Surgery Scheduled
Have been so busy with pre-op testing; ekg, chest x-ray, blood work and today a PET scan. Got back this afternoon and surgeon's office called to let me know that I'm scheduled for a modified radical masectomy next Tuesday, June 23. Was diagnosed on June 2 so am happy this is moving right along. Have to admit I'm shaking at…
I have been reading posts here and its seems most have lost at least one of their "girls". I have stage IV breast cancer that has spread to my liver and spine. My onc doc says I may not need surgery at all that my tumor markers are so good that after chemo and MORE radiation I will take tomixofin (sp??) now I am curious is…
Guess where we went today?
First pic of Jamie (My Baby) on Expressions page. Bought 3 tonnes of Glucosamine for the dog on my way home....Fingers crossed! Then weeded the garden borders and put down 5 bags of mulch, Got tagged by 2 Mossies and a horrible looking grub-type-thing....it BIT ME! Now I intend getting sloshed and making a nuisance of…
What is a port for chemo?
Is a port a hole they put in your skin for chemo? I am sorry, but, I don't know, but, I have seen it mentioned on here. Thanks
Ballot...... My Sister....
My Sister phoned me today. She wishes to become a member of the Daft Sod Club. The question is: Should we let her in? She is, after all, NOT one of US. Maybe we should have a few rules in here. I mean where do we draw the line? We'd end up with all manner of Riff-Raff! If we allow her sort in she will soon be followed by…
This is a great quote (annynomous author)
My daughter has this quote framed in her room. It was given to her after her beloved grandmother passed away this year, I thought it was fitting for all of us, but especially by all those who are going through an exceptionally difficult time right now (be it chemo, rads, family, med reactions, depression, or just life):…
I have a confession
I am still learning about the Net and all the computer language acronyms related to it. In a prior post, I wrote a serious message and signed off "lol." I apoligize. I thought "lol" meant "lots of love." I asked my daughter when she came in tonight, then told her what I did. She thought I should write an apology and admit…
Roll Call: Weekend plans?!
Another week has gone by and I want to hear what everyone is up to this weekend! I will perhaps be getting a surprise dinner from my husband to mark the end of radiation. He's not really the surprise type, but he told me not to make theater reservations for Saturday, so I have a funny feeling he's planning something. I…
updated picture
Hi everyone. Just thought I would update my pic with my current hair color (was at my daughters mercy to dye my hair...this is what she picked!) I have been blond for just about 30 years! This will take some getting use to on my part! By the way....this is my "Grandpuppy" in the picture.....does she qualify for P.O.D.S.…
To: Fauxma, Eli4186, Christmasgirl, dmc_emmy, J916, Cindy54, AKiss4me, & Tommaseena
I just wanted to say thankyou for what you've said, and thankyou for taking the time to give me a better feeling about what's been going on lately. Sometimes life just sucks, but living it is great! You guys better get well soon, and stay that way! ---------------------------------------------ALWAYS,…
to post or not to post-just skip this...
Haven't much felt like participating here yesterday... I read the posts.. I see new members joining (and find myself crying for them).. see the jokes being thrown back and forth... Last night my Dennis, my husband, told me, "get on your computer and talk to them".. I told him I really didn't feel like it. I don't do pitty…
Relay For Life!
Reading about your Relay's this weekend brought back a lot of good memories for me. This May, was my first Relay for Life! I didn't know if I could really go or not, as, I knew it would be emotional, or, so I had been told. But, because my friends had made this team in my honor "Jeanne's Dream Team", I kind of HAD to go.…
On May 17, 2009, the people of Switzerland voted in favor of a constitutional amendment that supports the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). A total of 67 percent of the population voted in favor. Thus Switzerland becomes the first country in Europe to set out in its constitution authority for the…
Just wondering who all has or had a port for chemo. A nurse was worried mine had flipped over. I nearly died of fear it had, then she used a longer needle and all was fine. Has anyone heard of ports flipping over? I would think it would be awfully painful if it did. :) Libby
question about chest pain
I am almost a year out from having a bilat mastectomy and 7 months out of chemo. I have developed a concerning pain on my right chest area, feels muscular, but also hurts when I take a deep breathe or use my right arm? Kind of freaking out? Anyone else experience anything like this?
DONE with cancer treatments!
Well, it happened today. I had my last radiation booster, a talk with my rad. onc., a hug, and that was that. I walked out of the hospital done with active cancer treatment. I will be doing a few more things like zometa and maybe a vaccine clinical trial, but nothing that will be as continuous or intense as chemo or…
My First Experience of Relay for Life
good morning everyone, I wanted to share my first experience of Relay for Life.. I arrived at 4pm and we immediatley started setting things up. My responsibility was to sell Luminaria, and to pass out Shirts to survivors and give them their goodie bags. At 6pm we had a wonderful chicken dinner. 7pm opening Ceromonies…
What does flagged mean ?
How come I have seen on one of the posts it says reply and flagged. What does flagged mean?
Good news....
I just wanted to share some very good news with everyone. As everyone knows I have been waiting on results of OncotypeDX test to come in to know if I will need chemo. Well, I was sitting here this evening (sorta feeling down) and the phone rings. When I looked at the caller ID I thought "Oh no, don't answer that, it's a…
Morning Chuckle...
The children are in line for lunch in a catholic school caffiteria... at the front of the line is a large bowl of apples, a Sister had placed a note that said..."Take only one God is watching"... at the end of the food line was a bowl of chocolate chip cookies, a child had placed a note that said..."Take all you want, God…
IF IT Came back?
How many would go through it all again? Just asking........ Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
How do you know if reoccurance?
I am HR/Pr positive, had chemo and reconstruction. For those that have a reoccurance, how do you know? Do you go and do the blood test and something shows up there? I have had a pain in my hip for about 2 months but that could be from the meds. How do you know and what process do the doctors do to determine if the cancer…
newly diagnosed
well I am new here and just found out that I have cancer! I am going for consultation mon. The radiologist said that he was surprised that the pathlogist found it . He said it is .5 mm. The procedure is going fast with an appointment Mon with oncologist. I don't know if I should stay here or get a second opinion if both…
We are here....everything is fine...tired...
We arrived in Holland yesterday afternoon. Before we left, we set up Skype (internet conference calling with video) on all the kid's computers. We 'talked' with both Hans' son and my daughter after we arrived home in Zwolle. The flight was quite interesting. We reached LAX, and asked for any upgrades. The gal at the desk…
Relay Tonite
Hey Everyone: Today is our Relay here in Woodbridge, NJ it will be held at my kids' school (Colonia High School). As I walk the Survivor's Lap, I will be saying all your names and offering a prayer that God keeps us in his grace. When I light my luminaire it will be dedicated to all my sisters and brothers in pink who have…
Just Finished Treatment
Hello. My name is Pat and I had cancer. I was diagnosed late September and within 2 weeks had all the tests, pet scan, and on October 13th a partial mastectomy (lumpectomy). Tests came back that the cancer was Stage 1, but they sent part of the tumor to some lab in California where they do DNA/genetic testing on it. The…
Did It Really Work?
While going through chemo...i was blessed to not have the nausea that so many are plagued with..i had the horrible bone/joint pain, but think that was more from the nulasta shot, and the fatigue...omg, the fatigue that i'm still fighting three weeks after my last treatment. But i'm wondering...if i didn't have the side…
I am Hoping against Hope you will get to read this!!!!
Today it seems I am able to post!! In case ( Chenheart says with insecurites showing!) you have missed me, ONLY on the CSN site to I get the dreaded " Page Cannot Be Displayed." This is happening after trying repeatedly to answer your emails, and/or reply to your threads. It is very disheartening, and makes me feel as if I…
Am I weird or something?
I get strange looks from the onc and surgeons when I ask about removing my "good" boob at the same time I have my reconstructed breast removed. Am I too vain or weird for not wanting to go through life as a "cyclops?" Background: First diagnosed 1998 at age 47 with invasive ductal, one positive node. Mastectomy on involved…
"lessons life taught me" by 90 year old Regina Brett
Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio "To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more: 1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. 2. When…