Is this an unusual approach?
Hi All: A friend of my cousins was just dx'd with Invasive ductal bc. 7mm tumor. She had needle biopsy which came back inconclusive. She then had excisional biopsy. When I asked about her path report, she said they were "going" to do test for Her/2neu later on. She did not know whether she was Hormone + or - but had seen…
breast reconstruction options
I will be undergoing bilateral mastectomies next month and would like to have reconstructions at the same time. Has anyone had a tram flap reconstrction for one side and a silicone implant for the other. If so I would be interested in talking to you. Thanks
Long term effects of Taxol on taste buds
I am a 69yr old female Survivor of breast cancer. Its been 14 months now and my food still tastes nasty , I am presently on Anastrazole 1mg daily. Can any one give me some insight one why it is taking my taste buds so long to return to normal or is there any remedy that you can reccomend?
Breast Cancer
Hi, I just found out that I have breast Cancer need some one to chat with.
Anyone under 40 taking Arimidex??
I've posted before and need new advise! I've recently had a worlwind. I'm 37 and discovered a lump one morning last week, called the doctor right away. Got an appointment that day and he sent me that day to have a mamm and ultrasound. They preformend a needle biopsy that day and extracted the tissues within the cyst/lump…
Re: has any one noticed when you get tired and out of energy
It has been two years since I finished chemo treatments and I find out when I get tired like I am right now I get a sore Throat and get sick because my system runs low does any one else notice this. Or am I the only one . I got a sore throat before Thanksgiving and was sick all weekend and still have sore Throat. I'm on an…
breast cancer that spread to the lungs
anyone w/experience w/the above? if so could you give a brief history and prognosis. i am doing research for a friend who has absolutely no idea how to research and has not received any info from her doctor. greatly appreciate it.
Aromasin vs Femara
Is anyone on Aromasin and if so, what are your side effects and thoughts on this drug. I am a 4 1/2 yr, stage 1 survivor (lumpectomy, clean nodes,radiation and 6 mos chemo). I was on Tamoxifen for 18 months then was put on Femara 18 months ago. Due to severe joint pain the onc took me off Femara for a month and said if the…
Sex and Intimacy ... Gone?
I am 38 and 2 months into my process of stage 1 breast cancer, full mastectomy, sentinal node surgery, expanders put in and now chemo. At the time of my life where I really need my husband, he seems to have emotionally and physically left the building. My husband is a person who was always very expressive and would love to…
newly diagnosed at 29.
Hello. I just joined today and I am in need of talking to other people hopefully of my age. I just turned 29 and found out I have breast cancer. I have had a partial mastectomy with a sentinal node biopsy. The margins of the surgery came back pos. and lymph nodes neg. Which is good. But I do have to go back for a full…
I need some advice for panic
Hi. I received some unexpected news from my most recent mammogram/ultrasound/stereotactic biopsy that my right breast mass is intraductal carcinoma. I've tried to calm myself down and even saw my surgeon 2 days ago and immediately after that I felt somewhat relieved, even though he explained all the different possible…
Breast Reduction Surgery after BC
If you have seen my posts you may know that I had BC in 2000 and discovered a recurrence this year in April. It came back to my spine. Treatment is coming along. Haven't been able to stablize the tumor markers yet but the hot spots seem to be resting. Okay ... my question is... has anyone had breast reduction while being…
chemo first, mastectomy, radiation
Diagnosed Sept. '05 - Invasive ductal carcinoma, right breast 5cm tumor; my breast surgeon recommended AC then T; mastectomy; radiation then tamoxifin. Any one been down the neoadjuvant road? I finished my AC, few side effects, now I've begun T. My oncologist said, because I've done chemo before surgery, it will be…
Diagnosed with DCIS, ER+, PR+ and HER 23%. I have had two opinions for treatment
Diagnosed with DCIS, ER+, PR+ and HER 23%. I have had two opinions for treatment and they are both different. One scheduled a lumpectomy right away and discussed chemo and radiation. The other wants to do genetic testing and then if my genetic test comes back + to do a double mastectomy. I have thought and thought about…
StageIII Her2+++ /Est-/Pr-
Hi, I am 37yrs. old and recently diagnosed at stageIII b/c. I am totally frightened of what the future holds and I am finding great comfort on this website. I guess I am reaching out to see if anyone has been diagnosed as Her2+++. It seems to be a stinky situation to be in. (as is all b/c diagnosis.) Thank you to all you…
Diagnosed with DCIS? Advise Anyone???
I've recently been diagnosed with Stage 0 DCIS. The tissues in my lump were tested normal - the fluid in my lump/cyst was tested for early stages of DCIS. During the needle biopsy, they extracted the entire tissue through sampeling and drained all the fluid. Looking for advise on what I should be feeling right now? I'm…
Weight loss after all this?
Hi! I'm 6 months out from radiation (35 treatments)after left mastectomy (3B, lobular, HER neu)12 chemo treatments (8 A/C,4 taxol), currently on Femara. During all this I've gained about 45 pounds, and I would really like to lose them. I am a lifetime member at weight watchers, but I just can't seem to get back into weight…
Getting pregnant after BC treatment
I am 35 years old and was diagnosed with stage II BC in June 2005. I just completed 4 cycles of EC and am starting the last 4 of Taxotere. The onc has me taking Zoladex to protect my ovaries and reduce estrogen production while taking the chemo. Once that is done, I have about 5 weeks of radiation treatments. Since the…
Prayer and Meditation
There's a wonderful resource on healing from a spiritual perspective: http://www.brother-aleksei.org/ It's non-sectarian, nondenominational; and it's very easy to read and understand. It has helped me a lot. There is hope. Shannon
to be alarmed or not?
I just joined to ask a question, i am getting no headway w/ the obs. I am 29 and have been having problems w/ breasts. I have been getting infected hair follicals continuously. They ooze a white puss and i have discharge from nipples. I also have blood from the nipples too at times. I have lymphnodes that are enlarged from…
6 tx AC/5FU - anyone else??
I was diagnosed with stage 2 at age 36. My tumor was 2.5 cm, ER+, PR-,high grade, no positive nodes. I was given 6 infusions of AC combined with 5FU. I do not know anyone else who received AC and 5FU together. Can anyone help me understand this? Did you get 6 infusions of AC and 5FU, and why? Everyone else I know who was…
Breast cancer as secondary cancer to childhood Hodgkins?
Looking for other Hodgkins survivor's that have been diagnosed with breast cancer caused by radiation from earlier HD treatment. I have been in remission from HD for 18 years. I found a lump in my breast and will have it biopsied next week. I would be interested in corresponding with anyone in similar circumstances.…
Alternative approaches with surgery?
Newly diagnosed with stage 1 or stage 2 breast cancer. I want to fight this thing. My family history is very bad. My sister and grandmother both diagnosed young with breast cancer and both died young due to reoccurrence of breast cancer. What else can I do besides the surgery, chemo and radiation??
Early Detection Scare
Looking for advice on what to expect on a recent needle biopsy. Looking for sisterhood guidance. I'm 37 and in a premenapausal stage.
Just a quick note to thank you for responding to my question. I am truly so scared and need some kind of reassurance that surviving this disease will be possible. I have a wonderful husband and two terrific kids I need to fight for! Thanks again and God's Blessings to all
Swelling and Numbness from Mastectomy
I had a mastectomy in 2002. Recently I have been experiencing numbness and smelling under my arm and on my back right behind my underarm. Has anyone else experienced the? Is it normal or should it be checked into? It comes and goes based on my activities. It is worse when I use the arm more.
Should I worry?
I have been doing well since July of 2003. Going to the Oncologist regularly, etc. Recently I have been subjected to continuous bouts of the runs for the past month. Should I call my doctor?
open up radition side???
Has anyone opened up their radition side? I've been through the works and need some more surgery, long story short, I need some advice, my radioligest says NO, Plastic surgeion says Fine, I just need to get adjusted and I might go bigger on both sides but afraid of my chest wall not being able to handel bigger emplants…
Makeup that stays on?
My best friend is having a problem with face make up staying on and doesnt want to go out. She is having such self image issues presently and I would love to try to help her with this. She sweats like crazy.Any suggestions for a good brand? Thanks for any help insane_medic@hotmail.com
Hi everyone, I need some really good honest advice. I have 3b breast cancer, and already finished triple dose chemotherapy (4 kinds) and radiation. SInce it's all been over, I've been in the hospital twice for dehydration and am still anemic. My POTS syndrome has gone from mild to chronic which means I black out every…