Just checking somthing...
Hi all, In October 2013 my mother was diagonsed with stage 1 ductal caricinoma after attending routine breat cancer screening. I'm not sure of the grade but the cancer was HER2 positive. In November she had a lumpectomy with clear margins. One lymph node was taken and revealed no sign's in iymp node invastion. In January…
7 yrs today
It's been 7 yrs since I fisnihed my last Radiation. The only date I remember .... Denise
75th Sturgis Rally
Anyone coming to the 75th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally (Sturgis, SD)? This year, it is Aug 3 - 9 and more than a million are expected to 'invade'. I don't live in Sturgis but about 35 miles away and if anyone is coming perhaps we can arrange to 'meet up'. Actually I 'met' someone who became a friend at a horse site years ago…
It's my 47th bday! (Diagnosed at age 30:)
I love getting older and I enjoy my birthdays!!! Having a great day, and I'm super excited about this coming year!!!
My 49th !
Hi everybody, I'm celebrating my 49th birthday today! I'll be going for my check up/mammogram on Thursday...wish me luck!! Love you all....Anna
Happy 4th
Wishing all a SAFE and happy 4th of July! While we are enjoying/celebrating the 'birthday' of the USA, Please take a moment to reflect on all who have played a roll/what it has cost themed for 239 yrs so we are able today to celebrate our freedom. Take a moment to remember those who are far from home and loved ones serving…
It is pretty disgusting for all these Spammers to get on here and take up our Time. How do we report them?
Mets to lungs anyone?
Hi! Has anyone had mets to the lung, had a time of NED and then another mets to lung? Oh how i wish cypress Cynthia was here to talk to :( I had mets to my lungs in 2013. Xeloda didn't work but Arimidex got rid of it. Last month my scan showed a bright spot on the lower part of my lung. My Onc wasn't worried and thinks it…
It's time for tissue Expander exchange for implants. Implants over muscle or under muscle? Con & Pros
I just need to find some people who are going through the same thing to talk to. This is ridiculous! I just started chemo this past Monday. I am having a hard time with nausea and other worrieS I have no one to talk to. My nurse just keeps on adding mor prescriptions to take! I wish I could get in a group to share feelings…
Lack of Support
I finished chemo and radiation therapy 3 months ago for Invasive Ductal Carcinoma breast cancer. I have been on Letrozole AI since January. I have been having significant lower back pain for last couple of months with some (embarrassing) incontinence. So... I went to my onc today to see if the Letrozole is causing this…
Checking in with Breast Cancer Survivors and our next step in better understanding the side effects of Arimidex. (Level 1, lumpectomy/clear in three lymph nodes,& radiation.) On Arimidex now for 4 weeks with so many side effects. As the "promise" drug, Arimidex is suppose to keep us safe from reoccurrence of this horrific…
Just diagnosed w/Invasive Ductal Cancer - Stage I, Tumor Stage T1C. Have had lumpectomy and most recent my lymph nodes were removed. (Lymph nodes were negative and no mestastis elsewhere in my body.) My recommended treatment is 6-1/2 weeks radiation, 6 months chemo (CMF) and 5 yrs of Arimidex. Is there anyone out there…
Dealing with too many emotions after treatment and in remission
Hello everyone, I needed some support here. I am in remission as of June 11th, 2015 and I am a hard time dealing with all these emotions. First, let me say that I've had to deal with a lot of "other stuff" while going through treatment. Its hard to discuss here on an open forum, let's just say it was ALOT.. Now, I feel off…
Scared to death
I was diagnosed on April 15 with DCIS. Is there ever a time that you aren't scared to death. I am terrified most of the time.
Fear of chemo
I found out yesterday I will need chemo I was calm thru the surgery and fine with the radiation treatments I will need but my oncotype score came back just in the high risk area i cried then I felt really scared. I am calmer now but my stomach is still in knots they will be putting a port in my chest next week because my…
If you need an inspirational song
Listen to "Live Through It" by James Fortune- lets not just "get" through this but let's "live" through it- hugs Susan
I think I did not put my date of birth on my home page....HOWEVER... last week I completed 79 years on this earth on the 18th of June and now I am 8 days into my 80th year........ WOO HOO *** Because back in 2002 when I was 66 years old and I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and told that it had spread to my Lymph…
Breast cancer with Scleroderma?
I have scleroderma,,, and breast cancer. I will not be doing my 2nd chemo treatment tomorrow because i need more lab work done to take to my rheumotologist on Tuesday. I guess i keep coming up with high liver enzymes. Even though i survived the first round of chemo three weeks ago. I just don't know what to think, or do…
Hello everyone
Hi everyone, My name is Liv and I am pretty new to this site. I was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago and had both chemo and radiation. I think the hardest part for me was to deal with the social and emotional side of the cancer recovery. Inspirational sites…
OT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Liver
Dr saw sometihing up wth liver from blood tests-all new blood work good-tomorrow i find out about abdominal ultrasounds- FINGERs, eyes, toes all crossed? I"ll know tomorrow at 9 am Denise
17 years later?
It has been 17 years since my Mother had breast cancer and her oncologist still has her come in every year. He doesn't run any lab work, ask her how she is doing, gives her a cursory exam and she is out in under 10 minutes. Why does she need to still see him?
Pain after bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction when wearing sports bra
Hi - I am new to this forum and had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction 4 weeks ago. My plastic surgeon told me two weeks ago that I could begin wearing soft sports bras but she also said many people just wear a camisole under shirts during reconstruction. I am self conscious about the irregular shape of my breasts…
June 25th - Happy Birthday to Rague / Susan ***
Happy Birthday - Rague!! Enjoy this very special day Love, Laughter, Happiness and Hope fills your day. Vicki Sam
Conflict of chemo
I was recently diagnosed,had lunpectomy and founf out I have the her 2 gene.So the chemo that is being recommended messes with your left ventricle.Mine is 60 % blocked but I am under a drs.care and doing good.I also have m.s. and was told to discontinue my treatment for as long as I am under chemo.I am also going to taks a…
I have had three treatments of A/C. I have been burping and having strange sensation swallowing. Anyone else have this?
Declined chemotherapy...
Hi, This is my first post. When I was diagnosed with grade 3 breast cancer in 2010 I had a right mastectomy. I was very strongly advised to have chemotherapy.... HOWEVER ... the oncologists also said that even if I had chemo, the cancer would most likely come back in a couple of years anyway, so I declined it. I figured…
Please - some advice or encouragement
just diagnosed with Grade 2 breast cancer, no levels yet. Tumor is 1cm. I am 69 years old. I am panicked about how bad this could be. Lost my wonderful husband 2 months ago to cancer. He was diagnosed and gone from us in just 7 weeks. I have dr appt on Monday morning, I have not told my children anything yet. We are all…
Double whammy's Birthday today!!!
happy birthday wishes my dear friend .. Enjoy your day Vicki Sam
What was your year after treatment was over like?
My diagnosis was January 2014 so I spent all last year having chemo two surgeries, radiation, and then I had one more surgery this year. Last year going through it all I was on auto pilot and just doing what I had to do to get through it all and everyone says I did so amazing. This year it hit me.......I HAVE/HAD cancer.…