Wilms Tumour aged 2.5 and Breast Cancer aged 44.5

Peonyrose Member Posts: 5 Member

I had Breast Cancer in 2008 at age 44 and I had Wilms Tumour when two and a half years old.  I recently read that there is a link between the two.  I had lots of chest x rays as a child and apparently this may have a bearing on it.  I had invasive breast cancer and had chemo matectomy and radio and now on tamoxifen.  I had no chemo as a child as my bloods were wonky! I had  my left kidney out then.  I have went on to have a lovely son who is ow 24,l praise the Lord.  I just trust God and get on with my life and know that he holds me in his hands and will never let me down.


  • coral2015
    coral2015 Member Posts: 30
    You are so strong. I agree

    You are so strong. I agree our faith can give us the strenght we need when facing the worst, God bless you.

  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member
    God is Good **

    Love your post Peonyrose......you have a wonderful attitude and I have found that helps tremendously in this long hard life.   Your last sentence says it all.......stay strong and thank you so much for posting for others.   I believe in Miracles...and I believe that many of us represent Miracles.   In May 2002  Isaiah 41:10 told me "Fear Not for I am with You.....do not be afraid for I am Your God.  I will strengthen you, I will uphold you with my strong right arm..."     Love & Hugs,  Glo