
gaildavis Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
After my first course, around Day Four, I had the metallic taste that I got rid of with gumdrops, and a sore throat that lasted a few days, and mouth rinses helped with that, and also went through the normal tiredness, but now it is Day 14 and I feel just great. So, with 4 courses scheduled every 3 weeks, I know I'll lose my hair soon, but will the same side effects that I've experienced come back again? (i.e., metallic taste, sore throat.) I'd like to know, basically, what to expect as each course is given. I feel pretty lucky so far, but am rather apprehensive about the rest of the treatments and their effects.


  • PennyIsMyPal
    PennyIsMyPal Member Posts: 4
    i wish i could tell you what to expect... it's hard to say... i think all the drugs are different and they effect each patient differently. my first treatment was a little weird, because i had no idea what to expect. by the second i could figure out the pattern. i remember my mouth feeling weird after the first one, and i got the mouthwash prescription from the doctor and even got it filled. but i couldn't bring myself to use it because it reminded me of a medicine and that made me kind of queasy at just the thought. but for the 7 subsequent treatments, i didn't have a sore throat, so it was not necessary anyhow. i always seemed to be pretty dehydrated, so i always carried water around with me. and i used to eat swedish fish like they were going out of style (now i don't go near them!). hang in there and stay strong!
  • dmarie1010
    dmarie1010 Member Posts: 6
    It is hard to say for certain what you will feel each time. I've received two rounds of chemo; for 4 months in 2001 and for 6 months in 2004/05. Both times, after I received my treatment, my taste would be altered and I had a sore throat too and it would go away about a week after. It did come back after I would get another treatment...I would feel tired, achy, have altered taste, etc, but it didn't seem that the symptoms were as bad. My recent chemo treatments started in Aug 04. After the first treatment I lost hearing in my right ear for a few days and it was terrible. I didn't think I could stand that to happen everytime, but it didn't come back. So, again, it's hard to say for certain that your symptoms will be the same everytime, but if you expect that you will feel tired and have funny tastes and be prepared for that, it wouldn't hurt...and what a good feeling it is when you end up feeling a little better!!

  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398
    As the others have said everyone is different and we only hope that it will go that easily for you for the rest of treatments. I think the things one can know is that there are things we can do to minimize the nausea. I found as treatments went along the hangovers were longer. It was said to me that one can feel pretty good to begin with but often times it gets harder and harder to go back for another round.
    I found resigning to what ever it was that had to be done to increase my chances was the best that I should be doing. Like so many I had a child and that was the only reason I needed to keep going back. Drinking lots of water, I mean lots not just standard amount helps to flush things through faster. Soar throats and metalic taste is a common side effect as well as dry mouth. Understand that dry mouth is very harmful for our teeth because the saliva is what does all the cleaning when we don't. Almost protection for teeth. Water helps to keep that process alive in our mouths. When one doesn't feel like they have the energy for eating and digestion something that takes most of our energy in a day, drink ensure or boost to keep nutritional levels up, I found this was my biggest challenge, getting enough.
    You know we are all thinking of you and are so glad that you found us here.
    Be good to yourself always,
  • hounddog
    hounddog Member Posts: 115
    Hello it is hard to tell you because all chemo is different . Don't be scared like I was when you loose your hair . If you get sores in your mouth put warm water in a glass and a teaspoon of salt and baking soda and that will help.
    I got nauseated when I was on chemo and sick for a few days and I'm still tired and it has only been two years ago.