as Chanel #5, does it? *wink* Trust me, in my mind.. Chemo #6 has a much better ring to it! I'll be happiest, of course, when that last drop of it is…
Pet ScanThis Week
Hi Everyone, I just wanted to ask everyone to remember me in your prayers on Tuesday. I am going for my six month scan and am praying that all will be well.I always get stressed when it is time to have it and then waiting for the results.It will be two years on Friday that I have been out of treatment and cancer free. To…
Vaccination Info Update
Thanks for the replies. I just found this info and will pass it along. Vaccinations are used to stimulate your body's natural defences to try and reduce the chances of you catching certain infections. There are three main types of vaccine: live attenuated vaccines, which use minute quantities of the live virus or bacteria…
Speaking of Vaccinations
I have been keeping track of the plan to have small pocks vaccinations available for the general public. I'm sure everyone is very careful about things going into our bodies after this but be sure to consult with your doctor if they they are provided. Some people should not take the vaccine or even be around others tat do…
Remifemen..who has taken it and does it work?
Thank you for your responses below regarding hot flashes. What about Reminfemen? Does it work and how quickly do you feel relief? Love and hugs to all! Mel in AR
10 nodes POSITIVE
I am 32 years old and was diag. with ductal carcinoma I had invassive in my left breast and DCIS in my right had them take both breast. Started Chemo Aug 31 and have had 5 treatments of A and C CHEMO and am going to be on Tomoxifen for 5 years( I am not sure if that is how it is spelt) any way is there any one out there…
Thanks to all of you
Thank you all for all your responses. It really does help. Sorry I missed the chat. Please let me know when the next one will be. Would love to participate. P.S. - Mammogram looked ok last week - seeing the surgeon and plastic surgeon this week. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. I feel like you are all with…
Giving Thanks to the Ultimate Physician
To All My Sisters: I post this to all and give my ultimate Thanks to the Ultimate Physican God. I give him all the praise nad all of the glory. Beacause he heald me and brought me to this website to all of you. I am doing fine just trying to cope with the massive moods swings with the hormonal imbalalnce due to menopause.…
Nuerontin with Arimidex anyone???
Thank all of you for your responses to my message on Wed concerning side effects of treatment. Have been off meds since Sun and still experiencing minor hot flashes but manageable. Now, my onco left a message yesterday that she wants to try Arimidex again only this time with Nuerontin, a anti-siezure drug. Has anyone tried…
Has anyone been told that after chemo your vaccinations are null and void? Like tetanus, etc. I had a pneumonia vaccination a year ago and wonder if it is still effective. Thanks, Paulette
thankyou for responses